Saturday, November 9, 2013

Tar Pits and Noxious Fumes

We all must figure out a way to help the people in this country who have been irrevocably ruined by toxic chemicals.The DOD has a long history of blowing off and completely ignoring brave men and women that signed up in what was an all volunteer military after Vietnam. And please let us all not forget about the people around ground zero(many have died already and are still suffering tremendously). I will never forget 9-11 I lost some friends, it put me in a severe depression, I cried for days on end, I never got over it and I know that I never will. What kept me going was witnessing the character of the American people as they came from all over the country to help and they did whatever they could to make sense out of something that was simply beyond comprehension. Last time I checked alot of the people with cancer and severe respiratory issues were not being taken care of. There is a difference between Vietnam and today but the easiest way to describe the mini revolutions of today such as Occupy Wall Street and what transpired back then are one in the same. I know of a few parents who lost loved ones in the Towers and they felt justified in dropping bombs on Iraq w/ mini paintings of 9-11 on them etc just as we did back in WW2 after Pearl Harbor. These parents were horrified when they learned the truth and like I mentioned in my previous blog pre-9-11 was the beginning of the end for all of us. I urge all Americans to read Against All Enemies by Richard Clark. That man knows everything and he is our countries number one trusted source. He was flat out stonewalled by the Bush Administration pre-911 when he had code red info, the highest level of all danger zone intel. He was not agenda driven, he worked under both Clinton and Bush and he exposed weaknesses from both sides. After 9-11 the administration did everything in their power to discredit him during the Commission hearings etc but in the end the truth usually not always but for the most part always comes out. Anyway in Vietnam there was Agent Orange but the people back home took out their anger on the soldiers when they came back as if it were their fault. It was a draft situation and although Sen Webb wasn't drafted he went through hell when he came back and went through Law School. Today at least people understand its not right to take out their feelings on the brave warriors but the feelings of mistrust are still the same. After Desert Storm Gulf War syndrome came about but the DOD blew this off as well. They were breathing in fumes from oil well fires and everything else in between how could a future problem not be imminent? Today there is burning tar pits our soldiers are and were exposed to and the only thing comparable in my mind that resembles what they are breathing in was the 9-11. ash burning jet fuel, computer parts etc ad infinitem. Please lets all figure out a way to help our wounded warriors and that includes all of the people at and around Ground Zero that are still suffering today        

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