Monday, November 4, 2013

Blowing Up Bridges Making Friends The Right Way

Its all history now but before I explain what happened in detail after the Dr Doolite situation its important to briefly touch upon what all number one superpowers are supposed to do and that is to increase their position with imperialistic hegemony and we actually would have if the brass never got in the way. Everybody wanted to get rid of Hussein even his own people, they didn't  have wmds or ties to 9-11 but that doesn't mean we couldn't have accomplished our goal in both Afghanistan and Iraq and everybody would be happy and rich. We wouldn't have wasted trillions and who knows maybe even wall street wouldn't have blown up as well..If everybody listened to Gen Shinsenki there would have been 400,000 boots on the ground with guaranteed civil wars in between but all of our fine devil dogs would have been able to take care of this along with all of our special operation units because they are the only ones that were ever trained in unconventional warfare. Conventional warfare was obsolete before we ever went in this is what makes all of our real military leaders so upset because they knew this all along. Unconventional warfare builds bridges and makes friends that is exactly what the devil dogs were all set to do with Gen Mattis and the sof teams as well but there weren't enough boots around them and nobody saw Bremer coming .Everybody blames some bw contractors for acting a certain way but they knew they were going into a very bad situation because those are the first guys you need to ask because they are the only ones that were ever trained  in guerrilla warfare just like Col Mcknight had to deal with in Somalia. Picture a scenario where you know you are going into a warzone with conventional army units completely undermanned to begin with and your job is to protect and act in a defensive style only and then the very man you are asked to protect goes in and completely blows away the state dept plan of using the Republican Guard as the trusted source. That was the beginning of the end and Gen Tommy Franks knew it and that is when he retired.Can somebody please ask Bremer why he decided on his own without asking anybody that has been there before and after the state dept plan was already in place which started us all off as ugly Americans by losing trust on why he did this?. Not only did he put a few hundred thousand Iraqi soldiers on the street starving to death with no money or pension he actually started to write articles to the Washington Post all by himself as if  he was an emperor or a king and how he was going to save Iraq. And the biggest question we have to ask after that is why is a pentagon based bureaucrat who absolutely has never been there before making one the biggest military blunder decisions of all time when he knows absolutely nothing about military survival warfare.What makes it even worse then that is a brass base bureaucrat should never ever be in a position to make any military decisions to begin with. I lost alot of friends and know many people that have been ruined for life and in Iraq as well. My sf friend watched his former country get destroyed.and he was an American sf warrior.Everybody is very upset and that includes all of our fine men who fought in Vietnam and long before. My grandfather fought in the First World War and that was called the Great War but there was nothing great about it because it was supposed to be the war to end all wars.. Franklin Roosevelt one the greatest presidents if not the greatest president  ever saved us all along with Churchill during the next one and these leaders always talked to the ones that were there before and Eisenhower was definitely one of them. Sen Webb made it clear that this better not ever happen again because he went through hell in Vietnam and his son was a Force Recon Marine during the Iraqi quagmire. .Unless this all changes our country is going down below even further. This is why private military teams make sense because after the Bremer disaster this guaranteed the insurgency. This is when all of the roadside bombs started going off and the real military leaders knew something like this was coming the entire time.              

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