Friday, November 15, 2013

Lone Wolf

I live with 6 dogs, they are truly mans best friend. I have sole custody of a Lab/Doby combo, and a Lab. Duke the Lab/Doby had a sister that was either eaten by an alligator or kicked by a horse 5 months ago.This created a time of deep mourning that I still haven't recovered from yet,she was absolutely beautiful, I raised her since 5 weeks old. Duke has a tendency to be a lone wolf while out during pack drills.The similarities between wolves and dogs are almost identical, 99% DNA etc (Canis Rufus wolf) (Canis Rufus Familaris dog) Wolves had no choice but to adapt and follow the pack if they weren't the Alpha and if they didn't they would either be left behind or killed by their own. It is the same exact way in the warrior code world, that is why when Pentagon brass bureaucrats make the life of Alpha Military leaders a living hell by not listening to what they need after they already asked them due to their own pathetic political agendas this is truly unconscionable. Alpha leaders have all lost men before and have suffered immeasurably, this job is stressful and beyond comprehension as it is so when an arrogant brass hound makes their life even worse and without question creates even more danger in an arena that's already on the highest level of all danger zones this is unforgivable. I knew the warrior code while attending OCS USMC- I was to lead at the front but in real world I would be standing behind my Sergeant and the Gunnys, the heart and sole of the infantry and if I didn't, I would be taken out by own guys just like in Korea. If I came in as a green pea Officer and starting pushing my sergeants around, the ones that were doing it the right way all along and for many years before me this would automatically put my entire platoon at risk and in the warrior code world this can and will never happen. That is why in Special Forces units rank does not matter, in many cases Sergeant Majors run the entire show when it comes to SF teams and this is just one example of many .I am going  to cut Duke some slack because their was a Lone Wolf inWW2 his name was George Beurling. He was born to fly and took off from Canada to join the RAF. This man was so good that he took off on his own during missions to take out German planes completely leaving behind his brothers.. I now feel the movie Top Gun was based off of this guy especially the inverted maneuver.. He saw things that nobody else ever could even during the  AAR (after action film reports,). They thought he was just an insubordinate cocky kid, he was ostracized around his wolf pack and was thrown to the wolves so to speak due to his lone wolf antics. He got his lucky break in the island of Malta where he was given a fresh start w/ a different flight unit on an island that was getting hammered hard every day by the Germans. He actually gave everybody a much needed dose of adrenaline in his Spitfire, he became the biggest Ace of WW2  where he shot down 27 Axis aircraft in 14 days, 31/1/2 total before his ultimate exit. That is phenomenal, The German Messerschmidt's were no easy target that is for sure, he had superhuman instincts and created and perfected the art of what was to become known as Scanning or Deflection Shooting. This was soon implemented into the training manual of all future flight  training programs.This brings me to the heartbreaking story of the poor Wilton woman who had one of her arms torn off as well as half her other arm by the pet Pit Bull that apparently either one of her sons or both owned. I am now putting it on record that this breed should be extinct. I gave it the benefit of the doubt for many years but this last incident certified the suspicion that I had all along. This breed has a chemical inbalance in the brain chemistry that has nothing to do with being raised to fight or by owner negligence. I really don't think that their are too many Pitbull arenas comparable to Michael Vicks past hobby in the Fairfield County area. In Fla it is a different story however just last week I met a nice girl right here in Delray Beach that had major plastic surgery on her face that was clearly visible from a previous Pit Bull attack. She knew the dog since puphood and I believe what she told me to be the truth ie- (she never raised it in a manner that would create aggression and she was bitten out of nowhere after petting it for 15 minutes).A dog can end up being aggressive just by neglect and by not having a clear Alpha in its life or if its left alone cooped up for hours on end.  I could tell she knew what she was talking about in reference to the right way to raise a dog .This is just one example of many that I can write about, I know alot of  lovers and owners of this breed will come after me for writing this, it is unfortunate because most of them are sweet but the risks are far too great to continue procreating this animal.Wolves evolved into dogs simply by learning to adapt to humans, the aggressive ones who couldn't and acted in a violent manner were left behind or killed by us, therefore that is the only difference between the wolf and a dog. I will base my anecdotal analysis to that of a sociopath. These people make up about 5% of the population, it is a chemical imbalance in the brain that make it impossible for these people to feel any empathy or remorse regardless of their actions. It doesn't matter how many lives are destroyed and ruined in their wake there is no amount of psychotherapy or treatment that will help these people, thus the reason they are so dangerous. The FBI BAU (behavioral analysis unit) has a simple way to explain the criminal mind of a serial killer or for a killer in general. They are either (psychopathic sociopath no remorse) or psychotic, (this gives the killer a little more leniency in the court of law because this is where one may hear voices from the Devil etc Son of Sam) sending them to a jail/ psych ward for the rest of their life may or may not be a better fit). Schizophrenics are known to fit this profile, a well respected doctor wrote an article that stated the kid from Newtown may have had a misdiagnosis, he may have been a schizophrenic which happens all to often. That Alexis creep from the Navy Yard Massacre allegedly heard voices as well..Lets say a prayer for the poor woman from Wilton, I am sure her 2 sons have a few questions  to answer as well.                      

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