Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Power Corrupts Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

As an astute historian and moralist Lord Acton made that quote, that pretty much summarizes what the intention is for our leaders that are supposed to value the US Constitution and our Bill of Rights.I believe by now the American people understand that the people at the top don't care at all about us because there is unequivocal evidence up until this point in time that their motive has been to shake us all down into submission with their ongoing fear and terror campaigns.They want us to relent and raise our hands and give up since they are the ones that have been protecting us from all of the evil doers then we must listen and acquiesce in silence while they come to our homes and take all of our weapons away and declare Marshal Law and completely eliminate Posse Comitatus. Our president will automatically initiate (COG continuity of govt) Marshal Law is ok with real events like Katrina but not for manufactured government sponsored false flag terrorist events.This is actually criminal and if we look back we can also safely state this is extortion at the highest levels. Lets examine the evidence, in the years to come all of our govt sponsored false flag terrorist events will be exposed and hopefully adjudicated. Every time we got hit starting in 93 w/ the towers, the Oklahoma City Bombing leading up to 9-11 by the so called bad guy terrorists which we now know were all false flag stand down events initiated by good old Uncle Sam this shook alot more money out of the American People so we could get continued protection and fight against these so called evil doers. I urge all Americans to buy A Noble Lie for $20. This amazing documentary proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Oklahoma City was an inside job and many will throw up as I did when learning that the real hero's and witnesses were killed and threatened and forced into submission for trying to set the record straight. One of these hero's was a police officer who appears to have been clearly murdered and he lost many friends and saved alot of people that day.It is no coincidence that the same guy our head shed AG  Holder Mr Fast and Furious who is now being held for contempt of congress was the deputy AG in 95.Seriously this is disgusting we can no longer move forward as a nation until all of the real evil doers are brought to justice for their crimes against humanity because there is no statute of limitations on premeditated well planned out manufactured false flag terrorist events that murdered thousands of innocent Americans..It is important that I explain what motive the plutocrat New World Order elitists have. Its obvious they want to start a civil war because if they take our weapons away that is exactly what will happen. They want us to get hit again and then declare Marshal Law while they already ran for the hills like cowards in their fortified bunkers because they will know about it well in advance.They will then have Conus operators start herding people up like cattle and send them to fusion centers that have already been built. Now we are looking at Asymmetrical Warfare because there is going to be alot of resistance to this even for the people who don't have weapons which are most of the American citizens. Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable(JFK) In essence this pathetic psychological warfare campaign has been praying on innocent Americans for years and I have allready lost many friends. Now after Uncle Sam tries to take their weapons away after they just got home from multiple operational deployments that wont be a pretty picture, I can assure the head sheds about this. Now they are going to have members on the same team Conus units being ordered to round up American citizens after an event the head sheds already orchestrated well in advance and many of the Americans these Conus Units will be rounding up will be pissed off veterans that are highly skilled in the art of war and they are not going to like going against their own I can assure you of this. These Conus Units don't want to be involved in being ordered to do something like this without question because they were all already overseas together over the years on an Oconus level in one way or another..The message I need to get across is that as Americans we all need to come together to seek justice for the head sheds that have been doing absolutely nothing accept lying, using, abusing, hurting, killing, destroying thousands of people on both sides and costing us trillions of dollars while they continue to hide in their fortified bunkers like little cowards and get the highest level of protection from secret service details that already have had many come out as whistle blowers to let us all know what our head sheds are really all about..  

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