Tuesday, December 10, 2013

New World Order

I am going to unravel this entire situation as simply as possible. I need to completely eliminate the word conspiracy and replace it with collusion. As mentioned in my previous blog false flag terrorism has been going on for a long time, since the beginning of human warfare. I was conned once again by Uncle Sam with naive jingoism in regard to the NSA and how privacy advocates needed to calm down. In fact I was so completely wrong I need to make amends to the American People.One can make the argument that leading up to Pearl Harbor Roosevelt let the bombing transpire and I will put on record that Churchill was relieved when this happened because back then we had real enemies.That event is what actually saved us all because England was getting hammered every day by the Germans so after we got hit Yamamoto said "I fear all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with terrible resolve".Roosevelt knew this would bring everything to the next level which was a real war which absolutely needed to take place. I suppose I could make the argument that the beginning of the end started after the Greatest Generation and Korea because from that day forward nobody listened to Ike about the Military Industrial Complex that could and would destroy us all without proper management. Essentially they (our govt) created an enemy with Bin laden and they  set him up in order to create a new world order that was not meant to help us at all but rather it was meant to destroy which is the exact opposite of what our Founding Fathers intended. This new world order is based off of a collectivist Marxist regime where there are Plutocrats at the very top and the rest of us are essentially slaves. (Hegelian Dialectic-problem, reaction, solution) Since the higher ups set up 9-11 this created a false flag stand down terrorist event manufactured by our own government.After that day we all had to worry about getting hit again with Tom Ridge and his color codes and the Dept of Homeland Security, he wrote a book shortly thereafter basically saying what a bull shit propaganda campaign that was. Every day we were scared about having crazy terrorists blowing up our cities, airports, airliners etc.. essentially all of our soft and hard targets.This gave the higher ups an excuse to not only terrify us even more on a daily basis  but to also wage preemptive phony wars based off a bogeyman myth that not only really never existed as a direct threat but they actually created him to use as a pretext for phony wars that killed and maimed thousands of innocent Americans and cost us trillions of dollars. To make matters even worse they continued on with a pathetic perpetual homeland soil terror campaign that made us worry every day every time we went into the city or a crowded restaurant as well creating constant fear for me and for the people I protected as well as for all of my friends family and  loved ones. Let us never forget the 9-11 false flag stand down that shook this country to its very core that killed thousands, one of them was an NYFD hero I grew up with in junior high school. Now we have a government that takes its playbook directly out of the cia psychological warfare propaganda machine of the 50s(Cameron shrink) to not only kill thousands of Americans overseas but innocents on the other side as well. They actually had the audacity to continue to scare us with their  bs color codes and false flag terrorist events like the underwear bomber. The message I need to get across is that we need to continue to keep our own counsel with real crowd sourcing with real Americans that value freedom and democracy. Many of us already have so we must continue to do this every day so we can all get through this ugly situation  together.        

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