Saturday, December 28, 2013

Infiltrated Nation

HG Wells published  (The Open Conspiracy) in 1928. He knew all about the New World Order since he was a British insider when he made the following quote very apropos "Psychopathic drive of elitists to enslave the world in a unified empire." My next question is why is it that there it is in black and white but when rational minded people speak the truth they are made out to be whacked out conspiracy theorists that exist only in the fringes of society? In fact the cover ups and lies are so deep these psychopaths go out of their way to maim, kill, destroy and do absolutely everything they can to deny  reality and who and what they really are. As mentioned in my Lone Wolf blog sociopaths and psychopaths are for the most part one in the same, this means they have no emotion nor the capacity to feel empathy regardless of  the damage they create thus the reason they are so dangerous..Not all of these people fall into this category many are just weak minded lackeys and sycophants who are attracted to power and they leech onto the all mighty powerful for no other reason then they are pathetic spineless cowards.. It is my feeling that most of these sheep who aren't outright psychopaths do not have a deep understanding of what they really are guilty of "Aiding and Abetting Acts of High Treason" where the evil doers are hell bent on killing as many Americans as possible in any way shape or form however the first goal is to become a one Police state by disarming all of us. Fascist Totalitarian dictatorships do not work that has been proven already(isnt that what we fought for in WW2) so why are the elitists trying to reinvent the wheel and dishonor that war where thousands of brave Americans were killed and some of these veterans are still alive today, the few and the proud? My answer to that question is that in some twisted and diabolical way they feel that The New World Order will work as long as its done properly. Meaning if the shadow operatives hit us with mini nukes or maybe unleash a few dirty bombs the first goal of wiping out a large percentage of the population will be accomplished therefore there will be much less resistance.It is obvious that something is planned based on the 2 billion rounds that were purchased many of these were hollow point (definitely not used for target practice.) 2700 MRAPS on our soil that we know of not to mention Russian NATO troops of at least 380,000 that were all set and ready to go in Fema District 3 before the king makers tried to blow us all back into the stone age this past Oct 8. There are still 2 off line black ops nukes out there that nobody is even talking about and Gen Weinstein looks like he is ready to play ball and use these as "political weapons" maybe even hold us hostage since they got rid of all the real Generals who stood for what is still right in America..My feeling is that we wont even see the next one coming since the last one with Sen war monger Grahm and the now retired Homeland adviser Napalitano failed miserably and who knows if that attempt will ever be made public or receive any blow back whatsoever? It is also extremely important to note the body language of the slimy snake oil salesman exemplified when Jesse V asked a question about Fema Camps. That man wasn't even a good liar his first  reaction was that Fema camps didn't even exist isn't that telling, The Bilderberg Group doesn't exist either I suppose? Seriously we have liars, criminals cowards and sociopaths running our country, now we have an NDAA Act which appears to be worse then the Patriot Act that was signed in secret on New Years Eve and that was after our President said he wasn't going to sign it initially isn't that telling? Mcain was actually behind this, what happened to that man he was supposed to be a Vietnam POW war hero, I even voted for him?We also have a FISA court that doesn't need a real judge, jury or any due process what so ever because they know all and are way above the law and everything is conducted in secret what is wrong with this picture? My next few blogs will go back into history to explain what it was like what happened and how and why we are where we are today moving right along into 2014.

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