Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Enemy Within

I am tired of reading horrible things about how deep dark and sinister the NSA is.The latest is how evil it is to have 50000 sleeper agents in malicious software form that are just waiting to be launched at the push of a button across the globe in order to gain access to sensitive information. Its getting to the point that I wish these reporters moved out of dodge, please get out of this country and stay away and go hang out w/ Snowden.The way these articles are written make it make it look as if the NSA has no business doing this and our surveillance state the Orweillan 1984 paranoia message they are trying to convey is annoying to say the least.We have been utilizing spies since the dawn of time. I am going to bring this back to Col Jessup Jack Nicholson ''you have the luxury of not knowing what I know and I have a greater responsibility then you can possibly fathom." Like I mentioned on my bio if even a few solid citizens became members of FBI Infarguard they would see the threats that come at us each and every day in every way and many attacks are prevented that the press never even knew about.Today we are talking about an all out cyber war vs China for starters.They steal 300 billion worth of intellectual property alone from the biggest names we have in our capitalist system such as google and Microsoft and that is just the big names. This doesn't include how Hidden Lynx has special operation teams that have hacked directly into our military industrial complex.. Do any of these subversive reporters have any respect for what case officers do across the globe or NOCs just as Valerie Plame was and how they risk their life each and every day?As mentioned in my deep cover blog if you are a NOC when you go deep and if you are discovered you are trained to deny any connection to our government so this means no diplomatic immunity .Do these reporters know what really goes on out there across the globe or is really just about  how deep, dark and sinister our eye in the sky NSA is? Go away and move to Russia and have toast and tea with Snowden because that is the exact message these articles convey and it is stomach turning for me. Leon Panetta the cias former director who took over during the Obama administration was more then likely the only choice to placate the left under the circumstances. I had an uneasy feeling right away,he didn't have a hardened military background, he was a lawyer and a professor that says it all right there.Do you think Roosevelt a democrat and a great one at that would have a lawyer and professor running his OSS division leading up to the CIAs creation in 1945?.Not only was Panetta going after Bin Laden he had to deal with all of the heat about Bushs black sites and enhanced interrogation techniques which have never proven to be effective.The press went after Pannetta like wild fire which is what ultimately led him to leak a bw secret program of working w/ the cia to load bombs onto drones in Pakistan. Earlier on the bw black ops program to essentially eliminate all known terrorists became tabloid fodder as well..These are still major leaks, although we created alot of the world wide terrorists by blowing up bridges and making enemies to have a classified program make it to the front page of the New York Times was an unequivocal breach. I haven't read any pro NSA surveillance articles, however I do remember quite clearly how the biggest spy chiefs in this country made clear how damaging Snowdens espionage act of treason was. I am not black and white, my Anonymous blog explains full well how there are reasons why transparency is needed and desired but please these far left reporters have to go. Snowden is being viewed as a hero in certain circles here and across the globe.Even the founder of the world wide web had the following to say "Sir Tim Berners Lee described the effects of surveillance as “chilling” and “insidious".The problem here and what alot of people don't understand is that classified means none of your god dam business.I must say the spys in the sky have themselves to blame to some extent  because they set themselves up in certain ways. Top Secret America has a multi billion dollar budget, that is why to have Anonymous come in and directly hack their way into Booze Allen and Stratfor is inexcusable.These hackers actually sent them a bill mocking them for their white hat security consultation by exposing vulnerabilities in their system and the bill was nominal. In essence what they were saying was you guys are the head sheds that have both the cia and Fbi report to you but you left yourself wide open to get hit by us hackers and it was a piece of cake. In reality the Antisec faction of Anonymous are as black hat as you will ever get and they are getting ready to unleash alot of classified info within the next few years and alot of it came straight out of Wiki Leaks. Big Army has itself to blame for Bradley Manning, if they had their head on square there is no possible way they would let a loose cannon like that become an intel analyst.This kid barely made it through boot camp, he was gay and admitted he was a woman and had alot of problems,ie-suicidal etc. The doctor said he was a threat to himself and others and may end it all before the end of boot camp ,he was not in a good place to say the least. I have no problem with a few gay soldiers don't ask don't tell that kind of thing but the point is this kid was a psychological wreck and was sent out to theaters of operation with access to classified intel that put our brave.warriors at risk. When Manning teamed up with Wiki Leaks they had some footage of some very ugly things our helos were involved with overseas.My question is do the American people really want to know or do they want to see how ugly war really is? in WW2 our Marines in the Pacific took out so many pows because they had no choice, they were involved with an indefatigable adversary the Imperial Empire of Japan.Once we came on shore as exemplified in Hiroshima they absolutely needed every man to focus on the task at hand not guarding the pows. This brings me to the movie the Lone Survivor, a book by Marcuss Lutrell that will be hitting the big screens in a few weeks.It is a harrowing tale about what choices his Seal Team had to make with potential pows, the book had me almost in tears. That is the point, these reporters don't have a clue about what its really like out there so I will end this blog by asking one of them this question.Since data mining is so evil although it apprehended the DC sniper and all of our enemies across the globe come at us each and every day with their advanced data mining skills what happens if you become a victim of a ruthless cyber crook? How would you feel if you were hit by an id thief, malicious reviews about you that weren't true but just put you out of business and it was too late because the damage was done already? Maybe some sociopathic cyber crook chose you at random and they decided to turn your life upside down in every way possible because that is exactly what happens to victims of this type of crime. Where or who will you turn to in order to seek justice or to attempt to expose the bad guy? Maybe you know who the bad guy is but you just cant prove it then what will you do since slander and libel is civil suit material not a criminal charge? Are we really all that evil in this country, so please go away subversive far left reporters. I want to start reading about what great things our federal and local law enforcement agencies do every day to keep these reporters safe from now on.  

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