Thursday, December 5, 2013

Pretext For War- False Flag Operations

Countries around the globe in the 20 century unleashed the dogs of war by creating clandestine operations to stage terror on ones soil in order to create fear anger and aggression for the indigenous populace as well as to use that as an excuse to go after the countries that appear to have created this horrific atrocity. These are what are known as False Flag Operations.In Politics nothing happens by accident if it happens you can bet it was planned that way.(FDR) Hitler used these tactics as a reason to invade Poland as well as to go after the Russians.The next question is since the US is the number one superpower would we ever be involved in something like this? History says yes because leading up to the 20 century 1898(my grandpa was a little kid) The Cuban American War 266 dead and many more casualties w/ the explosion of the USS Maine was started by our side. During the cold war there was Operation Gladio along with Nato backed by the west mi6 and cia they shot up and killed innocents in the street all over Europe.Operation Northwood in the early 60s was proposed by Nato commander and Joint Chief of Staff Gen Lemnitzer .He wanted to hire mafia type thugs and criminals to shoot down innocents in the street in Miami and even have some of the higher ups stage a 9-11 type operation to make it appear that they shot down one of our airliners as a pretext for war against Cuba. We read about this in Tom Clancy novels but now we know where it originated, now we know who we can also blame for getting rid of Kennedy. JFK saved us all with the Cuban Missile crisis and he vehemently rejected this type of Terror Regime, we also know that he didn't want a prolonged quagmire in Vietnam. If we look at the evidence thugs and criminals were involved across the board with the conspiracy and we also know that the Maphia had their hand in it as well however they also helped him get elected that is why they were so upset with Bobby when he went out of his way to go after these people along the way.9-11 wasn't the beginning of the end for us it actually started when the thugs and criminals got rid of JFK because it was downhill for us all after that day moving forward.Unfortunately these thugs and criminals infiltrated our Military Industrial Complex and have been here ever since. Richard Corttrell explains this in detail with his book (Gladio The Pentagon Nazi Maphia.) The good news is that we are too smart for these people and they will all be exposed in the years to come. The 93 Trade Center Bombing, The Oklahoma City disaster where rogue operatives that worked directly for the FBI And BATF (I thought they were supposed to be the good guys on our side that helped to protect us to keep us safe)  were spotted on the ground which led to the deaths of 168 women and children. This is what  led to having the greatest spy ever known John Oneill getting sabotaged by Tom Pickard and his rogue operative sabotage team by trying to prevent 9-11 but was stonewalled every step of the way and was sent to his imminent demise in the greatest towers ever known in a devastating pile of ash and rubble.We know what is going on now w/ the underwear bomber being used as a patsy and being whisked through the gates. There is no way these rogue operatives are going to get away with this kind of thing anymore because the people with control of all of the money in this country are alot smarter then these rogue operatives who created trillions of dollars worth of debt which may even lead to another default and will have to be paid for by innocent Americans for many years to come. These rogue operatives have killed thousands and are still killing innocent American hero's by using their pathetic fear and terror tactics against us in order to try to get us to relinquish our 2nd Amendment rights, our freedom of speech, what we do say and write etc. We already won that war with the American Revolution and the Union went against the rebels because they were trying to preserve the noble aristocracy w/ their their Kings and Queens, slavery and servitude and the Confederates lost that battle as well. We are not going to hand over our weapons so we can become a one police state that that tries to have us worry about being spied upon, the 1984 Orwellian nightmare that many Americans are already  blowing the whistle on. This is really a false flag operation run by a Tyrannical Regime that hides under the phony guise of civil liberties and democracy. There is no way we are going to be undermined by threats and bully tactics that try to coerce us to sign false statements because there are going to be alot of expert witnesses coming on board to expose all of these rogue operatives and these people are going to have the best legal Plaintiff team  money can buy.    

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