Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Round Up The Usual Suspects/Navy Yard Shooting

There is a great book called The 4 agreements- Basically if we follow these 4 principles life should be great- 1-always do your best 2-be impeccable with your word 3-don't take things personally and 4- last but not least don't make assumptions- This is the most important agreement when it comes to any investigation. Hopefully by now we all know that most mainstream media news outlets are in bed w/ the govt especially with their cia asset Anderson Cooper and all of the other lackeys who support crimes of High Treason. The easiest way to explain what has happened to our main stream media new outlets as well as a certain percentage of rogue operatives in our govt and of course we cant forget about all of the paid horrible crisis actors as well is an experiment from the early 1960s(1961) called the Milgram Experiment Basically this doctor was able to have innocent people right off the street participate in an experiment where they shocked the living daylights out of the participants to near death just because they were ordered to do so by somebody of authority,ie- in thier official looking doctors coat. Since the other people around them were doing the same thing a majority of the shockers felt that this meant that it was ok to continue on with this barbaric shock campaign. Its important to note that the shockers were right off the street without being official victims of the Dr Cameron- Jolly West MK Ultra mind control programs, that is why it is so easy to see how dangerous this technique really is.Its over for all of us once the evil doers are able to find a way to manipulate the remaining reality based real freedom fighters who are disgusted by the continuous criminal acts of our government with their terror based stage shows. The most important thing to do in any investigation is to ask questions and to never buy into an "official story" just because a propaganda based suit puts out a statement.The masses may be easy to manipulate but sooner or later the masses will hopefully wake up as well, many already have.This is where OSINT (open source intelligence) is playing such an important role in todays world. The best intel as of late is coming from people at home that are crowd sourcing with others because they are tired of being manipulated and egregiously lied to by corrupt news outlets and government sponsored stage shows, the numbers keep growing each and every day. A perfect example of this is a man from Canada who completely blew the cover off of the Navy Yard Shooting incident step by step piece by piece. He wasn't the only one to do this however he did an excellent job and deserves alot of credit for his effort. He claims that he isn't even being paid and I really do believe him because there are many other solid citizens(he isn't even a US citizen) just like he is who are full of righteous indignation and they are actually making a real difference in exposing the tyrannical efforts of the king makers at the highest levels of our govt who continue to shake us down with their weapon grabbing efforts.It doesn't appear to be letting up so we will see what the evil doers have in store for us next. Please take two hours of your time to listen to and watch these links and the evidence this man uncovers and try to support him in any way you can- 2 links to follow-

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