Friday, November 29, 2013

This Country Is In Shambles

Its a bad situation when the best guys in the world are sent to their death on a premeditated well planned out suicide mission with plenty of motive by rogue operatives at the top. This isn't about politics this is about right and wrong. The guys doing it the right way all along (up in the air on the ground and underwater) knew who the enemy was in the very beginning. I really don't care why these rogue operatives did it I just want to see them all go to jail and get Treason charges..Benghazi was another scam.Some say this is all tied together that Ambassador Stevens was taken out because he knew too much and didn't want to be involved with the modern day version of Iran Contra by running (ManPads heat seeking missiles) from Libya into Syria. I really don't care what they do as long as it doesn't put our guys lives in danger and it doesn't help our enemies. The only thing I know for certain is our guys are getting set up to be killed and stand down orders seem to be the ROEs of choice these days. I want to know if the Taliban have these ManPads as well because because a lucky shot RPG from 700 meters away in the pitch dark that clipped a rotor blade didn't happen I am putting that on record. There was a stand down order given in Benghazi as well. Lets see 11 years to the day of 9-11 where the bravest Americans came from all over the country to help out and do whatever they possibly could to help and make sense out of something that was simply beyond comprehension and then in Benghazi they made up a bull shit story for starters.Lets examine the date 11 years to the day 9-11 how many 911 emergency codes do we need? There were operators on  the ground in Croatia doing training and they were all set to go in their birds(C-110 sf team) and they would have been on the ground in 4-6 hours plenty of time before the second attack that killed Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty(at least 2 assets readily available) They at the very least could have evacuated the wounded and facilitated the exfil because nobody knew what could have happened next, second attacks are what the bad guys do they set up the first one just to make things even worse.These operators are trained for QRF quick reaction force ugly situations and they are no stranger to danger. Glen Doherty commandeered (cia global response team) a jet from Tripoli along with 7 others(on his own) and buzzed over to the CIA annex 1 mile down the road from the Diplomatic compound that got hit 7 hours earlier.Why did this hero have to commandeer a jet along w/ team, how come their were highly trained DSS and Spec ops operators(at least 15)in Tripoli and they were told to stand down? On 9-11 we had volunteers coming from all over the country to help out and absolutely nobody told them to go in but they went anyway let us all never forget these brave Americans. However when bad things started happening in Lybia they were given the stand down order and these men had to commandeer a jet on their own to help us all, what was that all about? I am going to put on record that bad things started happening when Biden blew the cover of Seal Team 6 and did the lets not forget the most secretive unit in the world political posturing because that upset everybody in that community.. That was the beginning of the end because there were leaks going on from that day forward so now we know who we can blame.Do you think these operators wanted their cover blown when they work in the shadows? They are movies made and books and video games and everything else in between but these are all vetted before they ever hit the big screens and the shelves. Delta wanted that job and they were upset that they didn't get it but I am putting on record that Seals are not the high profile Hollywood types they are made out to be by the Bidens of this world. That is not who they are or why they do it because they would never ever make it if that was their intention and Don Shiply tells them this in his train up before they ever think about going to BUDS..These guys were set up to get slaughtered by rogue operatives at the top and we are all going to get some answers because Panneta is looking very suspicious in this entire situation as well.The arrogance of the people at the top is mind blowing. The guys (on the ground up in the air and underwater) are the ones protecting these people and they are the ones being set up to get killed. Why did the Navy Yard situation have to happen? These brave Americans were doing their job inside a military compound but they didn't even have a weapon to protect themselves from a maniac going postal because that's not politically correct. However the suits that start our wars and do all the stonewalling, cover ups and distortion campaigns they get all types of protection because they are much more important and these are the very same people that send the best ones out to not only  protect them but to protect us all and they are the ones getting killed, what is wrong with this picture?Doretys heroics never made it to the official State Dept review because according to Mike Mullen"its not reasonable nor feasible to tether every high risk post in the world." Are you kidding me this cover up is obviously linked to what they did to DEVGRU, it is all a sham and those responsible at the top are going to have to answer alot of questions and if found guilty they better get sent to jail and get Treason charges. Lybia and the Tangi Valley are perfect examples of what I have been saying all along, our enemies are the ones at the top not our guys (up in the air underwater and on the ground) and they are the very ones protecting these people,.what is wrong with this picture?.An operator put on record that without Doretys heroics that situation would have been much worse, at least 2o hostages and many more would have been killed.

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