Saturday, January 31, 2015

Holohoax Scam Intel Insiders Know The Truth

Grave Danger We are in grave danger my fellow Americans. It looks like David Crowley and his family may have been taken out with a Mossad Hit.When are these ruthless predators and gangsters going to realize that it doesn't matter how many more people they kill all of the information is going to come out anyway and this includes all of the brave warriors at VT because they have all of the real intel about 9-11. This includes intel on every gangster operation not only in the US but throughout the globe.Every fake terrorist cell even the real ones this also includes all of the goods on the massive and multiple money laundering operations going way back including drugs that are shipped right here into the USA. I don't know about anybody else but I am still shaken to my very core about being nuked on 9-11 so I have nothing left to lose. Why didn't anybody in the alternative media world Alex Jones send out a RIP about David Crowley? This man sacrificed everything to let us know what is really going on. The FBI has been compromised so now it is up to the Military High Command to take care of business. I have been going down hill ever since I learned that cockroaches actually stood down and let our greatest President get assassinated. My heart will never be the same so what difference does it make anyway. This is whats going on- the Zionists may nuke the Superbowl and take out the entire state of AZ. They know that their days are numbered so everybody must be on high alert- All of the brave warrior intel cowboys and we all owe our lives to the brave warriors at VT. They have payed a heavy price in ways that most people would never be able to comprehend our imagine. These cockroaches have been trying to kill these brave warriors for years and this includes Gordon Duff Senior leader of the Clan Macduff- Shellfish poisoning are you serious? Everybody must watch Gray State and send out a RIP to David Crowley

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Ruthless Predators Gangsters We are in dark times my fellow Americans. We need to take our country back from Skull and Bones Pirates Predators Gangsters Cowards and and Thieves, Insane Zionists that nuked our country on 9-11 and tried to blow up the GW Bridge Holland and Lincoln tunnels. Millions of innocent people have died over this and I am sure they are still trying to figure out ways to kill anybody else that get in the way. These people control the world, they are ruthless predators that use stolen tax payers money and try to kill men like Lee Wanta and extort billions of dollars from him, money that is legally his. They have been using tax payers money to extort kill and bribe, they are Lucifarian insane individuals that are responsible for murdering our greatest President, his brother Martin Luther King the list goes on. I am confident that our greatest President son was murdered by these disgusting cockroaches as well.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Gordon Duff For President My faith in humanity has been restored by learning that Gordon Duff is considering running for President. We need to make this happen somehow and someway. No not with all of the rigged elections like the ones that have transpired before us but the real American way which stands for truth and justice. I am so happy and relieved that there is hope for our country after all so please I urge all Americans to learn about this man. Somebody that actually has a warrior code and empathy when was the last time we really had this JFK? It wont be easy to blast into the mainstream media with this announcement however we need to make this happen somehow and someway. When was the last time we ever felt safe to be an American? My heart has been irrevocably broken but now it is the time to give us some hope for our future. Gordon Duff is a fierce Scottish warrior, I finally found a leader that I can really look up to. A man that has just waged war against a major international Rico crime syndicate, this has been sending shock waves across the globe. When was the last time we had our President tell us the truth? It has only been a few months since I became a VT truth warrior however it has been the most refreshing time of my life. It is an honor to be able to read real US Intel. Gordon Duffs warriors actually want us to be informed and to know what is going on in this world when was the last time we really had this in our country? Jeb Bush was in Bellhaven for a fundraiser a few weeks back. Gordon Duff it would be an honor to have you at my fathers home for a fundraiser, I will try to raise the money myself. We are from the Clan Macleod 100%-  My mother is from the Clan MacDonald. Hold Fast is our Family Crest. My mother danced in the Highland Games up in Canada we are salt of the earth people. I admire all of the warriors at Veterans Today your courage and character is appreciated in more ways then you may ever know. Gwenyth Todd prevented a potential World War 3 scenario in Iran and this is just one example of the kind of people that stand with Gordon Duff at Veterans Today. Let us all dig deep on this one because our entire planet is at stake and Gordon Duff is the man we can trust with our lives. When was the last time we were able to say this about our President? Now is the time for direct action let us all stand tall once again for America

Jonathan Reich False Arrest

I cant figure out why Jonathan Reich was arrested with a $50,000 bail? On 3-10-13 a Ct state trooper determined "there was no further investigation needed" because Jonathans phone call to Wayne Carver was not threatening. Since this appears to be the case then why have NY Law Enforcement call Jonathans home in excess of 100 times and have NYPD homicide detectives show up and talk 250k bail? Why the arrest on 5-20-13 for second degree harassment? Considering he shouldn't have been arrested to begin with a second degree harassment charge is minor so why the 50k bail? This is usually a low key community court issue and in many cases lawyers are not even needed. Why was Jonathan jerked around 10 times for a case that seems to indicate that he shouldn't have even been arrested? Why did Jonathan end up with a $38,000 legal fee for a case that seems to indicate an illegal false arrest? Why was he told that he couldn't set up a legal fund on line to help raise money for his exorbitant legal fees? Why is there a $38,000 legal bill for Jonathan for a minor second degree harassment charge? Why did Assistant State Attorney Tom Obrien order Jonathan to never use the internet (social media) or speak to any news outlets? It appears that he shouldn't have been arrested to begin with so why are his constitutional rights being violated even more with this demand? Why was Wolfgang Halbig escorted out of the courtroom by court baliffs just because he wrote a note to a 72 year old woman? Kafka wrote The Trial, here we are 1984 in 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What Kind Of Society Kills Its Best Men Everybody must watch this film, 3 hours and its worth every minute of it. There are many things that I learned going back to the Illuminati Robber Barrons. EH Harriman and the industrial giants that helped build our country as monopolies and price fixers. Union Pacific Railroad, JP Morgan, Ford, the Duponts, Rockefellers, they all got rich by financing wars on both sides. My only criticism on this great film was that these fat cat war monger capitalists financed everybody including the Russians, Americans were just gullible saps. America didn't really win WW2 the Nazis did because the Bush regime and the bankers made a fortune. This is what financed Prescotts son and grand son as they took over the Nazi throne once George Herbert and his collaberators took out JFK. Apparently there was plenty of gold to take off  the bodies of the dead Jews. Another criticism on this film is the inaccurate Holocaust figure of 6 million. The Holocaust was a rich mans trick, Dr Fetzer breaks down specifics, the real number is more then likely 200000 dead Jews. There are good Judaics which is what Israel should be and then there are the Lucifarian Zionists, one must know the difference because this explains everything. Many good Judaics have been hijacked by the Zionists without even realizing it. The Bush regime along with Illuminati bankers all should have been executed for crimes of high treason in 1934 when they attempted their military Fascist coup in the US, they should have known that they were dealing with  General Smedly Butler An American First er. Its obviously tough to prosecute protected entities when they own and pull the strings of every country. These mobsters weren't too bright but they had the FBI JE Hoover in their back pocket. They had all of his homosexual and gambling dirt on file. If anybody was a good man, decent and honorable like JFK they were eliminated. In 1933 Chuck and Sam Giacana took out Anton Cermak and used a patsy because nobody could try to crack down on Al Capones bootlegging business. This leads to our Presidents assassination. Joe Kennedy played ball with the mob and made big money however a certain faction eventually put out a hit out on him. He had no choice and turned to Sam Giancana the ultimate Don to call off the hit. The mob expected him to return the favor by having his son play ball and to go along with the criminal con games and skull and bones secrecy backed by "Classified National Security." When this didn't happen this is one of the major reasons they eventually assisted in the assassination of our greatest President. JFK would have changed the world as we know it. There would be no cia, Skull And Bones, 9-11 False Flag, cia drug running and child sacrifice pedophile rings. He even wanted to abolish the Fed. He vehemently rejected to Operation Northwood, I highly doubt JFK would have ever taken out a hit on anybody, he didn't need to because he was a real man and so was his brother Bobby.The criminal gangster Bush regime set up the hit and they were sloppy rank amateurs (in the same league as the Sandy Hook con jobs). Gordon Liddy (I never liked that guy) took out a Dallas cop that looked like JFK and they did the body double charade (sounds like The Bin Laden Raid) It was all over, these disgusting mobsters, thugs criminals, pieces of garbage had 8 shooters and they still couldn't get the job done. It wasn't Woody Harrelsons father after all. The Sewer drain kid punk shooters, everybody overlooked that over the years. Our society has been crumbling down ever since. There is no warrior code or empathy, just greedy Zionist mobsters backed by the Military Industrial Complex. Flat out sociopaths that are getting ready to start the next Third World War with Iran for profit. Skull And Bone Pirates, the real Watergate scenario may have had the real intel about JFKs assassination, that is why the reporters plane went down with FBI agents on the ground ready to confiscate all of the evidence. We are doomed because Free Mason protected entities are untouchable

Monday, January 19, 2015

Kangaroo Court Welcome to the USA home of the Free Mason Kangaroo Court system- Truth Justice In The American Way- I never thought Ct would be one of the worst offenders- I don't want to read about understanding school shooters and the psychology behind it ok? The majority of people know full well who the real terrorists are, the string pullers that own Newsweek that just wrote a huge article of the psychological profile of the Adam Lanza types. Newsweek you have zero credibility, by perpetuating the myth that Oswald was the lone shooter still today 51 years later says it all. Your entire house of cards will come crashing down eventually, we just have to make sure the real terrorists don't kill anybody else before it gets to that point. People in general are not violent, very few people are lone wolf assassins. Unless they are paid hit men and we know all about these criminal mobster backed operations. DHS the biggest mobster operation ever created after the Coup' De Tat on 9-11-01. The first Coup was in 1963 with JFK so please Newsweek stop insulting readers with your pseudo criminal profile of school shooters because every one of them has been a black ops operation. Do people actually pay these so called terrorism security experts that continually lie to the masses? Why don't they get a real job? Now we must watch out for another non existent Adam Lanza and push big pharma drugs for Autism and Aspergers. School security must be on high alert at all times because DHS is going to come in and start doing drills because who knows what will happen next. Of course the non violent real security experts are now labelled  crack pot domestic terrorists that should all have National Security letters sent to them. We all must watch out for those guys because they are poking too many holes in the criminal operations that have made trillions by terrorizing the masses.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

They Took Away Our Innocence They murdered our President and sent millions of Americans into a depression with PTSD that still linger on to this day. My sister was barely yet born, these people need to pay for their crimes. They killed 55 thousand Americans and ruined millions overseas because JFK would have never sent  our boys into the jungle in that capacity and they knew this. What kind of person would let our president get assassinated? The answer is simple the same demons that stood down on 9-11 and let this happen as well, hundreds were Americans and Gordon Duff has all of their names. What kind of man regardless of country of origin would keep silent on this knowing full well what has happened since? There is a sitting Grand Jury that may sit for ever and die of old age unless direct action and pressure is put on the subject. There are people already in Witness Protection, for you cowards that know everything and still do nothing there is still time for you to come to Jesus. If you are not religious then you better find some form of god because you are guilty of aiding and abetting in the death of millions of people in this phony hoax war on terror. You are guilty in aiding and abetting in the Gladio Boston bombing, Aurora movie massacre and the Sandy Hook school shooting that has transpired since. VT sent a Senior Special Forces Commander to give a warning to the military base in Arizona that is using tax payers money to hack, disturb, cut into and generally harass the living daylights out of VTs various networks, these people are guilty of Treason. They are an American military base with a General as Commanding Officer. These people are in the same league as the cowards who stood behind the assassination of our President in 1963, the USS Liberty, 9-11 and everything that has happened since. Admiral Mccain the former Presidential candidates father stood behind the False Flag USS Liberty cover up. Senator Mccain, one of the founding fathers of ISIS (same state as rogue military base) What will they do next? Not one Law Enforcement group or mainstream media outlet is interested in the intel that VT has in regard to 9-11. Why am I not surprised, these people are guilty of cowardice and Treason and should be sued. Our team is very much interested in this 9-11 intel and our entire country should be. How much more can we really take? How much more should we take, haven't they done enough to hurt us?

Friday, January 16, 2015

Did They Murder William Shanley As Well? Where is William Shanley? He had the courage to file a lawsuit now he is mia? Isn't this a little obvious? I read letters that William Shanley wrote to Malloy and Obama, he made it very clear that he didn't want anymore dead people to cover up the Sandy Hook scam and now he is missing? Where is he? Shanley mentioned that his roommate died in suspicious circumstances this past August and I believe him. I feel that Shanley is a little quirky and eccentric but he is an artist, we all have our idiosyncrasies. He has courage and character for even attempting to step up to the plate. Those disgusting creatures better not have harmed William Shanley because this one will never ever get swept under the rug

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Do Your Job Boston Officials't-pardon-mark-wahlberg/ar-AA88gcS- I am trying to figure out why this former Mass prosecutor is wasting his time with Mark Walberg and why he shouldn't get pardoned? Something that he did as a kid is this really worth talking about? He is one of the best actors on the planet. If anybody has any doubts then watch Shooter, Fighter and his portrayal of Marcus Luttrell in The Lone Survivor. We have a bunch of time wasters and cowards acting as public officials how much more obvious can it get? Why inst there anybody talking about protecting the life of the Chechnya  patsy to make sure they don't put him to death? They already killed his brother and MMA friend, you people are disgusting and pathetic. There were so many corrupt officials involved in the Boston Marathon False Flag many people need to go to jail. Where are the real men of this world? They may execute this innocent kid who more then likely was a cia asset that had absolutely no idea what was coming? This is a very bad situation, when is somebody going to speak out instead of focusing on how and why Mark Walburg shouldn't get a pardon are you serious? False Flags are an act of war on our country, it is not their country, they are insane Zionists that have hijacked nearly 50% of the US military and most leos, countless prosecutors and judges, but not the military high command let us all be very grateful for this. Walburg should be speaking out against Wounded Warriors for skimming too much money off the top other then that he is a solid warrior and great actor.There was mass collusion across the board between local, state and federal law enforcement agencies during the Boston Marathon False Flag. This is corruption and Treason at the highest levels.What is DHS going to do next start running drills at Greenwich High school after sending letters to the parents to let them know that they are heroes and are training to prevent the next Adam Lanza? Do they really think everybody is that dumb? People usually have alot of money because number one they aren't that dumb and even more important most rich people never had to rob anybody blind to get where they are in life. They flew in two Mossad doctors to take care of this innocent patsy after they arrested and then ran over and killed his brother, wasn't this a little obvious?  I watched the Iron Man triathlon a few weeks ago in Kona. The Boston Marathon race director was a participant. He talked about how a law enforcement official told him that the race was no longer his after the fake bombings. I have alot of respect for race directors, I know three personally, they are unsung heroes and work very hard. He expressed his compassion toward the victims of the marathon hoax. I am going to reach out to this race director and let him know that he was egregiously manipulated and lied to. His race was hijacked by ruthless predators hell bent on Marshal Law. I am a friend of a former world class Iron Man Kona tri athlete who placed in the top 5, I was even at his wedding. He also trains Navy Seal candidates, we both went to the Coast Guard Academy to do some spotting for potential Seals. He is a fierce Scottish warrior, as tough as nails. I may reach out to him as well to help spread the word, we all need to fight this war together

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Disturbing Beyond Words One cant really talk about this kind of thing with anybody because unless they have been initiated into the dark side so to speak there is no way that anybody would think that this was nothing more then a smear campaign against the most powerful head sheds in the world. I believe in this article and no I cant prove this but I believe that Stew Webb can in the court of law if they ever let him. I doubt they will however, the other reason I believe in the veracity of this article is because I always consider the source. Is everybody perfect of course not, I trust the integrity of this article as well as the Illumuniti Denver 12 cult Stew Webb has been exposing as of late. If this article were not true then Stew Webb and company can expect lawsuits the size of Mt Everest. I believe that Bush senior is worth trillions based on the Lee Wanta scenario therefore it is obvious that these people can afford a lawyer or two. The Franklin Cover Up- Boystown etc. has been known about  for years, I am sure people have lost their lives over this what else is new? However the entire Pedophile child sacrifice, trafficking, drug running scenario is getting stronger legs in the alternative media for the very first time. Thank the brave warriors at VT for this they have all payed a heavy price. The UK scandal Prince Andrew, Jerry Sandusky and company etc I cant write anymore because I may throw up. How did these creatures ever get in positions of power? The other link covers the hired gun that I wrote about in my American Sniper blog. Apparently this guy is stating that he went along with the assassination plot because he was concerned that he would get taken out if he refused. Wow there really are some dark times out there. A hired gun take out plan based on fear of getting taken out, what has our world come to?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

France False Flag Confirmed How does one explain to the average person who has never had the inclination to dig any deeper then what slop the mainstream media dishes out that things really aren't what they seem? It is bizarre, lets think about how twisted this really is. People with real courage report what is really going on, since its sounds so insane this is how the good guys are labelled whack jobs and far out conspiracy theorists never to be taken seriously. However we are not the ones doing this we are just reporting the real truth therefore it makes the actual perps the ones that are far out and insane. It would be easier to tell somebody in the Sandy Hook case that it was a black ops Mossad hit, there were multiple shooters spotted on the scene just like at Columbine. Most people don't trust big government however when the reality is that no children really died, Adam Lanza never existed (it was a Fema Capstone drill that went live making it appear there were real victims,) Except for the multiple people they killed to cover it up there really aren't  26 dead victims. People would have a much tougher time swallowing that one. However in some ways its better then really killing people but it is still a huge diabolical Rico crime none the less. I am getting tired of these criminals terrorizing the masses and pissing off all of the good guys. Gordon Duff breaks down the France False flag in an article as well as in a You Tube video. It looks as if they used blanks, more then likely there were no real dead people in this one as well. There are some really dumb people in the truth movement. For example I was told that some people are spreading lies that 9-11 never happened. How difficult is it to understand- (False Flag Terrorism rears its ugly head in a variety of ways.)To simplify it, sometimes people really die and sometimes they really don't. There are usually crisis actors that are paid even when there are dead victims in an effort to magnify the fear and terror into the heart of the indigenous populace. Its fairly simple- If you want to start multiple wars and make trillions then blow things up on your home turf, blame somebody else and then proceed to go after anybody that vehemently objects to illegal wars and criticize their character and question their patriotism. If they have impeccable character then its time for the set ups hit teams and plane crashes as in Sen. Paul Wellstones case. Everybody else will get disappeared with the Patriot and NDAA Act or Rendition ed. That is how the tyrants role, we should give them much credit it works like a charm. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Call To Arms Glen Canady I give you much respect for this heartfelt article. Alex Jones its time to man up and answer some questions. Patriots are pure and noble souls, that is why having somebody who is 90% in the game and not 110% upsets the good guys on many deep levels. Its like setting up an executive protection detail where real lives are at stake- There is no way you can have any doubts or questions about ones character. If you have somebodys 6 only 85-90% of the time well its obvious that this individual will never get the job. Alex Jones, although I stated that I would start linking your articles on my blogs again I cant bring myself to do this. I only watch when Dr P. and Wolfgang are a guest. Dr P is the only reason I still have hope for you because he speaks very highly of you. My problem is this- I lost count on the number of times people called in and asked advice on what they could personally do to help fight the NWO. Awareness is great but without direct action it really doesn't matter. The fact that you never told people about Recalls as a solution is very telling. We don't need another blowhard like Oreilly. Your patriotic service far surpasses jokers like this but We the People need more because much more is expected of you. I already know that you are in bed with the Zionists to some extent however you still have alot of power and you can make a difference. Wolfgang Halbig is doing a real Sandy Hook investigation, that means FOIA requests for starters has anybody else done this, has anybody else had the courage lets be honest? That is the solution taking direct action, the guys at VT are the only ones to ever do the right thing and they continue to do this and they have all suffered immeasurably as a result. I don't like writing many of the things that I write about because most of it is quite disturbing, it upsets my mother and I am truly sorry for this. However I swore an oath to the US Constitution and I will never stop calling demons out for exactly who and what they are. It makes me sick to understand how people in positions of power were supposed to protect and serve- We The People but are nothing more then criminal gangsters who have put out hits on so many great people. They have started illegal wars for their own selfish gains, money, power, greed and mass murder it is horrific. Drug Running, False Flags, Pedophile rings etc.. Let me tell you something there better not be one more good person getting disappeared or Arkansided  those days must end. Alex Jones you had Richard Gage the Thermite Sniffer on your show recently however there is verified intel that  came out this past summer what are you going to do or say about this? Ken Okeefe makes as true a statement as I have ever heard. He said 9-11 is a litmus test to test ones Patriotism. Thermite Sniffers at A and E have already been exposed by Gordon Duff- Alex Jones you stated that you are basically the father and founder of 9-11 truth I heard you say this on your show. What do you have to say about the recent intel data dumps and the shock and awe articles posted by Gordon Duff as of late, are you really the founding father of 9-11 truth? 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Know It Alls And Petty Narcissists It is not a good situation when people come across as know it alls but in reality many are nothing more then petty narcissists. The latest was when conversing with an associate about 9-11 being a nuclear event. This guy claims to be be a sniper from a black unit which I believe, he also claims to have been on the ground right after 9-11 taking radiation samples. I am surprised he didn't tell me that he was on loan to DEVGRU during deep and dark missions doing  HAHOs And HALOS- (high altitude high opening) (high altitude low openings). He told me that without question 9-11 wasn't a nuclear event. Guys like this make believe that they are the final authority on everything intel wise and if they didn't know about it themselves then it can not be true. Many even know the actual truth but can never admit when they are wrong. I don't want guys like this on my team. Humility is the name of the game, every day is a new learning experience. If you find out something new then one must give credit to where it is due. The VT guys deserve alot of respect and gratitude for the efforts that they put fourth. They are humble warriors, they are the only people with the courage to go after the most diabolical criminals to ever exist. This kind of information is way too much for most people. It is a combination of cognitive dissonance and denial that keep most people from accepting this kind of truth. It takes a special kind of investigation team to stay on top of it, that is why having Tier 1 assets as protection to act in both an offensive and defensive capacity if need be is what one would need bare minimum. This kind of information puts most people in ugly places especially as an investigator. I will compare it to FBI BAU- (Behavioral Analysis Unit.) John Douglas the father of Criminal Profiling got inside the mind of the serial murderer, sexual sadist psychopaths etc.. Its not an easy thing to do that is why even playing the role as an actor as in Mandy Patinkins case can get to be too much. Then there are the petty narcissists who do zero investigation on their own but assume that an investigation inquiry by somebody like Wolfgang would be an insult to the family members. Most people are not aiding and abetting in the actual crime, they are for the most part just people of below average intellect that could never imagine that people would actually stage a school shooting making it appear that little children were murdered. Therefore the primal instinct is to attack or even kill the messenger as in Gary Webbs case. To actually nuke our country on 9-11 and try to blow up the GW bridge, Holland and Lincoln tunnels rogue units would never do that I suppose. I write my blogs because I love my country and good people need our support. VT need more people to spread the word and to link their articles on their blogs and to write about it just as I do. Wolfgang Halbig needs financial support as well and newsflash (he is not in this for the money) I will do this until something actually gets done in a legal capacity.These crimes of high treason need to be kept high profile and they need to be kept in the spotlight. People need to develop courage, if you are not outraged and shaken to your very core by what some rogue Mossad operatives have done and continue to do to our country and to the innocent people of Arab countries (Palestine Apartheid) BS stories (Iran and their nuke plans) then I really don't want to know you. For you petty narcissist black unit sniper know it alls- VT had people on the ground during 9-11 doing radiation readings and many of their sources have real Q clearances. If you are so convinced that 9-11 was not a nuclear event then sign up for VT and let them know this on the comment section. You will be called out for who and what you are- (somebody who really doesn't know that much or have any real contacts.) Everybody must thank Gordon Duff, Jim Dean, Fetzer, Stew Webb, Preston James and company for going up against the trolls, shills, bots and petty narcissists over the years. Who knows maybe one day people will actually get locked up and executed for crimes of high treason.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Jim Dean Makes Research Easier

Dear folks, To save you some time here is a partial list of our 9-11 nuke series starting in late May. Take them one at a time as the knowledge is cumulative. And don’t be embarrassed at having to read more than once…we all did. We had to put enough technical stuff for the nuclear phsyicists to know that we had the real deal. No one with any standing has attempted to refute any of it.

9-11 Able Danger And Torture Intel This is one of if not the biggest stories to ever hit this country. It is mind blowing to come to understand that the bigger the story the more it is censored by the main stream news criminals. Shouldn't that say it all about where we have landed as a country? Hijacked by Zionists, seriously New York Times do you really hate our country that  much that you wouldn't stand up to the bullies that own you? Your families future is as stake as well and they cant kill all of us and they already know this. Most if not all of the Mossad hit teams are on lock down thanks to the brave warriors and leaders like Gordon Duff and company, this should make the establishment owned press feel a little safer. If they still refuse to print this intel and other articles like it from VT then leave, you will get alot of respect from the American people. Become a whistle blower and tell us why your editors refuse to run this story, give us a detailed account. You will become an alternative media sensation and may help take this entire house of cards down. Amber Lyon did it, Sharyl Akinson as well however this story is much bigger, follow their lead and take a stand our countries future is at stake.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Illuminati Recruiting Campaign are they serious? Obsidian Analysis the DHS con job company from DC that provided the script for Sandy Hook. Did everybody take a look at their Illuminati Pyramid on their homepage? How much more pathetic can they get? Do they really consider themselves intel professionals, more like entitled establishment criminals that steal money from the American tax payers. I like to be surrounded by real men the kind that are paid big money to protect high level Ambassadors and Dignitaries and pretty much guarantee that their principle will not get taken out that is a real man. One must separate the men from the mission. BW- Triple Canopy those are real deal men not pansies that write scripts that make it appear that little children were murdered. It doesn't matter that the wars were illegal, unprovoked and unconstitutional. There was a need for high level executive protection details and most of the operators performed heroically in an environment far more hostile then Greenwich. They even offered some tactical services when the military soldiers were in a jam. Travis Haley the bw sniper in Najif he took care of business. One can make alot of money as a contractor that shouldn't be an issue, lets face it war is the only thing these guys can relate to, they are proud Americans. I really don't know where the Mossad wetboy pieces of shit are stashed away but those are the traitors. Black ops hit teams that would come in and assassinate men like Pat Tillman. Effeminate yuppy types that work for DHS behind a desk, they would be the first ones to run for cover during a real firefight. These clowns are doing their best to dis arm our country, I shouldn't be the only one that has a problem with this. Think about how these traitors have insulted our military soldiers and private contractors. The real men get back from high speed theaters of operation with battle wounds going way back. I had a great deal of affinity for an older operator who was on the ground in Iran during the hostage crisis and Delta quagmire. He was of Iranian decent, his resume was amazing ie- on loan to various alphabets over the years. He had chronic pain and tinnitus for doing his job at the highest level over the years. He is one of the best guys I have ever known. There are so many good people in the system, it is so unfortunate that a few puppet masters and their Illuminati followers have ruined it for everybody.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

9-11 Able Danger Intel Not BS Watered Down Version

9-11- 28 Page Saudi Scam This is a scam- The Saudis were involved but had a limited role compared to Israel's Mossad. Either way they don't want to declassify the 28 pages but most of this is a smokescreen. Col. Anthony Schaeffer knows what the real Able Danger Intel is but in my opinion somebody is paying him to push the Saudi angle as a diversion. I don't know Alex Jones if you really are the real deal then you would be giving a lot more respect to VT because they are the only ones with the courage to publish real intel, ie- Mossad nuked us on 9-11 and murdered 3000 plus people and they were doing their best to blow up the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels as well as the George Washington Bridge. Many people have died from complications and as many as 70,000 people have cancer from the radiation. One can see why they want to keep this covered up.Gordon Duff stated that some of the thermite sniffers in Architects And Engineers were involved in the actual planning of 9-11. Its obvious why there are smoke screens and diversions in reference to 9-11. Anybody that has studied the official account clearly understand the egregious fraud involved therefore non existent theories were needed to come out of the woodwork much sooner rather then later. What a RICO con job- The same exact planners of 9-11 ie-Philip Zelikow etc.. were the ones orchestrating the cover up and wow what a surprise they were all in charge of the actual investigation. (9-11 commission). National Security is the reason same as JFK and the Sandy Hook scam. Why so secretive it is all going to come out anyway it already has. VT is about to unleash a barrage of intel in reference to 9-11, right now its making the rounds in Russia and France intel circles. Once it hits the US on VTs home pages this will produce a ripple effect of shock and awe of epic proportions. Now we know why Stew Webb has had at least 30 attempts on his life. Satanic monsters and mass murderers like to keep everything top secret for National Security reasons.   

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Noah Pozner Died Twice How did Noah Pozner die twice? Well the death certificate that Lenny- Noahs alleged father provided to show proof of death in reference to the Sandy Hook scam is a certified fraud. Well I believe that those NWO freaks believe in dying more then once and laughing at the dumb ed down masses all the way to the bank

Monday, January 5, 2015

Sandy Hook Scam And Pakistan Crisis Actors I have reason to believe that Prof. James Tracy is legit. If there is digital forensic evidence to prove that Noah Pozners photo has been recycled in the Pakistan school shooting false flag then the veracity of the claim is more then likely an accurate one.. He should sue that CIA weirdo Anderson Cooper from CNN for potentially putting his life in danger by posting his home address- In retaliation for questioning one of the biggest con jobs of the century- the Sandy Hook Scam

Green Zone And WMDS

Does anybody remember who Scott Ritter is? He was the UN weapons inspector who did his job and stated that Iraq to his knowledge did not have WMDS. Let me explain how bad of a situation this is. Its one thing to have faulty intel that was gained through (SIGINT or HUMINT) as long as it was done with pure intentions, its quite another to deceive and manipulate the world with motives that are of pure malevolence. I watched a little bit of Green Zone with Matt Damon. He played a sf soldier that wasn't too pleased that the intel in reference to WMDS was bogus. When will these clowns be held accountable for their actions? Ritter was on Oreilly the establishment mouthpiece and master of all mind control. Oreilly had me convinced that Ritter was a traitor that wasn't a straight shooter. In fact Ritter was a straight shooter, that is why they more then likely planted child porn on his pc and set him up as a pedophile. Apparently almost half of congress has been compromised with real nefarious deeds, ie- pedophilia etc..This makes me sick, our country has been hijacked by freaks and cowards. If they cant get you on something for real then they will plant it as in Ritters case. Then there was Valerie Plame the gorgeous CIA noc (non official cover) that had her cover blown and life ruined by the Bush con artists just because her husband a US Ambassador wrote a real article about WMDs and what wasn't found. (Dr David Kelly, high level expert scientist) was found dead in very suspicious circumstances as well- the list goes on. Let us never forget how they sent in a black ops hit team to assassinate Pat Tillman and this was green lighted by a high ranking American general. Blair, Bush, Cheney etc are all guilty of some serious war crimes. Wasn't it bad enough that Mossad along with Saudi intel and rogue factions of our CIA nuked us on 9-11 but then they had to kill, set up and blackmail anybody else that got in the way? Apparently there are nukes planted underneath many major cities (Samson Option) and the Bush regime may have been blackmailed by the Israelis to carry out 9-11. DHS are run by a bunch of anti American pedophile freaks and they cant wait to continue on with their (Full Spectrum Dominance campaign.) PNAC- Project For A New American Century- They needed a new Pearl Harbor pre-9-11. War is hell, war is chaos, that is the real goal for the USA, UK and Israel. Muslims were never the real terrorists. They were a creation of the West pure and simple. (ISIS- Israel Secret Intelligence Service) They have betrayed me and they have betrayed the American people. They lied, cheated and stole their way into innocent countries and mass murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent Arabs, women and children, thousands of our soldiers and private contractors have either been killed or ruined for life. These freaks are dangerous sociopaths, their hubris is off the charts. False flags- Sandy Hook, Aurora, Boston Marathon etc.. I don't buy that execution of those two NYPD cops either. I believe that was a false flag operation based on my preliminary investigation. That massacre in Pakistan that slaughtered little school children was more then likely a false flag operation and this was confirmed by Gordon Duff. (slaughtering women and children is their signature) These freaks are bad news. They get off on slaughtering or in the Sandy Hook case making it appear that little children were slaughtered. Whatever can deliver the most emotional and visceral impact on the dumb ed down masses. They picked Newtown because it was one of the most peaceful and safest towns in the entire country,  this would unequivocally deliver the most emotional and visceral impact on the American people. In order to manipulate their sadistic one police state agenda they need to expedite false flag shootings because Aliens are scared to death of guns, now we know why they are in such a hurry. They also get off on child sacrifice and pedophilia, its sick, twisted and very disturbing. Unfortunately there is a shortage of Patriots that are willing  to call these freaks out for exactly who and what they are. We need more straight shooters that have the courage to call a spade a spade, there are a few openings on our team.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Real Able Danger Intel

More Real Shock And Awe

Nuke Cancer From 9-11-2001

We Were Nuked On 9-11-2001 I neglected to mention in my blog yesterday that it appears that Mossad had sophisticated jammers on 9-11 that may have led to the complete breakdown of effective comms within the NYFD- I lost a friend from junior high school, a member of the NYFD-He was one of the many people that I knew that were murdered that day. Many people have been diagnosed with specific forms of cancer- The kind one gets when directly exposed to radiation from a nuclear event.