Saturday, January 31, 2015

Grave Danger We are in grave danger my fellow Americans. It looks like David Crowley and his family may have been taken out with a Mossad Hit.When are these ruthless predators and gangsters going to realize that it doesn't matter how many more people they kill all of the information is going to come out anyway and this includes all of the brave warriors at VT because they have all of the real intel about 9-11. This includes intel on every gangster operation not only in the US but throughout the globe.Every fake terrorist cell even the real ones this also includes all of the goods on the massive and multiple money laundering operations going way back including drugs that are shipped right here into the USA. I don't know about anybody else but I am still shaken to my very core about being nuked on 9-11 so I have nothing left to lose. Why didn't anybody in the alternative media world Alex Jones send out a RIP about David Crowley? This man sacrificed everything to let us know what is really going on. The FBI has been compromised so now it is up to the Military High Command to take care of business. I have been going down hill ever since I learned that cockroaches actually stood down and let our greatest President get assassinated. My heart will never be the same so what difference does it make anyway. This is whats going on- the Zionists may nuke the Superbowl and take out the entire state of AZ. They know that their days are numbered so everybody must be on high alert- All of the brave warrior intel cowboys and we all owe our lives to the brave warriors at VT. They have payed a heavy price in ways that most people would never be able to comprehend our imagine. These cockroaches have been trying to kill these brave warriors for years and this includes Gordon Duff Senior leader of the Clan Macduff- Shellfish poisoning are you serious? Everybody must watch Gray State and send out a RIP to David Crowley

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