Monday, January 5, 2015

Green Zone And WMDS

Does anybody remember who Scott Ritter is? He was the UN weapons inspector who did his job and stated that Iraq to his knowledge did not have WMDS. Let me explain how bad of a situation this is. Its one thing to have faulty intel that was gained through (SIGINT or HUMINT) as long as it was done with pure intentions, its quite another to deceive and manipulate the world with motives that are of pure malevolence. I watched a little bit of Green Zone with Matt Damon. He played a sf soldier that wasn't too pleased that the intel in reference to WMDS was bogus. When will these clowns be held accountable for their actions? Ritter was on Oreilly the establishment mouthpiece and master of all mind control. Oreilly had me convinced that Ritter was a traitor that wasn't a straight shooter. In fact Ritter was a straight shooter, that is why they more then likely planted child porn on his pc and set him up as a pedophile. Apparently almost half of congress has been compromised with real nefarious deeds, ie- pedophilia etc..This makes me sick, our country has been hijacked by freaks and cowards. If they cant get you on something for real then they will plant it as in Ritters case. Then there was Valerie Plame the gorgeous CIA noc (non official cover) that had her cover blown and life ruined by the Bush con artists just because her husband a US Ambassador wrote a real article about WMDs and what wasn't found. (Dr David Kelly, high level expert scientist) was found dead in very suspicious circumstances as well- the list goes on. Let us never forget how they sent in a black ops hit team to assassinate Pat Tillman and this was green lighted by a high ranking American general. Blair, Bush, Cheney etc are all guilty of some serious war crimes. Wasn't it bad enough that Mossad along with Saudi intel and rogue factions of our CIA nuked us on 9-11 but then they had to kill, set up and blackmail anybody else that got in the way? Apparently there are nukes planted underneath many major cities (Samson Option) and the Bush regime may have been blackmailed by the Israelis to carry out 9-11. DHS are run by a bunch of anti American pedophile freaks and they cant wait to continue on with their (Full Spectrum Dominance campaign.) PNAC- Project For A New American Century- They needed a new Pearl Harbor pre-9-11. War is hell, war is chaos, that is the real goal for the USA, UK and Israel. Muslims were never the real terrorists. They were a creation of the West pure and simple. (ISIS- Israel Secret Intelligence Service) They have betrayed me and they have betrayed the American people. They lied, cheated and stole their way into innocent countries and mass murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent Arabs, women and children, thousands of our soldiers and private contractors have either been killed or ruined for life. These freaks are dangerous sociopaths, their hubris is off the charts. False flags- Sandy Hook, Aurora, Boston Marathon etc.. I don't buy that execution of those two NYPD cops either. I believe that was a false flag operation based on my preliminary investigation. That massacre in Pakistan that slaughtered little school children was more then likely a false flag operation and this was confirmed by Gordon Duff. (slaughtering women and children is their signature) These freaks are bad news. They get off on slaughtering or in the Sandy Hook case making it appear that little children were slaughtered. Whatever can deliver the most emotional and visceral impact on the dumb ed down masses. They picked Newtown because it was one of the most peaceful and safest towns in the entire country,  this would unequivocally deliver the most emotional and visceral impact on the American people. In order to manipulate their sadistic one police state agenda they need to expedite false flag shootings because Aliens are scared to death of guns, now we know why they are in such a hurry. They also get off on child sacrifice and pedophilia, its sick, twisted and very disturbing. Unfortunately there is a shortage of Patriots that are willing  to call these freaks out for exactly who and what they are. We need more straight shooters that have the courage to call a spade a spade, there are a few openings on our team.

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