Sunday, November 17, 2013

JFK Biggest White Wash in American History

The gloves are off for me right now as we arrive on the 50 anniversary of JFKs assassination, my indignation is directed right at you Bill Oreilly. You are the man I once had the highest level of respect for with your No 1 No Spin Zone program. I fought for you for hours on end against all of the many critics who kept coming after you over the years for various reasons, some justified, others not so much. I had hope that if there was one man who would have had the courage to expose the truth it would be you regardless of the firestorm that it would have created as a result. Now I know that you really are just a blowhard and a fraud. I sent you e-mails urging for this Whitewash to be exposed to no avail and then after I started reading your JFK book I almost threw up. You were an investigative reporter that exposed the Warren Commission cover up years ago so how could you write a book that backs the biggest bull shit story of all time in this hokie book of yours about how Oswald was a great shooter etc.. in good conscience? You wrote a great book about Lincoln, if you were a man you would refuse to write a sell out Murdoch book and nobody ever would have known about it, aren't you rich enough? It is a sad day for me because most of the role models in my life have let me down in one way or another over the years. Your not the only man you let down that is for sure. Remember when you were on your show after the financial crisis and you were extremely upset about allegedly not knowing anything about the bogus underwriting and toxic CDOs that came minutes away from destroying all of us with economic annihilation? Paulson Geitner and Bernanke saved us all on that one just as JFK did during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Instead of sending your boy Jesse Waters around the country to expose injustice you should have read the e-mails from the civilian green badger that he sent you about the egregious fraud he was uncovering when his team waved one red flag after another.Your guys could have put the pieces to the puzzle together and who knows maybe even put a little more heat on what led up to the meltdown of 08. Nobody knows the exact reason of how and why alot of rogue operatives set out to assassinate one of the greatest presidents ever, however it is safe to state that rogue operatives in all of our federal agencies including the Dallas PD as well as the Maphia had a hand in all of it. There were many reasons theoretically that I will not write about because it would take far too long. .At least the Warren Commission was eventually redacted to let us know that 75% of the American people are smart enough to acknowledge their was more then one shooter. Oliver Stone is a brilliant man, his two movies JFK and Born on the 4 of July say it all. When JFK came out  I was as jingoistic as Ronnie Kovik was before he joined the USMC and was sent to Vietnam. Stone has been there before, he knows exactly the way things really are, that is why Stones movie is one of the best war movies ever made. When JFK came out I thought it was a radical subversive left wing destruction machine.Years later my father convinced me about the horrifying truth after he read the book The Grassy Knoll. He certainly wanted to believe just like many of us that the Warren commission was legit and their wasn't a widespread conspiracy by certain rogue members of our government. Stones movie was dead on even the part where they had a man that looked and dressed just like the man in the old black and white movie Rush to Judgement. I am also putting on record that some of the people that were in the know mysteriously disappeared later on in their life. They were on the ground floor with intel that few of us could ever dream of having, knowing the nightmare that transpired 50 years ago and what was eventually uncovered. Kevin Costners character Jim Garrison knew the truth early on and he dedicated his life to trying to tell us all, however nobody really ever believed him, they thought he was as whacked out as Oliver Stone. I urge all Americans to watch Stones movie JFK, this way you don't have to read many different books all contradicting each other. The biggest tragedy about this is that blow hards and sell outs like Oreilly write a book that hit the best seller list and then Rob Lowe comes in to star in a movie based on the book. Is that fair for future generations? Shouldn't our young students learn the ugly truth about how the world really works, otherwise we are just setting them up for  pink clouds and rose colored glasses.          

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