Thursday, November 21, 2013

Skakel JFK And Sell Outs

Michael Skakel is getting out of prison on a 1.2 million dollar bond while he awaits a new trial. This is a very interesting case to say the least.The state became convinced that Micky Sherman dropped the ball to some extent during the first one.This case was some what unprecedented, rarely does one get a conviction with zero forensic evidence.Skakel was found guilty on testimony and overwhelming circumstantial evidence alone. I was inside the Skakel home and met Michaels father, the late Rushton Skakel .Growing up I always heard little murmurs from long time residents about the horrible unsolved murder case in Bellhaven that the Skakel boys were definitely involved with. The GPD didn't have any experience in homicide investigations in the early 70S, there simply weren't any murders here.The town is just as safe today however better training and forensics has led to great detective work as exemplified with the conviction of the Andrew Kissel murderer Carlos Trujillo.It is interesting to note who the main players were in the Skakel case as far as bringing it to fruition. The late Dominick Dunne was all over this case from day 1, he actually wrote a book loosely based on this case long before it was reopened (Season in Purgatory) it was made into a tv movie as well. There were two major breaks in the cold case, it started with the Sutton report. This was a report Rushton paid alot of money for to try to help exonerate his two sons when in fact it did just the opposite. This report was sent by an anonymous employee to Dunne many years later which was the big break that completely sent this case to the next level, a place Dunne was hoping for all along. The media started bringing alot of attention to Greenwich as well with big questions about the cold case due to the William Kennedy Smith alleged rape case in Fla in 91 where Smith was with the late Ted Kennedy. The Kennedys always get huge media attention, even if its just the cousins. Mark Fuhrman was a seasoned x LAPD homicide detective that was humiliated during the OJ trial because he committed perjury. They asked him if he ever used the n word and he said no. The people who knew him on a personal level said he wasn't a racist, he had many close black friends but was referring to the criminal element when using that word in the past. He was a seasoned detective from LAPDs mean streets, that is why Dunne got him involved in the case and the rest is history.When Fuhrman came to town he without question ruffled some feathers and he was stonewalled in a big way. Christopher Meloni (Elliot Stabler Law and Order SVU) played Fuhrman in an excellent movie which was definitely an interesting watch. The Dunne/Fuhrman team broke this entire case open which is what ultimately led to Michaels conviction..I had alot of respect for Fuhrman until he wrote a book that tried to convince us that Oswald acted alone. My previous blog explains my indignation toward Bill Oreilly with his best seller. I was very sad when Peter Jennings died but he stood behind the Warren commission as well. Fuhrman didn't exactly support the Warren commission however by stating Oswald acted alone is an insult to us all .I don't know why so many influential people feel the need to sell out to the establishment, people in the know feel Fuhrman was trying to get back in to the establishment and maybe make a few more appearances. There was a World War 2 vet in Dallas, it would be safe to say that this man knows how and where gun fire fire came from. He swore to the higher heavens that shots came directly from the Grassy Knoll. Selling out to the establishment is not what being a true Patriot is all about.     .        

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