Saturday, December 21, 2013

War Games

Psych Ops 101 is a fairly basic technique. If your opponent says something that is true the oldest trick in the book is to discredit these individuals in any way possible. Smoke bombs, direct distraction and diversion tactics, character assassination, ad hominem attacks that have professional smear and distortion campaigns, disinformation minions that label truth speakers paranoid conspiracy wack jobs etc.. It is safe to say that mainstream media is an absolute dinosaur and more often then not at the very least mendacious and corrupt. A perfect example of this is CNN- They went after Larry Klayman like wildfire last week with their yellow journalism because a man like this is a direct threat and really is one of the biggest names to remember in the months and years to come. A beautiful former employee of CNN and real world  investigative journalist Amber Lyon just wrote a book Peace Love and Pepper Spray. Her experience at this establishment agenda driven mouthpiece can be viewed  at the following link (keep in mind she is a 3 time Emmy award winner) This sums up where we are today with our major main stream news outlets both in our cable and TV channels. Even Fox news are played like puppets on a string from the propaganda based king makers. I know this makes many of them miserable because the good ones in their core know they want and need to speak the truth. That is why independent media will be our new world order moving forward, every day more and more people are tired and disgusted about being lied to about what is really going on out there. My next blog will blow the cover off the entire Syria situation as well investigating the latest AP piece that just came out about why the Nuke General Carey was fired. The truth will always be the most powerful weapon

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