Sunday, December 15, 2013

Magna Carta Habeas Corpus Due Process?

I am trying to figure out what our government is up to as of late? We have an Attorney General that was deputy AG during the Oklahoma City False Flag in 95 that killed 268 women and children that is now being held in contempt of congress for being a pathological liar and for his Fast and Furious scam saying its ok to take out American citizens with zero judiciary process whatsoever- w/ this NDAA act of his? Was this actually passed and rubber stamped? Ok just kill them on the spot and are we supposed to believe that they are and were really bad guys? Habeas Corpus, Due Process that no longer applies because the head sheds have an Executive Order and know all and are way above the law. Maybe send a real American citizen to a fusion center never to be seen of heard from again-ok I am starting to feel sick..What did that war monger Lindsy Graham say America is the new battlefield and a few months ago told the entire state of South Car to get ready to get hit by a nuke and had his Fema boys all set and ready to go for Marshal Law, what ever happened to that story?It is an interesting coincidence that most(not Graham)of the civilian politicians who have never been to war and have absolutely no idea how ugly it really is and what its like to save and protect lives are always the first ones to start new wars just to fit their own pathetic political agenda? I urge all Americans to view this excellent 30 min. video of the New American Revolution-  Oh yes I forgot to mention the Dept of Homeland Security is planning to wage war on our soil  with their 1.6 billion( updated 2 bill) rounds(yes billions) of ammo many of them hollow point, are we in Iraq or Afghanistan, I thought this was the USA? Anybody who speaks out against this Tyranny something that is protected by our US Constitution is now being considered a threat, terrorist etc. Oh yes I can never forget all of our brave men and women coming back from overseas have been told for at least the past 5 years maybe even longer to get ready to wage war on American soil and if they refuse this illegal act of high treason they will then be considered terrorists and probably be eliminated as well- These brave soldiers were used and abused w/ multiple deployments to fight against a bogeyman myth that never existed as a real threat and was created by the New World Order elitist's under the cia payroll supposedly to protect our American Way of Life(1776 remember that war?) They have PTSD TBI, suicide ideation,chronic pain ad infinitim. They were hoping to come home to decompress, maybe reach out to their x wife who she divorced long ago,or maybe even get a little much needed therapy. However they were all tipped off well in advance to get ready to wage war on the new battlefield(American Soil). They are now told the new enemy is any patriot who speaks out or has a weapon, believes in freedom of speech our US constitution remember that document? If they refuse this order and criminal act of high treason then they will become the new enemy of the state as well and more then likely will be eliminated or at the very least the evil doers will find a way to ruin him/her even more then they already have for the rest of their lives(no pension dishonorable discharge) .That is what the evil doers have in store for our US drones to take out people on the street, our homes and buildings all around us just to send a message of who is in really in charge.Anybody who is an honest hard working American citizen is now considered a threat if they speak out against the brainwashing new world order propaganda machine.The establishment crony capitalist  crooked and criminal US Media ignore reality because they are all bought and paid for and are being held hostage as well.There is now a new terrorist bad guy, a soldier who values his oath as well as any gun owners and freedom speakers to be put on their watch list.They need a case file for all the meta data the NSA is illegally storing on every one of us so they can use this as dirt at a later date to be used against us at any given moment.This way they can decide what pow fusion center concentration camps to put us all in and figure out which (innocent human beings on American soil w/ loved ones and families and friends) need to be exterminated first.We must remember these are real American Patriots they are targeting.Any real Patriot like Judge Napalitano with a tremendous following and loyal fan base from Fox News gets fired because he is a real man with courage that actually speaks the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.What is wrong with this picture? They want and need to keep the Uria Heeps that can be pushed around, threatened and intimidated to make sure they stay in line to conform to the establishment new world order agenda, however when a real man like the judge speak the truth they ax him immediately inst that telling? Oreilly and his no spin fable about Oswald and what a great shooter he was and that the Warren Commission were straight shooters as well are you kidding me? What are they trying to hide I thought the establishment media had an oath as well so what is the cover up?We are not supposed to be worried about being spied upon if we have nothing to hide so what is establishment medias response to this very same question?  The Bush Administration was just convicted (In Absentia) in Malaysia for war crimes, torture is illegal and is completely ineffective but they still continue to do this and get away with it what is wrong w/ this picture? Remember Hitler Knight of the Long Knives? He got rid of anybody that couldn't be manipulated by the Goebbels propaganda machine.Seriously let us wake up America before its too late how much more criminal can our govt get? I make amends to the people that were criticizing these diabolical and draconian totalitarian violations of law and order because now I see it loud and clear. Big Brother,Hitler, Satan, George Orwell, Brave New World here we all are 70 years after the Holocaust. Newsflash my grandfather served on the Western Front in the First World War and my dad in the Air Force during the Korean campaign.There are many Americans who have families that go way back even much further then mine both to the Civil and Revolutionary Wars. They are not very happy right now to say the least just to give the head sheds a heads up and I can assure you none of these people are terrorists with Islamic Jihad affiliations.What is going on out in the Ozarks a 72,000 square ft fortress much bigger then the White House w/ underground cities all set and ready to go for the head sheds while the rest of us are just waiting for a civil war because they don't care how many people die as long as they have their bunkers to hide in and get ready to start their Marshal Law new world order fake democracy. A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves-Edward R Murrow. Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither- Ben Franklin

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