Friday, December 20, 2013

Revolutionary Decision

Larry Klayman is the attorney for Charles Strange, he is the father of Michael Strange, the member of Seal Team 6 that went down on Aug 6 2011. (Extortion 17) Please review my Justice For Seal Team 6 blog last month for more details. Larry needs to be given major points for getting the lawsuit against the NSA to the next level. In fact according to Larry he feels that Judge Leon is the real hero because most judges wouldn't stick their neck out the way he did  because it more then likely would have hindered their opportunity for future advancement in an arena that is at this moment deeply rooted in establishment based propaganda.This is a historic moment to say the least and may blow the cover off of the NSA spy program which many feel is really a con job with a motive to ultimately declare Marshal Law and completely annihilate our Bill of Rights. The second Amendment is just one of these so this point must be made loud and clear. People who are speaking out about keeping their weapons as an ability to protect themselves are not gun nuts, newsflash. these people know that without question once the Globalist Regime take our weapons it is over for all of us meaning the US Constitution in its totality and a Totalitarian 1 police state will be the new world order. It is completely obvious how aggressive the head sheds are by trying to steal our weapons by staging circus like airport and mass school shootings and marathon bombing stage shows with really pathetic actors in a way that unequivocally proves how ruthless and sociopathic they truly are.They have stopped at absolutely nothing to achieve their agenda driven objective, they are now completely desperate  because they know deep down they may be completely out of chips.We will see in the months and years to come how much blow back this current administration will receive once the American people start to wake up and discover how much they really were lied to, emotionally manipulated and completely deceived in every  way imaginable on every level. The decision of judge Leon may in fact bring a totally new and different perspective on how Snowden is viewed for future reference so please stay tuned. Please check out Klaymans website for more details  A copy of the text as follows  "A federal judge ruled Monday that the National Security Agency program which collects information on nearly all telephone calls made to from or within the United States is likely to be unconstitutional.
U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon found that the program appears to violate the Fourth Amendment prohibition on unreasonable searches and seizures. He also said the Justice Department had failed to demonstrate that collecting the so-called metadata had helped to head off terrorist attacks.
Acting on a lawsuit brought by conservative legal activist Larry Klayman, Leon issued a preliminary injunction barring the NSA from collecting metadata pertaining to the Verizon accounts of Klayman and one of his clients. However, the judge stayed the order to allow for an appeal."

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