Monday, January 19, 2015

Kangaroo Court Welcome to the USA home of the Free Mason Kangaroo Court system- Truth Justice In The American Way- I never thought Ct would be one of the worst offenders- I don't want to read about understanding school shooters and the psychology behind it ok? The majority of people know full well who the real terrorists are, the string pullers that own Newsweek that just wrote a huge article of the psychological profile of the Adam Lanza types. Newsweek you have zero credibility, by perpetuating the myth that Oswald was the lone shooter still today 51 years later says it all. Your entire house of cards will come crashing down eventually, we just have to make sure the real terrorists don't kill anybody else before it gets to that point. People in general are not violent, very few people are lone wolf assassins. Unless they are paid hit men and we know all about these criminal mobster backed operations. DHS the biggest mobster operation ever created after the Coup' De Tat on 9-11-01. The first Coup was in 1963 with JFK so please Newsweek stop insulting readers with your pseudo criminal profile of school shooters because every one of them has been a black ops operation. Do people actually pay these so called terrorism security experts that continually lie to the masses? Why don't they get a real job? Now we must watch out for another non existent Adam Lanza and push big pharma drugs for Autism and Aspergers. School security must be on high alert at all times because DHS is going to come in and start doing drills because who knows what will happen next. Of course the non violent real security experts are now labelled  crack pot domestic terrorists that should all have National Security letters sent to them. We all must watch out for those guys because they are poking too many holes in the criminal operations that have made trillions by terrorizing the masses.

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