Thursday, December 12, 2013

Resistance To The New World Order

Does anybody remember when our leaders really cared about us? After WW2 during the cold war there were nuclear bomb drills for our people, I don't remember this but my parents do.That was before the criminals took out JFK because he vehemently rejected to Operation Northwood. This was a major reason so from that day forward we have witnessed the disintegration of democracy and our US Constitution. There aren't many people I trust with my life however Joel Skousen is one of these people.He is the author of  Strategic Relocation Volume 3. Skousen  is a brilliant survivalist and former USMC Pilot during the Vietnam era. His book basically gives us deep insight in regard to the Globalist agenda and he gives great advise on how to react when we get hit again because good old Uncle Sam wont be there for us because the shadow operatives of our govt are the ones that will be responsible for it however they will blame it on somebody else like the cowards and criminals that they truly are..If you are you going to hit us then at least man up to it instead of running to your underground bunkers like little girls and then showing up later w/ your fake crocodile tears and new Marshal Law orders.It must be noted that Uncle Sam wants us to get hit very hard and completely wipe us all out and the more dead the better.This way anybody left standing will have no choice but to relent to Marshal Law and that will absolutely be the beginning of the end of our Constitution dating back to 1776 if we relent and raise our hands in defeat.This has been in the works for many years thus the reason for Clintons Trade Center bombing in 93, Oklahoma City leading up to 9-11 ad infinitem. As soon as Hitler came to power he fire bombed his own Reichshtag and blamed it on the Communists. Lets see what did W do as soon as he took office? He had 9-11 planned well in advance, he just took the baton from Clinton because his father ran the cia w/ the Bogeyman on the cias payroll. The Globalists already have their underground bunkers built and they are just waiting for us to get hit even with a false flag operation because they already have their Conus Units all set and ready to go. Isn't it telling that the Globalist Regime is all set with their underground bunkers but the only thing waiting for us is Pow type Fushion Centers? The new Globalist Regime wants to wipe out this country so they can automatically hook up with all of the NATO countries to create (The New Democracy). This will be a world power but it will not be a democracy at all but rather a Tyrannical Regime with full control definitely not our sacrosanct US Constitution .Any money left over in this country will automatically be confiscated out of our banks and consolidated into the Plutocrats pockets and a new socialist economy dictatorship will be the New World Order. In essence this attack will be very ugly and the plan is to initially wipe out as many people as possible.Globalist Regimes like Hitler and Stalin don't value human life and our American Way.Unfortunately they are from the mindset of Collectivization and Holocaust type operations. Hegemony is the motive pure and simple and.this new fake democracy will have 1 currency and it unequivocally will not be the old one.This new world superpower will be ready to fight against China and the Oligarchs of Russia because they will then have full control over NATO with their RAND partners etc.I urge all Americans to buy Skousens book because this is his life's work and he wants to save millions of lives with a strategic relocation plan for all of us.We will then be all set  to go to our own bunkers in rural areas to fight back against Tyranny because we will absolutely have no choice.When the people start to fight against the govt that is Tyranny but when the govt starts to fear the people there will be liberty-(Thomas Jefferson)    

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