Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Project Longevity Gun Grabbing Kickback Scam

Interesting cast of characters we have at the top. It looks like they really wanted to make a statement in Newtown with all kinds of payoffs, coersion, intimidation tactics ad infinitem . Dr P breaks down the weirdo Skull and Bones Bohemian Grove crowd at Yale University and how they were more then happy to get involved with Criminal Acts of High Treason. Gov Malloy that wasn't a very nice thing to do to the American people and obviously the people of Ct. Fraud, Treason, Emotional Manipulation, horrible stage actors, trying to pull the wool over our eyes. Alot of people are waking up now so it would be much better to come clean sooner rather then later. Please study Dr Steve Pieczeniks blog from Dec 29 and take notes, he is brilliant and a complete breath of fresh air for the American people-better yet sign up and receive all of his blogs to your e-mail from now on www.stevepieczenik.com    The Rise of  Liberal Fascism:  Eric Holder’s “Project Longevity” Targeted “Gun Violence” BUT FUNDED Connecticut Governor Daniel Malloy’s NON-EXISTENTNewtown Massacre!

Scripted by Yale University Child Psychiatrist,   Dr. Robert A. King and St. Anselm's College Graduate Kathleen Koenig, RN  and investigated by 1983 Best Dressed Conn. State Police Keystone Cops.
  Welcome to the New Reichstag!!
  When Hitler burned the Reichstag in the late 1930’s and created False Flag attackin Poland,   Hitler never would never have imagined that a Black Liberal American President  Barack Hussein Obama and his sycophant Attorney General Eric Holder [Mark Rich’s Whore] would create a completely nonsensical narrative about a non-existent Adam Lanza and a confabulated Newtown School massacre.   
Of course, Hitler’s rise could not have been possible without the German Jews’ “Transfer Agreement”;  the Zionist assistance of Palestine;  the funding of bankers [Jews and non-Jews]; and the help of American companies like IBM [Watson];  Rockefeller Brothers [funded Mengele’s eye projects in Aushwitz]; and the greedy Ford Company.
  Money drives ideologies and wars.
  But real people die in real wars.
  And fake people die in fake wars or school massacres.
  Which is more terrible?
  Do the means justify the ends? 
Is a black president above reproach for having lied continuously to the American people about Osama Bin Laden;  Benghazi;  Newtown Massacre; and, of course, folks,  Obamacare?
Should the first black Attorney General Eric Holder be impeached for having created Newtown Massacre through his Project Longevity intended to decrease gun violence?   Or should Eric Holder should be impeached for lying about “fast and furious”,   IRS Tax investigations of conservative groups et al.?

When should Connecticut Governor Daniel P. Malloy be recalled and  indicted formisappropriating federal funds from FEMA to create a Nonsensical Narrative and Stand Down called “Newtown Massacre.”????
  Dear readers,   I have waited a long time for the this so-called 7000 Page CONFABULATED “LANZA’S PSYCHIATRIC TREATMENT REPORT.” 
It finally came,  as expected with a sordid,  highly textured,  conflicting,  deception by  Retired- Reuben  F. Bradford--the first black Connecticut State Police Commissioner.   Conveniently,  Bradford,  Holder's tool,   recently resigned.
  This coward,  Bradford,  working at the behest of the  Governor Malloy and his Multi-Masters:  FEMA,  FBI and Eric Holder’s Department of Justice,  did not have the guts to stay around and answer real questions about this completely nonsensical,  pseudo-psychiatric absurdity-called,  the Lanza’s Psychiatric Evaluation.     This report,  written by Adult Board Certified,  Child Board Certified,  Professor of Child Psychiatry:  Dr. ROBERT A. KING M.D.    Dr King is a  Psychiatrist,  Child Psychoanalyst who worked at Anna Freud’s Clinic in London and WorkedEXTENSIVELY IN ISRAEL!!!
  Folks, remember this name!
  This is the Ultimate Judenrat!!  
The Jew who betrays his own people—Americans,  Jews,  Christians,  Muslims,  Hindus,  Atheists.
  Why do I indict him?
  Because he,  by his own incredible admission  "conducted a three-hour psychiatric evaluation of Lanza on OCTOBER 2006"…  Furthermore,  this unethical psychiatrist who should have never revealed any details of a patient’s record,  if he did see him.     He diagnosed the NON-EXISTING ADAM LANZA as  having  "PROFOUND AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER WITH RIGIDITY AND ISOLATION AND LACK OF COMPREHENSION OF ORDINARY SOCIAL INTERACTION AND COMMUNICATIONS. "
Wow!  Imagine that,  a diagnosis tailor made for the year long,  contrived narrative of the Sandy Hook False Flag!
  What is Dr Robert King’s purported expertise?
   Obsessive Compulsive Disorders and Psychoanalysis of Children!!
Very interesting that I,  a Jewish psychiatrist trained at Mass Mental Health and Harvard Medical college,  am criticizing the diagnosis by a Jewish psychiatrist trained at the same schools within a few years from the time I was there!!??  Such a coincidence!   
  Of course,  this is nonsense.
  It took a psychiatrist like me to disprove this ridiculous narrative and to give the legitimacy to the NRA and others who do not want gun control. 

But let's examine why the state of Connecticut is in such a sorry state.     Why would Governor Malloy and the chief of State Police go along with such a doosey of a false flag like Sandy Hook??     What do you do if you have millions of federal dollars at stake in FEMA,  Dept Of Justice,  FBI funds and you have terrible crime rates (especially black on black crime)  in your big cities like Hartford,  New Haven(home of Yale: skull& bones, training center for many past presidents), andBridgeport???    Wouldn't you go along to get a lot of money????

  Why Robert King?  from Yale?
   I don’t know him and I don’t care to know him.   But I do know a lot about him.
  First,  he was trained at the same psychoanalytically pathetic institution that I had trained in and left –Mass Mental Health.    King has the perfect credentials for RECRUITMENT into the CIA, FBI , BOTH and other INTELLIGENCE ORGANIZATIONS like the Mossad.    King is at best one of the countless number of psychoanalysts that were and are recruited by the CIA,  the American intelligence community /Military , and/or Mossad—he spent years in 'Neuropsychiatric Disorders'  IN ISRAEL.
  Why him?
  Why the big deal?
  I have no problem if a psychiatrist works for the CIA,  FBI, or any intelligence organization.    As a former DAS and an America citizen I was more than proud to work with the finest of the CIA,  the FBI,   and Military Intelligence.
These guys should work against enemies of the U.S.A.  not against American Taxpayers/Citizens!
Yale gets big money grants from FEMA,  Darpa,  FBI,  CIA….so they use the presidents of the Yale and its doctors/nurses to do their bidding,   even if it means lying/ falsifying narratives to manipulate and dupe the American public.    For those of you that want more,  look up the present and recent past presidents of Yale,  see for yourself their area of expertise.    Look at the massive increase in funding Yale received under its past president who just conveniently stepped down in October.     I am sure the similar things happened in Nazi Germany…..citizens wonder "How did this happen?" but its after the fact….citizens still take hush money or are intimidated to "accept the government story".     How many times do we need to show that the government lies!   9/11,  Kennedy assassination,  Benghazi,  Death of Osama bin Laden….

Back to Sandy Hoax…… 
What about the other idiotic characters in Eric Holder's nonsensical story called the Newtown Massacre?
The mother,   Nancy Lanza,  took her desperately autistic son to the shooting range?   Despite the fact that the good Dr King says he was on anti-anxiety/anti depressant medications.   Yet she was from a idyllic, privileged  background in Kingston N.H.?  
The father,   a big shot a GE capital,  escapes prosecution in Libor scandal but his colleagues get indicted. 
The killer himself,  will we forever be haunted by the amateur photoshop image of his sweet,  robotic face?
The Sandy Hoax Yale doctor,  Robert King,   who supplies the retro diagnosis/evaluation for the killer.  Where will his next big grants come from???  Big Pharma?  
The crisis actors that look so fake on the videos fed to us by the controlledmedia???

Let's look at the past/present political liars that have come from Skull/Bones Yale.   This is how this stuff happens folks…..dive in and see for yourself.    The funny thing is that the Sandy Hook story is so bad,  most people that are talking,  don't believe it.    
This is a federal government that is out of control and they are using your tax money to scare the crap out of you,  spy on you and send you off to wars or experimenton you with dangerous drugs.    Get rid of these people.   Start with Holder,  then Obama and down the line…..before its too late.  
 Let's make this false-flag-filled "Project Longevity"  short lived!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Infiltrated Nation

HG Wells published  (The Open Conspiracy) in 1928. He knew all about the New World Order since he was a British insider when he made the following quote very apropos "Psychopathic drive of elitists to enslave the world in a unified empire." My next question is why is it that there it is in black and white but when rational minded people speak the truth they are made out to be whacked out conspiracy theorists that exist only in the fringes of society? In fact the cover ups and lies are so deep these psychopaths go out of their way to maim, kill, destroy and do absolutely everything they can to deny  reality and who and what they really are. As mentioned in my Lone Wolf blog sociopaths and psychopaths are for the most part one in the same, this means they have no emotion nor the capacity to feel empathy regardless of  the damage they create thus the reason they are so dangerous..Not all of these people fall into this category many are just weak minded lackeys and sycophants who are attracted to power and they leech onto the all mighty powerful for no other reason then they are pathetic spineless cowards.. It is my feeling that most of these sheep who aren't outright psychopaths do not have a deep understanding of what they really are guilty of "Aiding and Abetting Acts of High Treason" where the evil doers are hell bent on killing as many Americans as possible in any way shape or form however the first goal is to become a one Police state by disarming all of us. Fascist Totalitarian dictatorships do not work that has been proven already(isnt that what we fought for in WW2) so why are the elitists trying to reinvent the wheel and dishonor that war where thousands of brave Americans were killed and some of these veterans are still alive today, the few and the proud? My answer to that question is that in some twisted and diabolical way they feel that The New World Order will work as long as its done properly. Meaning if the shadow operatives hit us with mini nukes or maybe unleash a few dirty bombs the first goal of wiping out a large percentage of the population will be accomplished therefore there will be much less resistance.It is obvious that something is planned based on the 2 billion rounds that were purchased many of these were hollow point (definitely not used for target practice.) 2700 MRAPS on our soil that we know of not to mention Russian NATO troops of at least 380,000 that were all set and ready to go in Fema District 3 before the king makers tried to blow us all back into the stone age this past Oct 8. There are still 2 off line black ops nukes out there that nobody is even talking about and Gen Weinstein looks like he is ready to play ball and use these as "political weapons" maybe even hold us hostage since they got rid of all the real Generals who stood for what is still right in America..My feeling is that we wont even see the next one coming since the last one with Sen war monger Grahm and the now retired Homeland adviser Napalitano failed miserably and who knows if that attempt will ever be made public or receive any blow back whatsoever? It is also extremely important to note the body language of the slimy snake oil salesman exemplified when Jesse V asked a question about Fema Camps. That man wasn't even a good liar his first  reaction was that Fema camps didn't even exist isn't that telling, The Bilderberg Group doesn't exist either I suppose? Seriously we have liars, criminals cowards and sociopaths running our country, now we have an NDAA Act which appears to be worse then the Patriot Act that was signed in secret on New Years Eve and that was after our President said he wasn't going to sign it initially isn't that telling? Mcain was actually behind this, what happened to that man he was supposed to be a Vietnam POW war hero, I even voted for him?We also have a FISA court that doesn't need a real judge, jury or any due process what so ever because they know all and are way above the law and everything is conducted in secret what is wrong with this picture? My next few blogs will go back into history to explain what it was like what happened and how and why we are where we are today moving right along into 2014.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Round Up The Usual Suspects/Navy Yard Shooting

There is a great book called The 4 agreements- Basically if we follow these 4 principles life should be great- 1-always do your best 2-be impeccable with your word 3-don't take things personally and 4- last but not least don't make assumptions- This is the most important agreement when it comes to any investigation. Hopefully by now we all know that most mainstream media news outlets are in bed w/ the govt especially with their cia asset Anderson Cooper and all of the other lackeys who support crimes of High Treason. The easiest way to explain what has happened to our main stream media new outlets as well as a certain percentage of rogue operatives in our govt and of course we cant forget about all of the paid horrible crisis actors as well is an experiment from the early 1960s(1961) called the Milgram Experiment http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment- Basically this doctor was able to have innocent people right off the street participate in an experiment where they shocked the living daylights out of the participants to near death just because they were ordered to do so by somebody of authority,ie- in thier official looking doctors coat. Since the other people around them were doing the same thing a majority of the shockers felt that this meant that it was ok to continue on with this barbaric shock campaign. Its important to note that the shockers were right off the street without being official victims of the Dr Cameron- Jolly West MK Ultra mind control programs, that is why it is so easy to see how dangerous this technique really is.Its over for all of us once the evil doers are able to find a way to manipulate the remaining reality based real freedom fighters who are disgusted by the continuous criminal acts of our government with their terror based stage shows. The most important thing to do in any investigation is to ask questions and to never buy into an "official story" just because a propaganda based suit puts out a statement.The masses may be easy to manipulate but sooner or later the masses will hopefully wake up as well, many already have.This is where OSINT (open source intelligence) is playing such an important role in todays world. The best intel as of late is coming from people at home that are crowd sourcing with others because they are tired of being manipulated and egregiously lied to by corrupt news outlets and government sponsored stage shows, the numbers keep growing each and every day. A perfect example of this is a man from Canada who completely blew the cover off of the Navy Yard Shooting incident step by step piece by piece. He wasn't the only one to do this however he did an excellent job and deserves alot of credit for his effort. He claims that he isn't even being paid and I really do believe him because there are many other solid citizens(he isn't even a US citizen) just like he is who are full of righteous indignation and they are actually making a real difference in exposing the tyrannical efforts of the king makers at the highest levels of our govt who continue to shake us down with their weapon grabbing efforts.It doesn't appear to be letting up so we will see what the evil doers have in store for us next. Please take two hours of your time to listen to and watch these links and the evidence this man uncovers and try to support him in any way you can- 2 links to follow-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4htsljsqL4  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtABqywANM4

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The End Was Near

On July. 2 13 Janet Napalitano announced we should all get ready for an upcoming imminent natural disaster. quote- "Former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano ABC News Aug 27, 2013: “A massive and “serious” cyber attack on the U.S. homeland is coming, and a natural disaster — the likes of which the nation has never seen — is also likely on its way.“ She thought that was funny and made a comment that we would all need some advil as she ran for the hills and retired from her position as Homeland Security advisor to her comfy and cozy fortified bunker in Cal shortly thereafter. .My next question was how could she predict a natural disaster with her 380,000 Nato Troops all set and ready to go to declare Marshal Law on our soil? Did she resurrect Kenny Boy Lay from the grave to bet on the weather? The following video gives an idea of what her Fema boys were up to  http://freepatriot.org/2013/09/18/waiatch-fema-dhs-386000-foreign-troops-now-on-u-s-soil-obama-issuing-martial-law-in-october/  The Obama regimes cover was blown when we learned that we really didn't have to nuke Syria because Assad wasn't using chemical weapons on the indigenous populace that was another failed false flag attempt to wage World War 3.His state dept/cia Al Qaeda backed rebel boys were the ones that were doing this. It looks like crisis actors were used, I do know for certain that Assad wasn't responsible for this, more then likely Obamas boys were.The next thing we know 3 off line black ops nukes were transported from Dyers Air Force Base to S Carolina without signatures on Sept 3 and that completely spooked everybody out. http://www.infowars.com/exclusive-high-level-source-confirms-secret-us-nuclear-warhead-transfer-to-east-coast/. This was just in time for Lindsay war monger Gram to let everybody know in Fema district 3 and Charleston Harbor S.Car. hundreds of miles south to get ready to get hit by a nuke from the evil terrorist Syria/Russia regime?.That was pretty big news I am wondering why this never made it to the mainstream media outlets?On Oct 8 there was a 4.5 earthquake approximately 600 miles off of the coast of S. Carolina.That was quite the coincidence, Dr Jim Garrow had an explanation for this on the following linkhttp://planet.infowars.com/activism/ex-cia-agent-obama-planned-massive-false-flag-attack-on-america To make things even more suspicious that is when all the head Nuke Generals were fired and yesterday I read a pretty poor AP press release on why General Carey was fired. Anyway it looks like the head sheds are doing absolutely everything they can to blow us all back into the stone age. I sincerely hope that goodness will prevail over this deep and dark diabolical spell so we can all try to  move forward as a nation-  trusted source link underneath     rhttp://worldtruth.tv/obama-ousts-top-officers-after-nuke-explodes-in-ocean-instead-of-charleston/ more proof-
2013-10-08 01:58:11 UTC30.2414-74.17764.513.4the United States

Saturday, December 21, 2013

War Games

Psych Ops 101 is a fairly basic technique. If your opponent says something that is true the oldest trick in the book is to discredit these individuals in any way possible. Smoke bombs, direct distraction and diversion tactics, character assassination, ad hominem attacks that have professional smear and distortion campaigns, disinformation minions that label truth speakers paranoid conspiracy wack jobs etc.. It is safe to say that mainstream media is an absolute dinosaur and more often then not at the very least mendacious and corrupt. A perfect example of this is CNN- They went after Larry Klayman like wildfire last week with their yellow journalism because a man like this is a direct threat and really is one of the biggest names to remember in the months and years to come. A beautiful former employee of CNN and real world  investigative journalist Amber Lyon just wrote a book Peace Love and Pepper Spray. Her experience at this establishment agenda driven mouthpiece can be viewed  at the following link (keep in mind she is a 3 time Emmy award winner) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNBWLSNDFN0 This sums up where we are today with our major main stream news outlets both in our cable and TV channels. Even Fox news are played like puppets on a string from the propaganda based king makers. I know this makes many of them miserable because the good ones in their core know they want and need to speak the truth. That is why independent media will be our new world order moving forward, every day more and more people are tired and disgusted about being lied to about what is really going on out there. My next blog will blow the cover off the entire Syria situation as well investigating the latest AP piece that just came out about why the Nuke General Carey was fired. The truth will always be the most powerful weapon

Friday, December 20, 2013

Revolutionary Decision

Larry Klayman is the attorney for Charles Strange, he is the father of Michael Strange, the member of Seal Team 6 that went down on Aug 6 2011. (Extortion 17) Please review my Justice For Seal Team 6 blog last month for more details. Larry needs to be given major points for getting the lawsuit against the NSA to the next level. In fact according to Larry he feels that Judge Leon is the real hero because most judges wouldn't stick their neck out the way he did  because it more then likely would have hindered their opportunity for future advancement in an arena that is at this moment deeply rooted in establishment based propaganda.This is a historic moment to say the least and may blow the cover off of the NSA spy program which many feel is really a con job with a motive to ultimately declare Marshal Law and completely annihilate our Bill of Rights. The second Amendment is just one of these so this point must be made loud and clear. People who are speaking out about keeping their weapons as an ability to protect themselves are not gun nuts, newsflash. these people know that without question once the Globalist Regime take our weapons it is over for all of us meaning the US Constitution in its totality and a Totalitarian 1 police state will be the new world order. It is completely obvious how aggressive the head sheds are by trying to steal our weapons by staging circus like airport and mass school shootings and marathon bombing stage shows with really pathetic actors in a way that unequivocally proves how ruthless and sociopathic they truly are.They have stopped at absolutely nothing to achieve their agenda driven objective, they are now completely desperate  because they know deep down they may be completely out of chips.We will see in the months and years to come how much blow back this current administration will receive once the American people start to wake up and discover how much they really were lied to, emotionally manipulated and completely deceived in every  way imaginable on every level. The decision of judge Leon may in fact bring a totally new and different perspective on how Snowden is viewed for future reference so please stay tuned. Please check out www.freedomwatchusa.org. Klaymans website for more details  A copy of the text as follows  "A federal judge ruled Monday that the National Security Agency program which collects information on nearly all telephone calls made to from or within the United States is likely to be unconstitutional.
U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon found that the program appears to violate the Fourth Amendment prohibition on unreasonable searches and seizures. He also said the Justice Department had failed to demonstrate that collecting the so-called metadata had helped to head off terrorist attacks.
Acting on a lawsuit brought by conservative legal activist Larry Klayman, Leon issued a preliminary injunction barring the NSA from collecting metadata pertaining to the Verizon accounts of Klayman and one of his clients. However, the judge stayed the order to allow for an appeal."

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Life Liberty Pursuit of Hapiness

The Declaration of Independence, alot of people died fighting for this unalienable right. It seems the propaganda machine is trying to make us forget that war and this has created a situation of unhappiness for many Americans.When big brother starts pushing us around and doing whatever they want by staging terror attacks on our soil making the masses feel safer when their storm troopers start going house to house kicking in doors kicking ass and taking names on our soil looking for weapons and bad guys without warrants this is not a very good scenario.There are enough bad guys on our soil we don't need the head sheds shaking us all down creating stage shows in attempt to declare Marshal Law in a fashion that can only be described as pathetic.I know alot of real world operators overseas that really know how to kick in doors and take out bad guys and they are not too happy about these recent attempts to wage war on our soil by infiltrating Federal,State and Local Law Enforcementagencies and creating circus like stage shows having everybody around chanting USA USA. Its tough to even figure out who is being paid as the actor and who isn't. I know people and have trained with them for many years running and they have been doing the Boston Marathon every year without fail. It was bad enough they canceled NY 5 months before because I knew many people who were disgusted about that as well, they weren't even told until they got there what was that all about?With all the craziness in the world a marathon could have instilled patriotism for the still suffering Sandy victims just like it did a few months after 9-11.This is getting ridiculous, now they are trying to shake hard working dedicated runners to their very core with their pathetic stage shows what are they going to try next?Do these arrogant maniacs know how hard it is to train and complete a full 26.2 mile marathon? I completed 4 it is hell on earth now they are ruining their lives as well, they couldn't even cross the finish line something they trained for year round, that is the end game just to cross the finish line that is what they train for and that is the only thing that  keeps them going for miles on end. Seriously this is disgusting,do they even know what scam they have in store for us next because this is pure insanity at the highest levels and it is (High Treason) Dr P. has the 60 minute interview of the NSA head shed the other night 60 minutes interview with Keith Alexander.  Transcript posted as well.
http://www.cbsnews.com/news/nsa-speaks-out-on-snowden-spying/ I don't trust any of these people because I am sick and tired of hearing about the threat of terrorists because there was never any real threat of terrorists on our soil so please stop killing innocent people costing the tax payers trillions of dollars with your Dept of Homeland Security Fema based Fusion Centers that are all set to round up Americans like cattle never to be seen or heard from again.There are alot of good guys in our intelligence agencies and nothing upsets these people more then when they see a red flag and do the best they can to expose it but get stonewalled from another agency. These bad guys are really assets with cover from another agency that big brother need to utilize in order to continue to stage attacks and create fear and terror in all of us and don't forget to extort billions of dollars of tax payers money so we can get continued protection from these bad guys.We must hand all of our weapons away turn them over and raise our  hands in defeat so we can become a one police state.Oh yes I forgot to mention the Dept of Homeland Sec have Blackhawks with special response teams that are allowed to land on our property without warrants to kick our doors down and basically do whatever they want if we speak out against the criminal and High Treasonous acts of our govt.Now all the Patriots and returning vets are on the watch list if they don't go along w/ the new regime and are considered domestic terrorists are you kidding me what is wrong with this picture?  .

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Magna Carta Habeas Corpus Due Process?

I am trying to figure out what our government is up to as of late? We have an Attorney General that was deputy AG during the Oklahoma City False Flag in 95 that killed 268 women and children that is now being held in contempt of congress for being a pathological liar and for his Fast and Furious scam saying its ok to take out American citizens with zero judiciary process whatsoever- w/ this NDAA act of his? Was this actually passed and rubber stamped? Ok just kill them on the spot and are we supposed to believe that they are and were really bad guys? Habeas Corpus, Due Process that no longer applies because the head sheds have an Executive Order and know all and are way above the law. Maybe send a real American citizen to a fusion center never to be seen of heard from again-ok I am starting to feel sick..What did that war monger Lindsy Graham say America is the new battlefield and a few months ago told the entire state of South Car to get ready to get hit by a nuke and had his Fema boys all set and ready to go for Marshal Law, what ever happened to that story?It is an interesting coincidence that most(not Graham)of the civilian politicians who have never been to war and have absolutely no idea how ugly it really is and what its like to save and protect lives are always the first ones to start new wars just to fit their own pathetic political agenda? I urge all Americans to view this excellent 30 min. video of the New American Revolution- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZViuts8RQRY  Oh yes I forgot to mention the Dept of Homeland Security is planning to wage war on our soil  with their 1.6 billion( updated 2 bill) rounds(yes billions) of ammo many of them hollow point, are we in Iraq or Afghanistan, I thought this was the USA? Anybody who speaks out against this Tyranny something that is protected by our US Constitution is now being considered a threat, terrorist etc. Oh yes I can never forget all of our brave men and women coming back from overseas have been told for at least the past 5 years maybe even longer to get ready to wage war on American soil and if they refuse this illegal act of high treason they will then be considered terrorists and probably be eliminated as well- These brave soldiers were used and abused w/ multiple deployments to fight against a bogeyman myth that never existed as a real threat and was created by the New World Order elitist's under the cia payroll supposedly to protect our American Way of Life(1776 remember that war?) They have PTSD TBI, suicide ideation,chronic pain ad infinitim. They were hoping to come home to decompress, maybe reach out to their x wife who she divorced long ago,or maybe even get a little much needed therapy. However they were all tipped off well in advance to get ready to wage war on the new battlefield(American Soil). They are now told the new enemy is any patriot who speaks out or has a weapon, believes in freedom of speech our US constitution remember that document? If they refuse this order and criminal act of high treason then they will become the new enemy of the state as well and more then likely will be eliminated or at the very least the evil doers will find a way to ruin him/her even more then they already have for the rest of their lives(no pension dishonorable discharge) .That is what the evil doers have in store for our US drones to take out people on the street, our homes and buildings all around us just to send a message of who is in really in charge.Anybody who is an honest hard working American citizen is now considered a threat if they speak out against the brainwashing new world order propaganda machine.The establishment crony capitalist  crooked and criminal US Media ignore reality because they are all bought and paid for and are being held hostage as well.There is now a new terrorist bad guy, a soldier who values his oath as well as any gun owners and freedom speakers to be put on their watch list.They need a case file for all the meta data the NSA is illegally storing on every one of us so they can use this as dirt at a later date to be used against us at any given moment.This way they can decide what pow fusion center concentration camps to put us all in and figure out which (innocent human beings on American soil w/ loved ones and families and friends) need to be exterminated first.We must remember these are real American Patriots they are targeting.Any real Patriot like Judge Napalitano with a tremendous following and loyal fan base from Fox News gets fired because he is a real man with courage that actually speaks the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.What is wrong with this picture? They want and need to keep the Uria Heeps that can be pushed around, threatened and intimidated to make sure they stay in line to conform to the establishment new world order agenda, however when a real man like the judge speak the truth they ax him immediately inst that telling? Oreilly and his no spin fable about Oswald and what a great shooter he was and that the Warren Commission were straight shooters as well are you kidding me? What are they trying to hide I thought the establishment media had an oath as well so what is the cover up?We are not supposed to be worried about being spied upon if we have nothing to hide so what is establishment medias response to this very same question?  The Bush Administration was just convicted (In Absentia) in Malaysia for war crimes, torture is illegal and is completely ineffective but they still continue to do this and get away with it what is wrong w/ this picture? Remember Hitler Knight of the Long Knives? He got rid of anybody that couldn't be manipulated by the Goebbels propaganda machine.Seriously let us wake up America before its too late how much more criminal can our govt get? I make amends to the people that were criticizing these diabolical and draconian totalitarian violations of law and order because now I see it loud and clear. Big Brother,Hitler, Satan, George Orwell, Brave New World here we all are 70 years after the Holocaust. Newsflash my grandfather served on the Western Front in the First World War and my dad in the Air Force during the Korean campaign.There are many Americans who have families that go way back even much further then mine both to the Civil and Revolutionary Wars. They are not very happy right now to say the least just to give the head sheds a heads up and I can assure you none of these people are terrorists with Islamic Jihad affiliations.What is going on out in the Ozarks a 72,000 square ft fortress much bigger then the White House w/ underground cities all set and ready to go for the head sheds while the rest of us are just waiting for a civil war because they don't care how many people die as long as they have their bunkers to hide in and get ready to start their Marshal Law new world order fake democracy. A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves-Edward R Murrow. Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither- Ben Franklin

The Last Men Standing

There are are 2 people I definitely trust with my life Dr K. and Dr P.- Dr K is the founding father of the Executive Protection industry and the founder of the Executive Protection Institute. He has a very impressive resume including many hostage negotiations and is well known on an international level. He is all about integrity and doing things the right way and like I mentioned in my bio I was truly honored when he asked me to be a member of his 5 man detail team for his wedding in Oct 2007-www.personalprotection.com. The other man I trust with my life is Dr P- Dr P. is the real life Jack Ryan from the late Tom Clancy's Patriot Games, his resume is quite impressive as well..   https://stevepieczenik.com/  Dr P. is disgusted with many things in our government and I urge all Americans to plug his name into youtube to hear how a real life insider feels and what plans he has to try to bring this country back together again. He was one of the first  to come out and say Sandy Hook was a false flag.Yesterday he had a very interesting link in his blog-Dr P was one of the founding members of Delta Force
Posted: 14 Dec 2013 05:57 PM PST
Posted: 14 Dec 2013 05:45 PM PST
Some interesting history.
look carefully at the footage. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Resistance To The New World Order

Does anybody remember when our leaders really cared about us? After WW2 during the cold war there were nuclear bomb drills for our people, I don't remember this but my parents do.That was before the criminals took out JFK because he vehemently rejected to Operation Northwood. This was a major reason so from that day forward we have witnessed the disintegration of democracy and our US Constitution. There aren't many people I trust with my life however Joel Skousen is one of these people.He is the author of  Strategic Relocation Volume 3. Skousen  is a brilliant survivalist and former USMC Pilot during the Vietnam era. His book basically gives us deep insight in regard to the Globalist agenda and he gives great advise on how to react when we get hit again because good old Uncle Sam wont be there for us because the shadow operatives of our govt are the ones that will be responsible for it however they will blame it on somebody else like the cowards and criminals that they truly are..If you are you going to hit us then at least man up to it instead of running to your underground bunkers like little girls and then showing up later w/ your fake crocodile tears and new Marshal Law orders.It must be noted that Uncle Sam wants us to get hit very hard and completely wipe us all out and the more dead the better.This way anybody left standing will have no choice but to relent to Marshal Law and that will absolutely be the beginning of the end of our Constitution dating back to 1776 if we relent and raise our hands in defeat.This has been in the works for many years thus the reason for Clintons Trade Center bombing in 93, Oklahoma City leading up to 9-11 ad infinitem. As soon as Hitler came to power he fire bombed his own Reichshtag and blamed it on the Communists. Lets see what did W do as soon as he took office? He had 9-11 planned well in advance, he just took the baton from Clinton because his father ran the cia w/ the Bogeyman on the cias payroll. The Globalists already have their underground bunkers built and they are just waiting for us to get hit even with a false flag operation because they already have their Conus Units all set and ready to go. Isn't it telling that the Globalist Regime is all set with their underground bunkers but the only thing waiting for us is Pow type Fushion Centers? The new Globalist Regime wants to wipe out this country so they can automatically hook up with all of the NATO countries to create (The New Democracy). This will be a world power but it will not be a democracy at all but rather a Tyrannical Regime with full control definitely not our sacrosanct US Constitution .Any money left over in this country will automatically be confiscated out of our banks and consolidated into the Plutocrats pockets and a new socialist economy dictatorship will be the New World Order. In essence this attack will be very ugly and the plan is to initially wipe out as many people as possible.Globalist Regimes like Hitler and Stalin don't value human life and our American Way.Unfortunately they are from the mindset of Collectivization and Holocaust type operations. Hegemony is the motive pure and simple and.this new fake democracy will have 1 currency and it unequivocally will not be the old one.This new world superpower will be ready to fight against China and the Oligarchs of Russia because they will then have full control over NATO with their RAND partners etc.I urge all Americans to buy Skousens book because this is his life's work and he wants to save millions of lives with a strategic relocation plan for all of us.We will then be all set  to go to our own bunkers in rural areas to fight back against Tyranny because we will absolutely have no choice.When the people start to fight against the govt that is Tyranny but when the govt starts to fear the people there will be liberty-(Thomas Jefferson)    

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Power Corrupts Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

As an astute historian and moralist Lord Acton made that quote, that pretty much summarizes what the intention is for our leaders that are supposed to value the US Constitution and our Bill of Rights.I believe by now the American people understand that the people at the top don't care at all about us because there is unequivocal evidence up until this point in time that their motive has been to shake us all down into submission with their ongoing fear and terror campaigns.They want us to relent and raise our hands and give up since they are the ones that have been protecting us from all of the evil doers then we must listen and acquiesce in silence while they come to our homes and take all of our weapons away and declare Marshal Law and completely eliminate Posse Comitatus. Our president will automatically initiate (COG continuity of govt) Marshal Law is ok with real events like Katrina but not for manufactured government sponsored false flag terrorist events.This is actually criminal and if we look back we can also safely state this is extortion at the highest levels. Lets examine the evidence, in the years to come all of our govt sponsored false flag terrorist events will be exposed and hopefully adjudicated. Every time we got hit starting in 93 w/ the towers, the Oklahoma City Bombing leading up to 9-11 by the so called bad guy terrorists which we now know were all false flag stand down events initiated by good old Uncle Sam this shook alot more money out of the American People so we could get continued protection and fight against these so called evil doers. I urge all Americans to buy A Noble Lie for $20. This amazing documentary proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Oklahoma City was an inside job and many will throw up as I did when learning that the real hero's and witnesses were killed and threatened and forced into submission for trying to set the record straight. One of these hero's was a police officer who appears to have been clearly murdered and he lost many friends and saved alot of people that day.It is no coincidence that the same guy our head shed AG  Holder Mr Fast and Furious who is now being held for contempt of congress was the deputy AG in 95.Seriously this is disgusting we can no longer move forward as a nation until all of the real evil doers are brought to justice for their crimes against humanity because there is no statute of limitations on premeditated well planned out manufactured false flag terrorist events that murdered thousands of innocent Americans..It is important that I explain what motive the plutocrat New World Order elitists have. Its obvious they want to start a civil war because if they take our weapons away that is exactly what will happen. They want us to get hit again and then declare Marshal Law while they already ran for the hills like cowards in their fortified bunkers because they will know about it well in advance.They will then have Conus operators start herding people up like cattle and send them to fusion centers that have already been built. Now we are looking at Asymmetrical Warfare because there is going to be alot of resistance to this even for the people who don't have weapons which are most of the American citizens. Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable(JFK) In essence this pathetic psychological warfare campaign has been praying on innocent Americans for years and I have allready lost many friends. Now after Uncle Sam tries to take their weapons away after they just got home from multiple operational deployments that wont be a pretty picture, I can assure the head sheds about this. Now they are going to have members on the same team Conus units being ordered to round up American citizens after an event the head sheds already orchestrated well in advance and many of the Americans these Conus Units will be rounding up will be pissed off veterans that are highly skilled in the art of war and they are not going to like going against their own I can assure you of this. These Conus Units don't want to be involved in being ordered to do something like this without question because they were all already overseas together over the years on an Oconus level in one way or another..The message I need to get across is that as Americans we all need to come together to seek justice for the head sheds that have been doing absolutely nothing accept lying, using, abusing, hurting, killing, destroying thousands of people on both sides and costing us trillions of dollars while they continue to hide in their fortified bunkers like little cowards and get the highest level of protection from secret service details that already have had many come out as whistle blowers to let us all know what our head sheds are really all about..  

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

New World Order

I am going to unravel this entire situation as simply as possible. I need to completely eliminate the word conspiracy and replace it with collusion. As mentioned in my previous blog false flag terrorism has been going on for a long time, since the beginning of human warfare. I was conned once again by Uncle Sam with naive jingoism in regard to the NSA and how privacy advocates needed to calm down. In fact I was so completely wrong I need to make amends to the American People.One can make the argument that leading up to Pearl Harbor Roosevelt let the bombing transpire and I will put on record that Churchill was relieved when this happened because back then we had real enemies.That event is what actually saved us all because England was getting hammered every day by the Germans so after we got hit Yamamoto said "I fear all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with terrible resolve".Roosevelt knew this would bring everything to the next level which was a real war which absolutely needed to take place. I suppose I could make the argument that the beginning of the end started after the Greatest Generation and Korea because from that day forward nobody listened to Ike about the Military Industrial Complex that could and would destroy us all without proper management. Essentially they (our govt) created an enemy with Bin laden and they  set him up in order to create a new world order that was not meant to help us at all but rather it was meant to destroy which is the exact opposite of what our Founding Fathers intended. This new world order is based off of a collectivist Marxist regime where there are Plutocrats at the very top and the rest of us are essentially slaves. (Hegelian Dialectic-problem, reaction, solution) Since the higher ups set up 9-11 this created a false flag stand down terrorist event manufactured by our own government.After that day we all had to worry about getting hit again with Tom Ridge and his color codes and the Dept of Homeland Security, he wrote a book shortly thereafter basically saying what a bull shit propaganda campaign that was. Every day we were scared about having crazy terrorists blowing up our cities, airports, airliners etc.. essentially all of our soft and hard targets.This gave the higher ups an excuse to not only terrify us even more on a daily basis  but to also wage preemptive phony wars based off a bogeyman myth that not only really never existed as a direct threat but they actually created him to use as a pretext for phony wars that killed and maimed thousands of innocent Americans and cost us trillions of dollars. To make matters even worse they continued on with a pathetic perpetual homeland soil terror campaign that made us worry every day every time we went into the city or a crowded restaurant as well creating constant fear for me and for the people I protected as well as for all of my friends family and  loved ones. Let us never forget the 9-11 false flag stand down that shook this country to its very core that killed thousands, one of them was an NYFD hero I grew up with in junior high school. Now we have a government that takes its playbook directly out of the cia psychological warfare propaganda machine of the 50s(Cameron shrink) to not only kill thousands of Americans overseas but innocents on the other side as well. They actually had the audacity to continue to scare us with their  bs color codes and false flag terrorist events like the underwear bomber. The message I need to get across is that we need to continue to keep our own counsel with real crowd sourcing with real Americans that value freedom and democracy. Many of us already have so we must continue to do this every day so we can all get through this ugly situation  together.        

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Pretext For War- False Flag Operations

Countries around the globe in the 20 century unleashed the dogs of war by creating clandestine operations to stage terror on ones soil in order to create fear anger and aggression for the indigenous populace as well as to use that as an excuse to go after the countries that appear to have created this horrific atrocity. These are what are known as False Flag Operations.In Politics nothing happens by accident if it happens you can bet it was planned that way.(FDR) Hitler used these tactics as a reason to invade Poland as well as to go after the Russians.The next question is since the US is the number one superpower would we ever be involved in something like this? History says yes because leading up to the 20 century 1898(my grandpa was a little kid) The Cuban American War 266 dead and many more casualties w/ the explosion of the USS Maine was started by our side. During the cold war there was Operation Gladio along with Nato backed by the west mi6 and cia they shot up and killed innocents in the street all over Europe.Operation Northwood in the early 60s was proposed by Nato commander and Joint Chief of Staff Gen Lemnitzer .He wanted to hire mafia type thugs and criminals to shoot down innocents in the street in Miami and even have some of the higher ups stage a 9-11 type operation to make it appear that they shot down one of our airliners as a pretext for war against Cuba. We read about this in Tom Clancy novels but now we know where it originated, now we know who we can also blame for getting rid of Kennedy. JFK saved us all with the Cuban Missile crisis and he vehemently rejected this type of Terror Regime, we also know that he didn't want a prolonged quagmire in Vietnam. If we look at the evidence thugs and criminals were involved across the board with the conspiracy and we also know that the Maphia had their hand in it as well however they also helped him get elected that is why they were so upset with Bobby when he went out of his way to go after these people along the way.9-11 wasn't the beginning of the end for us it actually started when the thugs and criminals got rid of JFK because it was downhill for us all after that day moving forward.Unfortunately these thugs and criminals infiltrated our Military Industrial Complex and have been here ever since. Richard Corttrell explains this in detail with his book (Gladio The Pentagon Nazi Maphia.) The good news is that we are too smart for these people and they will all be exposed in the years to come. The 93 Trade Center Bombing, The Oklahoma City disaster where rogue operatives that worked directly for the FBI And BATF (I thought they were supposed to be the good guys on our side that helped to protect us to keep us safe)  were spotted on the ground which led to the deaths of 168 women and children. This is what  led to having the greatest spy ever known John Oneill getting sabotaged by Tom Pickard and his rogue operative sabotage team by trying to prevent 9-11 but was stonewalled every step of the way and was sent to his imminent demise in the greatest towers ever known in a devastating pile of ash and rubble.We know what is going on now w/ the underwear bomber being used as a patsy and being whisked through the gates. There is no way these rogue operatives are going to get away with this kind of thing anymore because the people with control of all of the money in this country are alot smarter then these rogue operatives who created trillions of dollars worth of debt which may even lead to another default and will have to be paid for by innocent Americans for many years to come. These rogue operatives have killed thousands and are still killing innocent American hero's by using their pathetic fear and terror tactics against us in order to try to get us to relinquish our 2nd Amendment rights, our freedom of speech, what we do say and write etc. We already won that war with the American Revolution and the Union went against the rebels because they were trying to preserve the noble aristocracy w/ their their Kings and Queens, slavery and servitude and the Confederates lost that battle as well. We are not going to hand over our weapons so we can become a one police state that that tries to have us worry about being spied upon, the 1984 Orwellian nightmare that many Americans are already  blowing the whistle on. This is really a false flag operation run by a Tyrannical Regime that hides under the phony guise of civil liberties and democracy. There is no way we are going to be undermined by threats and bully tactics that try to coerce us to sign false statements because there are going to be alot of expert witnesses coming on board to expose all of these rogue operatives and these people are going to have the best legal Plaintiff team  money can buy.    

Friday, November 29, 2013

This Country Is In Shambles

Its a bad situation when the best guys in the world are sent to their death on a premeditated well planned out suicide mission with plenty of motive by rogue operatives at the top. This isn't about politics this is about right and wrong. The guys doing it the right way all along (up in the air on the ground and underwater) knew who the enemy was in the very beginning. I really don't care why these rogue operatives did it I just want to see them all go to jail and get Treason charges..Benghazi was another scam.Some say this is all tied together that Ambassador Stevens was taken out because he knew too much and didn't want to be involved with the modern day version of Iran Contra by running (ManPads heat seeking missiles) from Libya into Syria. I really don't care what they do as long as it doesn't put our guys lives in danger and it doesn't help our enemies. The only thing I know for certain is our guys are getting set up to be killed and stand down orders seem to be the ROEs of choice these days. I want to know if the Taliban have these ManPads as well because because a lucky shot RPG from 700 meters away in the pitch dark that clipped a rotor blade didn't happen I am putting that on record. There was a stand down order given in Benghazi as well. Lets see 11 years to the day of 9-11 where the bravest Americans came from all over the country to help out and do whatever they possibly could to help and make sense out of something that was simply beyond comprehension and then in Benghazi they made up a bull shit story for starters.Lets examine the date 11 years to the day 9-11 how many 911 emergency codes do we need? There were operators on  the ground in Croatia doing training and they were all set to go in their birds(C-110 sf team) and they would have been on the ground in 4-6 hours plenty of time before the second attack that killed Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty(at least 2 assets readily available) They at the very least could have evacuated the wounded and facilitated the exfil because nobody knew what could have happened next, second attacks are what the bad guys do they set up the first one just to make things even worse.These operators are trained for QRF quick reaction force ugly situations and they are no stranger to danger. Glen Doherty commandeered (cia global response team) a jet from Tripoli along with 7 others(on his own) and buzzed over to the CIA annex 1 mile down the road from the Diplomatic compound that got hit 7 hours earlier.Why did this hero have to commandeer a jet along w/ team, how come their were highly trained DSS and Spec ops operators(at least 15)in Tripoli and they were told to stand down? On 9-11 we had volunteers coming from all over the country to help out and absolutely nobody told them to go in but they went anyway let us all never forget these brave Americans. However when bad things started happening in Lybia they were given the stand down order and these men had to commandeer a jet on their own to help us all, what was that all about? I am going to put on record that bad things started happening when Biden blew the cover of Seal Team 6 and did the lets not forget the most secretive unit in the world political posturing because that upset everybody in that community.. That was the beginning of the end because there were leaks going on from that day forward so now we know who we can blame.Do you think these operators wanted their cover blown when they work in the shadows? They are movies made and books and video games and everything else in between but these are all vetted before they ever hit the big screens and the shelves. Delta wanted that job and they were upset that they didn't get it but I am putting on record that Seals are not the high profile Hollywood types they are made out to be by the Bidens of this world. That is not who they are or why they do it because they would never ever make it if that was their intention and Don Shiply tells them this in his train up before they ever think about going to BUDS..These guys were set up to get slaughtered by rogue operatives at the top and we are all going to get some answers because Panneta is looking very suspicious in this entire situation as well.The arrogance of the people at the top is mind blowing. The guys (on the ground up in the air and underwater) are the ones protecting these people and they are the ones being set up to get killed. Why did the Navy Yard situation have to happen? These brave Americans were doing their job inside a military compound but they didn't even have a weapon to protect themselves from a maniac going postal because that's not politically correct. However the suits that start our wars and do all the stonewalling, cover ups and distortion campaigns they get all types of protection because they are much more important and these are the very same people that send the best ones out to not only  protect them but to protect us all and they are the ones getting killed, what is wrong with this picture?Doretys heroics never made it to the official State Dept review because according to Mike Mullen"its not reasonable nor feasible to tether every high risk post in the world." Are you kidding me this cover up is obviously linked to what they did to DEVGRU, it is all a sham and those responsible at the top are going to have to answer alot of questions and if found guilty they better get sent to jail and get Treason charges. Lybia and the Tangi Valley are perfect examples of what I have been saying all along, our enemies are the ones at the top not our guys (up in the air underwater and on the ground) and they are the very ones protecting these people,.what is wrong with this picture?.An operator put on record that without Doretys heroics that situation would have been much worse, at least 2o hostages and many more would have been killed.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Justice For Seal Team 6

Seal Team 6 DEVGRU are the most elite operators in the world. They have the highest budget and were set up years ago to act as an all star team picked from the elite of the Seal Teams into one unit so in essence there is a train up if you are picked so this means there is no guarantee you will become a member and if you do make it then you are the equivalent of both the MLB All Star team and the NFL Pro Bowl. However they do not train for 1 week to play 1 game they stay together as a unit to keep us all safe and do things most of us can never imagine as far as their elite skill, the best of all Olympians we can safely state that as well. My next question goes to the top of what used to be the Twin Towers all the way to our Commander in Chief ("Why were they set up by rogue members in on our government to their death on Aug 6 2011 into the biggest hornets nest in that entire country the Tangi Valley the stronghold of  the Taliban) Let us all dig deep on this one because I have already shed some tears on this and it will be my life mission to seek justice not only for the family members of these elite warriors but for all Americans because right now we are on the ground floor of this investigation and this one is going straight to the top Barack Obama because we are all going to have some very big questions for you and Biden.For starters these warriors use the MH47 and MH60 Blackhawk everybody knows that. The Taliban were tipped off and everybody involved will be held accountable. The parents of many of these Seals were told something like this was coming before hand by their sons so did the Taliban on May 11 a few days after this team allegedly took out Bin Laden.Why were 7 of the Afganis who were on the flight manifest not the ones who went down in this mission and they came on board last minute and nobody knew who they were? Why were these men sent out in an obsolete CH47 Chinook a Vietnam era dilapidated piece of garbage and 22 Seals 38 total were crammed into one helo, something that would never happen?The most elite warriors in the world use the MH47 and MH60 Blackhawks, since they were allegedly going into a nasty firefight there would have been at least one AC130 gunship used as an escort and their would have been plenty of pre assault fire. How come there were 7 Afghanis on board that came on last minute that weren't on the flight manifest and nobody knew who they were? Who were the two Afghanis on top of a tower on the way over that were allegedly hanging crops at 2 am did somebody say night vision goggles? Why did the top brass have 2 of their sensors knocked out so they were essentially out of the loop and where was the Drone they always have with eyes on? The order came from way up above, the multiple star Generals hands were tied that is the answer. How did they get hit a lucky shot by an RPG from 700 meters away in the pitch dark and what ever happened to the black box it got washed away in a flash flood are you kidding me? Why were the bodies allegedly cremated because they were all burned beyond recognition but when one of the brave warriors father asked for the autopsy report his son was on the ground with his weapon in his hand which meant he was fighting to the death? How come there was a stand down order given for our elite SAR, Soar and Pathfinder teams? The pilots were either taken out by the Afghanis on board or it was a heat seeking missile or a suicide bomber on board but it wouldn't have taken out the entire team because the brave warrior in the autopsy report was intact with a picture with his weapon in his hand on the ground.The good news is that there are some very smart people involved in this investigation, this will never be swept under the rug because JFK was 50 years ago, anybody that mysteriously disappears we are going to know about this as well.Those responsible will be held accountable Karzi, Biden etc Do you think you would be able to get away with sending the most elite warriors in the world on a premeditated and well planned out suicide mission with plenty of motive, think again because the war has just begun        

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Enemy Within

I am tired of reading horrible things about how deep dark and sinister the NSA is.The latest is how evil it is to have 50000 sleeper agents in malicious software form that are just waiting to be launched at the push of a button across the globe in order to gain access to sensitive information. Its getting to the point that I wish these reporters moved out of dodge, please get out of this country and stay away and go hang out w/ Snowden.The way these articles are written make it make it look as if the NSA has no business doing this and our surveillance state the Orweillan 1984 paranoia message they are trying to convey is annoying to say the least.We have been utilizing spies since the dawn of time. I am going to bring this back to Col Jessup Jack Nicholson ''you have the luxury of not knowing what I know and I have a greater responsibility then you can possibly fathom." Like I mentioned on my bio if even a few solid citizens became members of FBI Infarguard they would see the threats that come at us each and every day in every way and many attacks are prevented that the press never even knew about.Today we are talking about an all out cyber war vs China for starters.They steal 300 billion worth of intellectual property alone from the biggest names we have in our capitalist system such as google and Microsoft and that is just the big names. This doesn't include how Hidden Lynx has special operation teams that have hacked directly into our military industrial complex.. Do any of these subversive reporters have any respect for what case officers do across the globe or NOCs just as Valerie Plame was and how they risk their life each and every day?As mentioned in my deep cover blog if you are a NOC when you go deep and if you are discovered you are trained to deny any connection to our government so this means no diplomatic immunity .Do these reporters know what really goes on out there across the globe or is really just about  how deep, dark and sinister our eye in the sky NSA is? Go away and move to Russia and have toast and tea with Snowden because that is the exact message these articles convey and it is stomach turning for me. Leon Panetta the cias former director who took over during the Obama administration was more then likely the only choice to placate the left under the circumstances. I had an uneasy feeling right away,he didn't have a hardened military background, he was a lawyer and a professor that says it all right there.Do you think Roosevelt a democrat and a great one at that would have a lawyer and professor running his OSS division leading up to the CIAs creation in 1945?.Not only was Panetta going after Bin Laden he had to deal with all of the heat about Bushs black sites and enhanced interrogation techniques which have never proven to be effective.The press went after Pannetta like wild fire which is what ultimately led him to leak a bw secret program of working w/ the cia to load bombs onto drones in Pakistan. Earlier on the bw black ops program to essentially eliminate all known terrorists became tabloid fodder as well..These are still major leaks, although we created alot of the world wide terrorists by blowing up bridges and making enemies to have a classified program make it to the front page of the New York Times was an unequivocal breach. I haven't read any pro NSA surveillance articles, however I do remember quite clearly how the biggest spy chiefs in this country made clear how damaging Snowdens espionage act of treason was. I am not black and white, my Anonymous blog explains full well how there are reasons why transparency is needed and desired but please these far left reporters have to go. Snowden is being viewed as a hero in certain circles here and across the globe.Even the founder of the world wide web had the following to say "Sir Tim Berners Lee described the effects of surveillance as “chilling” and “insidious".The problem here and what alot of people don't understand is that classified means none of your god dam business.I must say the spys in the sky have themselves to blame to some extent  because they set themselves up in certain ways. Top Secret America has a multi billion dollar budget, that is why to have Anonymous come in and directly hack their way into Booze Allen and Stratfor is inexcusable.These hackers actually sent them a bill mocking them for their white hat security consultation by exposing vulnerabilities in their system and the bill was nominal. In essence what they were saying was you guys are the head sheds that have both the cia and Fbi report to you but you left yourself wide open to get hit by us hackers and it was a piece of cake. In reality the Antisec faction of Anonymous are as black hat as you will ever get and they are getting ready to unleash alot of classified info within the next few years and alot of it came straight out of Wiki Leaks. Big Army has itself to blame for Bradley Manning, if they had their head on square there is no possible way they would let a loose cannon like that become an intel analyst.This kid barely made it through boot camp, he was gay and admitted he was a woman and had alot of problems,ie-suicidal etc. The doctor said he was a threat to himself and others and may end it all before the end of boot camp ,he was not in a good place to say the least. I have no problem with a few gay soldiers don't ask don't tell that kind of thing but the point is this kid was a psychological wreck and was sent out to theaters of operation with access to classified intel that put our brave.warriors at risk. When Manning teamed up with Wiki Leaks they had some footage of some very ugly things our helos were involved with overseas.My question is do the American people really want to know or do they want to see how ugly war really is? in WW2 our Marines in the Pacific took out so many pows because they had no choice, they were involved with an indefatigable adversary the Imperial Empire of Japan.Once we came on shore as exemplified in Hiroshima they absolutely needed every man to focus on the task at hand not guarding the pows. This brings me to the movie the Lone Survivor, a book by Marcuss Lutrell that will be hitting the big screens in a few weeks.It is a harrowing tale about what choices his Seal Team had to make with potential pows, the book had me almost in tears. That is the point, these reporters don't have a clue about what its really like out there so I will end this blog by asking one of them this question.Since data mining is so evil although it apprehended the DC sniper and all of our enemies across the globe come at us each and every day with their advanced data mining skills what happens if you become a victim of a ruthless cyber crook? How would you feel if you were hit by an id thief, malicious reviews about you that weren't true but just put you out of business and it was too late because the damage was done already? Maybe some sociopathic cyber crook chose you at random and they decided to turn your life upside down in every way possible because that is exactly what happens to victims of this type of crime. Where or who will you turn to in order to seek justice or to attempt to expose the bad guy? Maybe you know who the bad guy is but you just cant prove it then what will you do since slander and libel is civil suit material not a criminal charge? Are we really all that evil in this country, so please go away subversive far left reporters. I want to start reading about what great things our federal and local law enforcement agencies do every day to keep these reporters safe from now on.  

Friday, November 22, 2013

Keeping Guys Alive By Building Bridges And Keeping Low Profile For Actionable Intel

In 2008 I lived with and was part of a training team that had a former SAS member.This is England's premier elite unit, our Delta force was modeled specifically after these warriors.He had some interesting stories of how he was able to survive the selection process. In fact the Ministry of Defense was ordered to tone down its severity recently because 3 warriors fell ill and died in the Brecon Beacons during one of the hottest days of the year on one of the highest mountains in South Wales. If there were any questions to be asked it was usually coming from me being directed toward my SAS friend however he did have 1 major question and that was "why were those blackwater guys driving down the road like hells bells pissing everybody off, it attracted unwanted attention which made them even much easier targets to get hit"? I had no answer at that moment but this is a point which becomes the major premise of alot of my blogs. Specialized units know exactly what to do in that kind of environment, in a counter insurgence guerrilla war they are the few that know you must blend in and keep a low profile while gaining incredible intel about your various enemies because in a civil war there are many, its unequivocally not a black and white situation. In fact this is so ingrained in their mindset they will be the first ones to tell you how many more enemies you create when the indigenous people have their friends and family killed and their homes destroyed.As a former Seal Eric Prince knew this very well, that is why he never wanted to conduct business that way. In fact he had no choice but to listen to the State Dept and go along with what they all dictated. Perimeter defense does not matter when the enemy lies within the gate. Going back to what Col McKnight had to deal with in Somalia w/ no air support as well as reporters waiting on shore set his Delta and Ranger warriors up to be slaughtered, all because of the Clinton Brass. I am putting on record that if the bureaucrats stayed away and listened to Prince they never would have developed a rogue reputation, he explains all of this in his new book Civilian Warriors. Why does this keep happening? My SAS friend had one of his operator friends conducting the exact same work as bw in Iraq but he drove a beat up old car with tinted windows that safely transported said principle from point a to b. The most important thing is to keep a low profile and your guys alive in a war zone. When Prince had his guys doing it the right way there were few and far between firefights, none of his guys were killed as well as the indigenous people around them. So what is States argument? I am assuming they don't want a high ranking diplomat exposed to a nasty hornets nest in a beat up old car when they could have armored Suburbans and convoys and rear gunners etc.. If the bureaucrats don't want to listen to the guys who have been doing it the right way all along and for many years before then please don't send your diplomats down there and let the military teams conduct all of the peace talks.There is such a major disconnect in the mindset of a real military leader and a pencil pushing bureaucrat, that is the only way to effectively describe this ugly situation. The reason I keep reiterating this is because I lost too many friends already..Why aren't these bureaucrats being held accountable for Blowing up Bridges and Making Enemies and having great men lose their life due to their obstinate ignorance and arrogance? My friends knew before they even went in who the real enemy was because there is always a train up process. If the brass listened to Gen Shinseki early on about Iraq there would be no need for so many private contractors because the entire country would have been surrounded and given support and the real Counter Insurgent teams would have went to work, the USMC and the premier SOF units. I am going to take this one step further and say if the bureaucrats never got in the way 9-11 could have been prevented. It goes back to Ambassador Bodine and how she stonewalled the greatest spy ever known John Oneill during the most critical investigation period in our nations history.He was sent to his demise in the greatest towers ever known in a devastating pile of ash and rubble by his own FBI Pickard sabotage team.Bodine didn't want Oneill to ruffle any more feathers with her Yemenis friends so she sent him home. The USS Cole was hit and 17 sailors were killed and 39 of them were injured and they were headed straight for the Twin Towers Pentagon and White House but by having intimidating Marines flexing their muscles surrounding our Mother ship, that was not politically correct .Oneills sources loved him in Yemen, he had incredible intel by building bridges and making friends and there is no better friend and no worse enemy then a United States Marine and that is exactly what being a devil dog is all about. Those are the very guys you want surrounding our mother ship especially when Oneill could have very easily prevented 9-11 along w/ Souffan and their team. Gen Mattis had his devil dogs all set up for a counter insurgence program in Fallujua but Scott Helvenston, the well known former Navy Seal and three of his bw teammates were mutilated on the bridge during a kitchen supply mission (eerily reminiscent of what happened in Somalia w/Col Mcknights team Blackhawk Down) Helvenstons team was sent out in a capacity which resembled low profile w/ out an armored Suburban or gunners etc, they went alone on a non escort mission.This is where the fog of war comes into play because his team was in fact doing it the low profile way which is what Prince wanted all along but it still must be noted that it was a bad call, they were sent out ill-equipped w/ no map The indigenous folk of Fallujah had bad memories and never forgot the First Gulf War of 91 where a smart bomb or 2 went astray. Somehow and someway the insurgents were tipped off that cia were coming through and that's how and why their team was set up on the Fallujah bridge. This shook up Washington to its very core and war is about as emotional as it ever gets. Rumsfeld had Mattis change his multi month train up to an all out assault that basically said "go in and destroy that city." Gen Mattis was so upset about this, he is a warrior monk he said "absolutely not, we are going to create a million enemies, let us go in and find the ones responsible for the bw ambush and then take them all out pure and simple". The rest was history because as we know the brass never listens to the real leaders and shortly thereafter the Marines were ordered out of Fallujua after they had them on the ropes because by that time we were all over the globe and Al Jazeerra and everywhere else back home looking like evil brutal bullies.That didn't create a million enemies that created millions of enemies throughout the globe because this is what shook up the entire world. Mattis was indignant because he never wanted to assault the entire city, he had a no better friend no worse enemy intel gathering doctrine in place which is what everybody needed in the very beginning..However once the order became a demand he at least wanted to finish the job.He actually started to make quotes going back to Napolean, this high ranking General was absolutely livid. That only set things up for Fallujua 2, that is when all the insurgents came from all over the world to stand up to the brutal Americans. .Blackwater never lost a principle during the entire campaign, that is phenomenal under the circumstances, they were hired to keep the diplomats and dignitaries alive in a very dangerous arena, they never lost one but they lost 44 men, we never read about that, it was only bad press. Helvenston is one of the greatest guys ever known and that was known long before he went back in to serve his country in his late 30's. The point is all of this would have been avoided if the Pentagon Brass based bureaucrats moved out of the way. I don't know where the State Dept came up with that bw armored SUV program? They had a great program to work with the Republican Guard until  Bremer came in and put a few hundred thousand more enemies on the street. Prince put on record that Ambassador Stevens and many others would be alive today if his guys were protecting them and I feel the same about Ambassador Bhutto of Pakistan.Before 9-11 Prince had a great training facility that had a 15,000 square ft siminution shoot house called (Hogans Alley R U Ready high school) which was a high speed training compound built like a high school in a real looking town.This was created as a direct result of the Columbine massacre.A man in the know stated that Hogans Alley was more advanced and efficient then the FBIs simulated town training center in Va as well as the Secret Service in Maryland, he was at all 3.It came   complete w/ buildings,streets, signs and an actual high school.This is a perfect asset that should be mandatory for each town in this country that has a high school whether or not they have a SWAT team or not.in light of the tragedy of Sandy Hook 30 minutes from Greenwich..