Sunday, November 10, 2013

Plan For Greed Mongers

It is important to point out the difference between Wall Street evil doers and their derivative bombs such as what led up to the financial crisis and the honest investors that make up a large percentage of wall street executives. However It  is tough to actually pinpoint the percentage of brokers who really care about their clients (the way it used to be) After the crisis a few years ago there was a whistle blower that came out of Goldman Sachs Gregory Smith and he wrote an op-ed piece as well as a book about how greed was still good and he just couldn't take the miserable environment anymore. Although I believe him wholenheartedly its hard to support him 100% because apparently the firm sent in digital forensic experts and they didn't find any correspondence via e-mail that was  pejorative in nature as far as clients being refereed to as Muppets etc.Who knows maybe he just wanted to sell out and write a book? The American way of making money is ok even alot of it as long as it is ethical and innocent people don't get ruined for life. Warren Buffet made a quote ""Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked.".The Feds deserve a little empathy because they are so stressed out with what they had to deal with post 9-11 w/ a limited amount of agents when they went full scale toward terrorism diversion. We all must note  that we only got hit once during the Boston Marathon post 9-11, they prevented far more attempts, many that we never even knew about just like the major millennium attack that was prevented by Oneill and his team in Times Square. They simply don't have enough manpower. Its easy to criticize as an outsider looking in that is why the DOJs Lanny Breur must be given his job back. I didn't check the veracity of the report but I read that he was fired because he couldn't indite any wall street executives .A man like that has an incredible amount of pressure on his shoulders,  I believe an "us vs them:" mentality needs to be eradicated .Instead of forcing a man like that out it is much better to help him by making his job easier  The Feds are super stressed, after 9-11 there was Enron, World Com etc ..I don't know how or why the SEC missed out on the Harry Markoplos warnings, he was the Fraud Examiner who was all over Madoff and made it his life mission to expose him, that was a humongous dropped ball. I know how hard it is to get into the FBI so that is the answer to clean up this mess for future reference. With the amount  of corporate malfeasance that transpired post 9-11 the American people demand results, that includes helping naive investors from getting taken advantage by unscrupulous individuals behind mini ponzi scams as well. Special Forces Teams have an extreme shortage of operators, I am a recruiter, the biggest reason for this is because they don't lower the standards, the chances are quite small that somebody will make it all the way through .The Feds have no choice but to expand their budget and recruit. They need to go out in the field just like my Captain did when he came to my college to help me get into OCS. It wont be easy but in order to really find out what is going on in the dark world and black box of wall street you need to infiltrate on the ground floor. This way you have a young man coming out of B-school going directly in and his cover will never get blown. Now you have a young man who is smart enough to get into the major firms making over 6 figures for starters and a career of potential millions giving up that chance for love of God and Country and working on a fed budget as a mole/spy for the FBI- (he/she will be getting paid by the firm as well). Believe me I know they are there just waiting for something like this. I dont know why the federal agencies were always so hard to get into but by not going out into the field to meet talent directly this is the major reason this country is in such bad shape. Having thousands of resumes that come in that they never even look at doesn't help when you have many great college and MBA students that would love to work for the FBI financial crimes unit either directly or as a green badger just waiting to be recruited. The train up process will be as tough as special forces, I know how hard it is to get in on the ground floor at one of the major firms. I had a close friend that I ran track w/ at GHS, a few years later I dated an Olympic skater whos father helped get him a job at a major brokerage house that even survived the crisis and is still standing today..He was on the ground floor of the esoteric world of derivatives in 93. They called him Boy Wizard, Genius etc..The derivative world in itself is not evil because one can trade in a relative safe manner w/ covered positions and make money w/ out anybody getting hurt except the investor but they are big boys who all know about the risks and potential losses going in. The derivatives that were  evil were the toxic cdos that were all in collusion w/ the credit agencies etc but that doesn't mean that all traders are evil and greedy and this is the message that I need to get across. The good traders don't like the self absorbed greed mongers either, they have no problem exposing and getting rid of these kind of people.We must get back to the way it used to be before the hedge fund world turned what used to be alot of money (mllions) into (billions). That was the beginning of the end, it most likely started in the late 90s when Long Term Capital in Greenwich shook the entire world markets w/ their implosion. Smith Barney had a saying "doing it the old fashioned way" We need to bring that mentality back otherwise we will never have a chance to earn back trust and bring this country back together again.           .  

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