Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blackwater Rogue/Objective Analysis?

As mentioned in my previous blog the bw guys knew they were going into a very bad situation in Iraq to act in a protective style only completely undermanned to begin with surrounded by conventional Army units. Then they are asked to protect a man (Bremer) that turned their life into a living hell by getting rid of the Republican Guard to guarantee a few hundred thousand more enemies. For starters this was not the type of work they were really trained for.Many were coming straight from sof backgrounds, in fact they were some of the very few who knew that Iraq was guaranteed to be a nasty hornets nest. Coming into a war zone to act in a manner somewhat comparable to the Secret Service(protection style only) was a mindset that was diametrically opposed to asymmetrical warfare, the very type they all specialize in.This is where we went wrong all along,. it took Condy Rice years to convince everybody that Rumsfeld was off his rocker. Although Rumsfelds mindset of a smaller special force type blitzkrieg initially made a few people happy he didn't take into consideration the long term affect of guaranteed civil wars in between and alot of pissed off people to go along with it..Big Army is trained to go in and blow things up and that is exactly what they did to some extent but still without any clear ROEs which was a nightmare for our soldiers. By putting them in Humvees without a clear objective just to get blown up by ieds for starters but then even more powerful pressure plate ieds once the enemy adapted to our armored vehicles was unconscionable. These Army guys were told they would be in and out within a few months just like the Gulf War of 91 (remember Bush on the USS Abraham Lincoln, May.1 2003 Mission Accomplished) We were the furthest thing from liberators, we were the occupiers, the next thing the Army soldiers were all told "sorry guys- get ready for multiple 15 month deployments both here and in Afghanistan".The suffering our military soldiers have endured is incalculable. Its not the 3 trillion I am so upset about, its the wounded warriors that were at my fathers home for a benefit on 9-11 2010. Thousands of lives are ruined forever on both sides and an infinite number of enemies created across the globe. The wounds our guys have due to these roadside bombs are horrific, this doesn't even include the warriors who were never diagnosed with PTSD but definitely have it to go along with (TBI Traumatic Brain Injury) At the very least we are looking at severe chronic pain and Tinnitus cases in the many thousands(constant ringing in the ears due to ruptured eardrums and lifelong concussive like symptoms). These are the warriors that were never even treated for this and they will be suffering for the rest of their lives.Essentially this is a smaller scale Vietnam situation because I didn't even include all of the warriors who lost their life in Afghanistan due to insufficient gear(war on the cheap) and everything that they went and are still going through. The point is the Pentagon brass needs to be eliminated all together from all military making decisions, its that simple.David Petraeus came in and saved us all, he was one of the very few Army warriors ever trained in Counterinsurgency Warfare and that is what Rice was finally able to convey to the higher ups with a (Clear- Build- Hold)- strategy which the real military leaders knew we needed in the very beginning. She was the only one of the (top 3 or 4) in the Administration that actually went out to the field and listened to what the real leaders were saying from the ground on up. After dropping the ball pre 9-11 w/ Richard Clark she stepped up in a big way in the Iraq war however the higher ups(Rumsfeld,Wolfowitz, Cheney etc).never gave her any respect. She wasn't able to bring this to fruition until they got rid of Rumsfeld which they finally did in 07. That is when the Petraeus surge came about to effectively get us out of that quagmire the only way possible. He rewrote the book at Princeton in asymmetrical warfare which was an aberration for most big Army Generals, most have(obsolete conventional war backgrounds). He knew all along before we ever went in what needed to be done, Rumsfeld never asked him of course, since he is one of the greatest Generals of our time this would give more reason for brass hounds like Rumsfeld and their cronies not to listen since they never ever do anyway, this has been going on pretty much since after WW2. After it was too late to do anything except get us all out of there with some dignity and an admirable exit strategy that is exactly what David Petraues did for us.He must go down as one of the greatest leaders of the 21 century, (Building bridges and making friends is exactly what the true Counter Insurgence Doctrine is all about)  .            

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