Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Life Liberty Pursuit of Hapiness

The Declaration of Independence, alot of people died fighting for this unalienable right. It seems the propaganda machine is trying to make us forget that war and this has created a situation of unhappiness for many Americans.When big brother starts pushing us around and doing whatever they want by staging terror attacks on our soil making the masses feel safer when their storm troopers start going house to house kicking in doors kicking ass and taking names on our soil looking for weapons and bad guys without warrants this is not a very good scenario.There are enough bad guys on our soil we don't need the head sheds shaking us all down creating stage shows in attempt to declare Marshal Law in a fashion that can only be described as pathetic.I know alot of real world operators overseas that really know how to kick in doors and take out bad guys and they are not too happy about these recent attempts to wage war on our soil by infiltrating Federal,State and Local Law Enforcementagencies and creating circus like stage shows having everybody around chanting USA USA. Its tough to even figure out who is being paid as the actor and who isn't. I know people and have trained with them for many years running and they have been doing the Boston Marathon every year without fail. It was bad enough they canceled NY 5 months before because I knew many people who were disgusted about that as well, they weren't even told until they got there what was that all about?With all the craziness in the world a marathon could have instilled patriotism for the still suffering Sandy victims just like it did a few months after 9-11.This is getting ridiculous, now they are trying to shake hard working dedicated runners to their very core with their pathetic stage shows what are they going to try next?Do these arrogant maniacs know how hard it is to train and complete a full 26.2 mile marathon? I completed 4 it is hell on earth now they are ruining their lives as well, they couldn't even cross the finish line something they trained for year round, that is the end game just to cross the finish line that is what they train for and that is the only thing that  keeps them going for miles on end. Seriously this is disgusting,do they even know what scam they have in store for us next because this is pure insanity at the highest levels and it is (High Treason) Dr P. has the 60 minute interview of the NSA head shed the other night 60 minutes interview with Keith Alexander.  Transcript posted as well.
http://www.cbsnews.com/news/nsa-speaks-out-on-snowden-spying/ I don't trust any of these people because I am sick and tired of hearing about the threat of terrorists because there was never any real threat of terrorists on our soil so please stop killing innocent people costing the tax payers trillions of dollars with your Dept of Homeland Security Fema based Fusion Centers that are all set to round up Americans like cattle never to be seen or heard from again.There are alot of good guys in our intelligence agencies and nothing upsets these people more then when they see a red flag and do the best they can to expose it but get stonewalled from another agency. These bad guys are really assets with cover from another agency that big brother need to utilize in order to continue to stage attacks and create fear and terror in all of us and don't forget to extort billions of dollars of tax payers money so we can get continued protection from these bad guys.We must hand all of our weapons away turn them over and raise our  hands in defeat so we can become a one police state.Oh yes I forgot to mention the Dept of Homeland Sec have Blackhawks with special response teams that are allowed to land on our property without warrants to kick our doors down and basically do whatever they want if we speak out against the criminal and High Treasonous acts of our govt.Now all the Patriots and returning vets are on the watch list if they don't go along w/ the new regime and are considered domestic terrorists are you kidding me what is wrong with this picture?  .

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