Sunday, January 11, 2015

Know It Alls And Petty Narcissists It is not a good situation when people come across as know it alls but in reality many are nothing more then petty narcissists. The latest was when conversing with an associate about 9-11 being a nuclear event. This guy claims to be be a sniper from a black unit which I believe, he also claims to have been on the ground right after 9-11 taking radiation samples. I am surprised he didn't tell me that he was on loan to DEVGRU during deep and dark missions doing  HAHOs And HALOS- (high altitude high opening) (high altitude low openings). He told me that without question 9-11 wasn't a nuclear event. Guys like this make believe that they are the final authority on everything intel wise and if they didn't know about it themselves then it can not be true. Many even know the actual truth but can never admit when they are wrong. I don't want guys like this on my team. Humility is the name of the game, every day is a new learning experience. If you find out something new then one must give credit to where it is due. The VT guys deserve alot of respect and gratitude for the efforts that they put fourth. They are humble warriors, they are the only people with the courage to go after the most diabolical criminals to ever exist. This kind of information is way too much for most people. It is a combination of cognitive dissonance and denial that keep most people from accepting this kind of truth. It takes a special kind of investigation team to stay on top of it, that is why having Tier 1 assets as protection to act in both an offensive and defensive capacity if need be is what one would need bare minimum. This kind of information puts most people in ugly places especially as an investigator. I will compare it to FBI BAU- (Behavioral Analysis Unit.) John Douglas the father of Criminal Profiling got inside the mind of the serial murderer, sexual sadist psychopaths etc.. Its not an easy thing to do that is why even playing the role as an actor as in Mandy Patinkins case can get to be too much. Then there are the petty narcissists who do zero investigation on their own but assume that an investigation inquiry by somebody like Wolfgang would be an insult to the family members. Most people are not aiding and abetting in the actual crime, they are for the most part just people of below average intellect that could never imagine that people would actually stage a school shooting making it appear that little children were murdered. Therefore the primal instinct is to attack or even kill the messenger as in Gary Webbs case. To actually nuke our country on 9-11 and try to blow up the GW bridge, Holland and Lincoln tunnels rogue units would never do that I suppose. I write my blogs because I love my country and good people need our support. VT need more people to spread the word and to link their articles on their blogs and to write about it just as I do. Wolfgang Halbig needs financial support as well and newsflash (he is not in this for the money) I will do this until something actually gets done in a legal capacity.These crimes of high treason need to be kept high profile and they need to be kept in the spotlight. People need to develop courage, if you are not outraged and shaken to your very core by what some rogue Mossad operatives have done and continue to do to our country and to the innocent people of Arab countries (Palestine Apartheid) BS stories (Iran and their nuke plans) then I really don't want to know you. For you petty narcissist black unit sniper know it alls- VT had people on the ground during 9-11 doing radiation readings and many of their sources have real Q clearances. If you are so convinced that 9-11 was not a nuclear event then sign up for VT and let them know this on the comment section. You will be called out for who and what you are- (somebody who really doesn't know that much or have any real contacts.) Everybody must thank Gordon Duff, Jim Dean, Fetzer, Stew Webb, Preston James and company for going up against the trolls, shills, bots and petty narcissists over the years. Who knows maybe one day people will actually get locked up and executed for crimes of high treason.

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