Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Brutal Thugs And Message From Anonomyus

I am deeply disturbed after watching the cell phone video of the off duty NYPD offcer getting brutally assaulted on the NYC streets.The beating was the worst thing I ever witnessed, it made me physically ill. I shut down my pc and prayed for the rest of the evening hoping that all of humanity hasn't been irrevocably destroyed by people like this. What added insult to injury was the diabolical thug who filmed it was laughing about it and was actually getting pleasure out of watching this officer getting pummeled to near death. I have been around some very dangerous people in my life in the criminal world but I always showed  them respect as people and I can honestly say it would be hard for me to picture the ones I met on a personal level ever getting any joy in witnessing something like this.. The thug who beat the officer hopefully will get life in prison but please let us find a way to charge that cell phone thug as well. Watching an attempted murder without intervening to prevent more bodily injury should be a criminal charge and then more should be added on top based on the fact he got off on it by filming this and then posting it on fb. Let us all dig deep on this one to push through all the red tape so we can create criminal charges for people who derive great pleasure watching the inhumane suffering of another human being, especially an officer of the law whether he knew it or not at the time is irrelevant. Now I will focus on the group Anonymous. This is a group of hacktivists who keep sending messages to our Federal Agencies and Spy Firms and everywhere else in between with their advanced hacking skills.Generally speaking Anonymous itself is not as subversive and outright dangerous as  some of the mini factions working underneath them such as Anti Sec and LuLZSEC. The deep message within all of their statements comes from a complete mistrust of our government, these people are in tight with Wiki Leaks and the Snowden types. I must say it is important to listen to these people because they are very powerful and have already hacked into Booze Allen and Stratfor a few years back and many other classified agencies.The hacker for Stratfor Jeremy Hammond(28 yrs old) just got sentenced to 10 years, his lawyers argued it was all an act of civil disobedience as opposed to a malevolent conspiracy.Putting LEOs lives in danger by posting all of their personal info all over the web wasn't a very nice thing to do. He considered himself a whistle blower against the real evil doers (the war monger surveillance state our US government.) Some view him as a real Patriot along the lines of Daniel Ellsberg (Pentagon Papers Vietnam) or Robin Hood since the money he stole went to charitable causes. His direct quote as follows-("Sometimes laws must be broken to make room for change," to address "the hypocrisy of law and order.") They have been hitting the FBI hard, even the UK organized crime squad as well as of late and they are only growing.  If it becomes an outright war, an us vs them situation then that will make things even worse. For example lets examine what Operation Last Resort is all about. They are indignant because Aron Swartz was arrested by MIT police for allegedly downloading millions of academic papers from their library however he was a research Fellow at Harvard with direct access to the library. Sounds somewhat illegal of course but it also sounds a bit like a fed witch- hunt. The feds came in and put this kid through the wringer. He was on his way to multiple years in Federal prison where one must do 85% of the time before he hung himself after the plea bargain was denied. Swartz was a brilliant computer geek not a sociopathic destruction machine like some ponzi scam artists and a select few of the wall street executives. That is the message we must listen to because if we don't this will become an all out war. There is simply no trust in big government thus the push for transparency, Wiki Leaks etc. The feds just enforce the law, hacktivists have to take their anger out on somebody just like our soldiers had to deal with coming back from Vietnam. Hacktivists and many others don't want a police state which we really aren't but we have to listen to what their messages are because some of these people are very smart just as Swartz was. Watching executives walk away scot free with 100 million dollar bonuses after destroying companies and ruining lives and ruthless ponzi crooks  ie-(harsh criminal charges not just civil suits should be the main focal point)  Not draconian punishments for some brilliant computer geek who many people revered and looked up to. He wasn't diabolical to say the least, he actually helped alot of people, that is the message we must listen to. How many people do you think look up to or trust the people that I used to work for? They put ads in the Wall Street journal making believe they were high speed operators with lucrative overseas anti terror/piracy contracts. They proceeded to steal $1,000,000 from naive investors under the name of private security and investigation which should be a  pure and noble profession and our American flag which is truth and justice, helping people by protecting people and saving lives, that is the American Way. These 2 guys hid like little girls after the SEC came after them and filed for bankruptcy .If that weren't bad enough I was all set to take a class at a high speed compound where the owner Jamie Smith allegedly had cia creds, but definitely had Air Marshal and Air Force contracts and a few international solo kidnap and recovery missions under his belt for private money. I actually looked up to this slimy snake oil salesman for many years. I had no idea he was in bed w/ Troy Titus one of the biggest scam artists of our time. Smith stole 12 mill from an innocent couple making believe he was a Harvard lawyer using the same scam as my x-firm (high speed lucrative overseas contracts w/ high returns). It was premeditated, cold, calculating and there was plenty of motive. He ran away as well and left the country after the civil conviction and when confronted by the military teams and air marshal leaders he said "no that wasn't me that was a firm that sounded like mine.".How much more pathetic can you get then this creep? At least these people are getting exposed but without criminal charges to go along w/ civil ones it doesn't help at all. Some of the details of this guy Jamie Smith were found in Hammonds Stratfor hack. Apparently this guy was still being used as a trusted source with intel about Syria and Benghazi Lybia.. This is the United States of America, I have a serious problem with business associates of Troy Titus who stole 12 million from an innocent couple being used as a trusted source at the highest levels for our government, I am sure the victims, the Samford family do as well.. One can see how many people want and need transparency for the exact reason I just wrote about. I am still recovering from nausea of the thought of being directly and indirectly involved in security firms and training compounds that stole from innocent people under the name of the American Flag.This kind of thing gives the entire private intel industry a bad name, how much worse can you get then that?         .   .   .            

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