Wednesday, June 28, 2023


Mark Levin a Goebells wanna be writing posts with all caps lets see what else can substantiate that an individual is unhinged-SHOUTING- Its something about these far right ideaelogues where they place party before the rule of law- Lets see how many other zealots were out there- the late I am not sure so great Rush- Oreilly and his war on secular progressives the list goes on- Fist pounding huffing and puffing the loudest man in the room is usually the weakest. There is something about these people that is kind of strange- Why would a news network defend a blatant illegal act against America infact as serious as one can get espionage charge and then down play it and then attempt to gas light their audience- Levin a man that is supposed to be about the constitution- I read one of his books cant say that I remember much- I do remember when the far right zealots had me drinking thier coolaid- A few years ago Levin pounding his fist as if it was the judges gavel demonstrating righteous indignation toward Hillarys alleged transgressions- I was convinced how diabolical the dems were and ofcourse the biggest fist pounder of them all Alex Jones- Actually it was more like the bull horn and everything else in between So let me try and make sense of it Oreilly and his war against secular progressives even though that is what America is a melting pot and our constitution was created for that very reason to keep it secular- We dont need to be schooled by fringe christian nationalists hiding under the phony guise of what they think America really needs in order to advance thier power control agenda. Its an arrogance where they know better no thanks we dont need the bible shoved down our throat and jesus isnt the only savior or the alpha/omega sorry to dissapoint many a pastor I am telling you these people appear to be deceitful and disengenous- Jones told us all about eugenics ok population control but guess who fits the profile of somebody that really would wipe out millions of people- You guessed it and this is coming from a professional who specializes in crimes of violence- So who is behind all of these ideologues the federalist society- The maga fringers are using the evangevical Christians and vice verse in order to make America white again- Deep down this movement is used to divide and conquer and has blatant xenophobic and racial undertones- People can sense how you really feel its hard to deny ones true motives- The day of the federal indictment I was riding to a meeting right behind some yahoo w/ flags stating Trump save America- Seriously when somebody gets indicted for one the most egregious crimes against our country which puts him in the traitor category but then we see this- What a chrade this man is how he pulled the wool over the eyes of so many people- Trump cant even save himself how the hell does somebody think he has the ability to ever do great things for America

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Classified Secrets

Now lets take a look at former Potus- Bandy Lees profile had in it before it all transpired that he would likely deny the results of the election not have a peaceful transfer and ofcourse be at high risk of sharing classified secrets. Fake News- No whats fake is former potus patriotism- he is only interested in what you can do for him and has been that way his entire life- Like when I read when he was a wanna be hot shot in New York City the owner of the restaurant gave him a free meal- The waiter got a 20 dollar tip-seriously why wouldnt somebody want to pay and help the business out- Its because former potus has a sense of entitlement and acts like he is doing us a favor by gracing us w/ his presence- No I dont think so quite the opposite infact his 15 minutes was over a long time ago- He was a 1 trick pony. The reason why we keep obsessing about him is because our legal system is what its going to take to make sure he finally goes away both literally and figuratively- It will take a while and Im sure he will go down swinging but the end is near- I knew something was seriously wrong w/ Trump because he doesnt bond w/ dogs- Apparantly he was not a real father either- ie absentee to busy obsessing w/ self. I read a huge article about how Bidens long time k-9 pal passed away and this broke his heart- He is telling us that he is human and has real emotion- Former Potus isnt capable of that his mentor Roy Cohen stated on his death bed that he pisses ice water- He doesnt care about you and me not capable pathological narrcissism- when are the maga weirdos going to figure all of this out He doesnt care about his audience but rather what they can do for him which is vote and continue to pay for his endless grifting- I am sure he gets his rocks off by playing them like a fiddle- Vote so he can win and assume all autocratic control- He wants loyalty to him only and not our US constitution- That is why he wants to break up our sacrosanct and venerable institutions- Full support of China putting Muslims in concentration camps- Do I think x potus is capable of doing the same to Americans- the profile supports it yes it does- His own words support it Wanna be tough guy mobsters like Trump take the 5th certain times but how unintelligent is he by self incriminating himself all over fox news and elsewhere- This can and will be used against him- The fact that ceratin republicans would pardon real criminals right away is telling of who and what they are

Witness Tampering

Lawrence O’Donnell speaks to former federal prosecutor Andrew Weissmann and national security attorney Bradley Moss about a newly released audio recording of former President Donald Trump from a 2021 meeting at his Bedminster, New Jersey golf club where he discusses a classified document with people who were not authorized to see it. MSNBC A few years ago Hannity was whining about how Paul Manafort was in jail- Growing up there are a few things we are told to stay away from one of them is witness tampering- That is about as serious as you can get and he belonged in jail for doing that- Its interestin7g how we only get part of the story from the Hannitys of our world-

Monday, June 26, 2023

Former Federal Judge

No assemblage of politicians except the Republicans would ever conceive of running for the American presidency by running against the Constitution and the rule of law. But that’s exactly what they’re planning." J Michael Luttig

Sunday, June 25, 2023


Hunter Biden and his father dont fit the profile of people that would be involved in high crimes- Hunter appears to have suffered from substance abuse and the weapon charge was more severe then normal and rarely even charged. How many times have we heard owning a weapon as a substance abuser go into a conviction Does this mean that there could be other crimes maybe but they dont fit the typical so crime family paradigm- Solid sources state the the far right have less then credible whistle blowers that never seem to pan out and go missing- It appears to be a never ending cycle of subterfuge. Let me put this from an American point of view- Any partisan hack on the right who is making up stories to distract and cover up for real crimes is not going to go un noticed

Friday, June 23, 2023


If I didnt know it was true I would think Bandy Lees book was a fictitious horror show of epic proportions. Former Potus has serious mental problems ones that are so acute that I seriously doubt he will ever be able to come back to a so called state of normalcy- Its so deep she has such a grasp of his profile- I knew it was bad but seriously not that bad- Ari Melber breaks down Hannitys hypocrisy and contradiction of do what we say but not what we do. Hannity has always been kind of weasly. I remember how much he was propagandizing the Iraq war- By listening to him and Oreilly I was convinced Hussain took down the towers. What a waste of time listening to fox news for so many years- Melber explains how x potus cheerleaders always advocate listen to the law always comply except when its your pal in regard to a grand jury subpoena- Which is even more important then a police officers command. Trump hid 102 boxes more then he gave back- Reliable testimony by people in Bandys book state that he is more or less a pathological liar- Its more like a lie is the truth to him and how he rationalizes it is based on convenience. I saw an example of this when a reporter asked him why he exaggerated his assets in relation to the pending financial fraud trial- His response was that is how much it was worth to him Its always grandiose bigger better he would be great for a small venue clown show but not running for our President- He still owes various municipalities money for thier security and many dont welcome him nor want him back for that reason. He was always talking about how expensive presidential details were and how the others spent too much money coming in high profile and causing a scene. What did he do in Miami cause a scene why cant he come in low profile people dont want or need a traffic jam. Especially for a braggart that boasts about his dictator pals brutality toward his own family- Trump is a pathetic individual- Gave full support to Chinas dictator and his concentration camps I can see why he bad mouths the Mueller report- Its because it really delved deep into his troubled pyche even more so then many others- Just think about having the top minds in various alphabets coming together to corroborate that this man is working a job that is way above his capability- one that he is not mentally fit for. The other countries have a profile but not America due to corruption within the APA and we can also thank one of x potus chief enablers Alan Dershowitz for that

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Trumps Mind Americas Soul

Corruption surrounding the Trump administration- APA expanded caution not to diagnose without a personal examination shortly after the inauguration. ie- Goldwater rule- What did they know or who were they trying to cover for? Uniformly hurtful degrading treatment toward women w/ gratuitous humiliation mixed into otherwise simple passing interactions-pg-p- 2 That is exactly what he did during the deposition of his civil rape trial which led to his conviction- I was blissfully ignorant during the years of his presidency however I did see the warning signs- Its amazing what cognitive dissonence can do. I heard what I wanted to hear and dismissed what others said as fake news by design-Lets take a look at his authoritarian nature- Labeling peaceful protestors Black lives matters violent mobs anarchists arsonists- Some were but labeling a group as a hole is derelict and irresponsible- That is like saying all magas are moronic bible thumping gun yahoos We were looking for a president and hoping and praying that he would act like one but he fell way short of the bar set by we the people. Instead he relegated himself into the cesspool of sewer and sludge- Our president wasnt supposed to act like a spoiled frat boy that makes everybody laugh at the expense of others- Lets take a look at how he tried to gaslight Brett Baier- When asked about classified documents Baier was met w/ a barrage of information ie-gish gallop to distract and deflect what about Pence Biden etc. Former Potus says things which makes me want to believe and sounds somewhat believable, thats how and why I was sold hook line and sinker for years. A good salesman w/ no real substance or integrity When he first started out I said some things like Trump would never lie to us like the others how gullible and naive I was. When Alex Jones stated (look what happens when the worst people get control the unwinnable never ending wars the slow kill programs) Although he was right on w/ predicting the zombie apocolypse he was way off about his chosen one- I figured that Trump would be better then all of the rest lets face it Jones was a salesman like no other for that man- How much worse can we get then Trump thats pretty bad overall- The democrats didnt start the unwinnable wars and also Trump was no hero- How hard was it for him to come into that situation by stating that the others were horrible I can do much better- It was all timing just like the rise of the Fuhrer- A president that comes into power w/ 2 unwinnable wars behind him the only thing he had to say was those other guys suck they started it and didnt know how to finish- That didnt mean he was any good himself infact he is the furtherst thing from a peacenick- He brought the war to the homefront by attempting to divide and conquer. Civilians like Trump who have definitely never been there before should never bad mouth thier generals- Mattis Miley this is just a perfect example- Civilian presidents need to stay in thier own lane and never attempt to undermine the authority of the high ranking generals- I really dont think high military brass respect Trump- If I were to hypothesize I would state that thier feeling is that he thinks he is something that he definitely isnt and doesnt know what he is talking about most of the time

Drug House

The Canada model is (aiding abetting enabling) criminal behavior by giving drug addicts drugs to sell and profit from Legend has it that back in the day there were burning matresses in the sober house, some drunks got sober but most didnt- Today isnt that much diffrent however you cant enable addicts by giving them drugs or letting them use in a drug house- Most people dont have chronic pain to the extent where they need severe pain meds even though the fraudsters from Purdue Pharma said they did even for minor pain. There are individuals whos motives are less then pure- I put the disability addict in the same category- Labeling an addict w/ a disabilty only encourages and enables them to keep using. Who profits definitely not the addict- Refuse to be a victim- If your getting high off your non narcotic meds like Gabapentin and Seroquel by abusing them that is no different. So now we are back to more scare tactics in the media- Why else would the Publix security guard look like a bad guy- Not only that masks cut off your oxygen supply working on the job one needs cardio even advanced cardio in many cases. What a con job of epic proportions this covid garbage is and was. How is depleting your oxygen supply whuch in turn lowers your immune system supposed to protect you. Some people think of us as that dumb- More then a few people are upset by this frankenstein monster human experiment gone wrong- Why are they trying things on us w/ no proven efficacy like giving serious hard drugs to drug addicts under the phony guise of risk mitigation? That is cruel and unusual punishment- The same way being forced to muzzle up and feel like suffocating to death was. The world was gas lit by a bunch of misanthropes that are part of a world wide criminal syndicate. Open source intelligence is readily available for all to see So we are being gas lit by a criminogenic former potus who expects us to normalize abusive behavior, misogyny the list goes on and down play serious federal crimes. Crimes that you and I would already be locked up for, Teixeira, (the yoing man already is) but yet he still incessantly whines about a two tier criminal justice system. We are also being gas lit by the alphabets who control the who and cdc and its not the other alphabets like fbi etc Speaking of horror show zombie apocolypse now we have a drug called Frankenstein- a synthetic opiate more potent then fentanyl- Tranq benzo dope where one laces xylazine w/ fentanyl- xanax- Flesh eating what are the higher ups waiting for the entire world to collapse

Fla Model

(Before the coming of faith I had lived as an alien in a cosmos that too often seemed hostile and cruel- Bill W-) One should never stand down to serious crimes- I dont know what Justin Trudeau is doing but if I were to surmise it might be (how to destroy a country) There could be no bigger insult to hard working leos then setting a bad guy free after the tremendous amount of work and potential dangers involved to make an arrest. Canada is dying no question about it big pharma script repeating history by giving addicts more drugs to kill themselves w/ and decriminalizing major crimes even violent ones- "Dont normalize disorder and crime because if you do then it moves exponentionaly-" (Mark Saunders former Vancouver police chief) There could be nothing worse then terrorizing the residents by rampant crime and drug abuse in thier back yard- The human experiment by certain echelons of the higher ups has gone horrificly wrong both in the US and Canada- You cant cut loose a criminal only to have them terrorize again- This is the kind of behavior that can and will cause a major revolution- Trudeaus bill C-5 which revamped Canadas justice system is cruel and unusual punishment toward the residents of all off the provinces and a major insult to all former and current leos. So basically they are saying as a civilian you cant have a gun to protect yourself either so just stand by and take it are you kidding me- Prolific offenders 207 responsible for 11k negative police interactions- What is Trudeau trying to prove how to create a lawless society by destroying his own country, giving addicts dilaudids to sell and get even younger people hooked that is a disgrace- Learned nothing from Sacklers diabolical agenda since nobody was incarcerated they just used the same script both literally and figuritively in Canada by the same company but using a different drug which is even more powerful then oxycontin. You cant fine a criminal enterprise you need to cut the head off of the snake by incarcerating the head snakes and treat serious crimes as such. So the same drug where I know somebody that did serious time for they are passing it out like candy for free for addicts to mix w/ thier other drugs as well as sell them on the street- This leaves no incentive to ever get off all under the phony guise of harm reduction and safe supply- Look no further then the fla model for a state that does things right- Addicts resepect the law for the most part and we also have a state attorney and an AG that treats criminal sober homes and operators as such- Dave Aronberg is well versed in real crimes and the people that are behind them-

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Current AG

According to a bombshell new report from The Washington Post, the FBI and Department of Justice REALLY didn't want to investigate Donald Trump for anything - not the documents that he stole or the events leading up to January 6th - because they were terrified of being accused of launching partisan investigations. Ultimately, the agencies were overwhelmed by the evidence and had little choice, but insiders say that the reluctance can still be seen in how the investigations have been handled. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins An AG can never be weak or considered as such- Refusing to further pursue investigations and waiting 15 months even with considerable evidence is negligence and unbecoming. Afraid of Trump really that is beyond belief- An AG is supposed to support thier investigators and make thier job easier now we can see why everything has taken so long. Brett Baier great job w/ the Trump interview but according to Steve Schmidt was afraid to break the news months earlier about the election loss Those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of a tiger ended up inside- JFK- Now we can see why politics is a sinners business

Former AG

He is a consummate narcissist. And he constantly engages in reckless conduct that puts his political followers at risk and the conservative and Republican agenda at risk." Asked how Trump might put the country at risk if he were to be elected president in 2024, Barr said, "He will always put his own interests and gratifying his own ego ahead of everything else, including the country's interests. There's no question about it." He continued: "This is a perfect example of that. He's like a 9-year-old, a defiant 9-year-old kid who is always pushing the glass toward the edge of the table, defying his parents to stop him from doing it. It's a means of self-assertion and exerting his dominance over other people. And he's a very petty individual who will always put his interests ahead of the country's, his personal gratification of ... his ego." "Our country can't ... be a therapy session for, you know, a troubled man like this," Bill Barr How do I know that some individuals claiming to be investigative journalists are nothing more then partisan hacks and controlled opposition? If they were legitimate they would never down play serious federal crimes and label them as low level process crimes that are really civil in nature- Crimes are allready on the books in order to get an indictment certain parameters must be met a line has to be crossed- When they say jack Smith and his wife etc are Trump haters that is also another tell tell sign. A real source would say something like I feel they may be some illegal activities on the dem side of the house that should be investigated which they were however former Potus just obstructed justice w/ serious mis handling of our nations most trusted classified secrets- Obstructed justice and proven not to be trusted due to the blatant evasion and hiding boxes after a grand jusy subpoena. Signing off w/ lawyers that all of the boxes were accounted for when they clearly werent what was he hiding? A top level former counter intel fbi agent stated that Trump was treated w/ kid gloves and should have had a warrant right away that busted down his doors- Many knew that by not doing this it would give him all the time needed to show his true colors. John Douglas was on the money almost 100% of the time, profilers were no different in this case- Also always refering back to cases far less severe is another trademark of these partisan hack gas lighters- The fbi wasnt perfect in the Clinton email case or the Russia probe however they were held into account in the Russia probe by the Durhman report (It criticized the FBI for opening a full-fledged investigation based on “raw, unanalyzed and uncorroborated intelligence,)PBS- Whatever they did which showed lack of candor in certain instances doesnt obfuscate the fact in the e-mail case as Comey stated that no reasonable prosecutor would have pursued the case any further- Neither Clinton or Biden obstructed justice there was no criminal intent- and Hunter who just pled out was never working for the administration- that is a big difference

Sunday, June 18, 2023


America is not a Christian nation but rather a nation where we are free to be Christian- (Politics girl) One needs to encourage social interactions all the time this is the only way the dog will develop normally over time- raising a dog w fear of others whether with dogs or with people is the reason why there are so many inappropriate aggressive dogs out there. At the very least the owner needs to be able to break up any altercation and if they are not capable of doing that then they shouldn't have had the dog to begin with

Friday, June 16, 2023

Thrive Not Just Survive

I have survived the forces that would have weakened or even annihilated me, and I have sprung free and open to the beauty of life-Rokelle Lerner- Here is what happens when your a cop in Orlando and you refuse to obey the law getting clocked over 80 in a 45-Shaouni is charged with resisting an officer, reckless driving and fleeing and eluding a law enforcement officer. He turned himself in Friday to the Seminole County Jail and was released on $9,000 bond. Orlando police said Shaouni has been relieved of his duties pending the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office criminal investigation as well as Orlando police’s internal affairs investigation. Rico-In the 1980s, a now-famous federal prosecutor dusted off a seldom-used legal theory to pursue mobsters, bankers and other criminals. That theory was the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, known by its acronym RICO. The prosecutor was Rudy Giuliani. Due in large part to his successful deployment of the act, Giuliani made himself and RICO part of our common lexicon. Decades later, prosecutors should be thinking about whether that same statute could be used against former President Donald Trump, his inner circle and even Giuliani himself (MSNBC)

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Projective Identification

Astute clinicians would have interpreted from his fixation on Hillary Clinton’s emails, and the chants that one should “lock her up” for her handling of classified information, that “locking him up” was the correct treatment. This is because of a phenomenon called “projective identification,” where one denies one’s own hidden motivations and impulses by projecting them onto one’s opponent—only one’s own guilt is a thousandfold worse. Mental health experts recognized this in the very beginning; law enforcement is catching up only eight years later (Bandy Lee) its really important, more important than ever in our country, to make sure that people understand that we have independent prosecutors, we have a justice system that operates independent of politics,” Rocah told CBS. The westchester county da closed a westh county country club criminal case against Trump- (It’s really important, more important than ever in our country, to make sure that people understand that we have independent prosecutors, we have a justice system that operates independent of politics,” Rocah told CBS.)-The problem w/ Trump is that he is the one trying to make everything political. projective identification- He is exactly what he says he wasnt in order to get elected in 16 but much worse- Now he is playing the victim card that is what weak and pathetic people do in order to try to get elected again. If I was a law enforcement official I wouldnt like Trump and would welcome real forms of justice not because I am a republican or democrat but rather because he is a criminogenic sleaze who acts way above the law. Lets see what was he saying about how Hillary handled classified information people go to jail for that Trump said- Clintons case didnt exceed the legal threshold to pursue. The amount of evidence needed for a grand jury inditement is quite significant- I remember him calling for Snowdens execution. Is he really going to pull I didnt do anything wrong presidential records act bs? Calling Bill Bar a gutless pig is a perfect example of what a classless a hole Trump is- A man who did everything and then some and many say too much bordering on corruption for x potus. This is what one can expect when you speak the truth after he is done with you. Trump admitted to being obese he eats mcds his arteries are probally all clogged up and I doubt he walks the greens while playing 9 holes- It doesnt matte because he is just a nasty person, has a picture of a wolf on his lame social media- You know what has sharp teeth the rico staatute and he is going to find that out once Fani Willis gets a hold of him-

Choke Out

Daniel Perry should have been indited because you cant choke somebody out and kill them just because they made verbal threats- Do you know how many verbal threats about killing somebody cops have to deal w/ every day- It rarely even leads to an arrest because unless somebody starts to initiate the violence that is what actually counts So this Marine who definitely knows better and definitely knew what he was doing so this proves obvious intent- An unarmed unstable homeless guy serioully and you are going to choke him out to death just because he is running his mouth- You can sub due him once he initiates aggression toward an innocent but definitely not before and you definitely dont choke him out to kill like Perry seemed to be doing- Listening to Perry on liz Wheeler it appears that he wasnt trying to kill but rather subdue which is very positive for his case and also demonstrated courage under the circumstances- Perry said that the victim was breathing during the restraint period and was definitely out of control on the subway making violent threats- It appears to me that he didnt want the victim to die and had remourse about it

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Army Officer Stopped by Cops

It was a tough situation in VA because the officers thought the car was possibly stolen, that is why tinted windows are illegal in some states- Adrenaline was flowing because the officers thought it was a high risk stop- That is the crux of the entire case- They went overboard but were still considering the car to be stolen at the very least- Nobody is perfect the young Army officer shouldn't have pursued a legal case because mis understandings happen all the time- He should have gotten out of the car as ordered its that simple- As a highly trained member of our armed forces he shouldn't have been scared- People need to give our leos some deference and respect- Dont you think the cops are scared too- Their job is not easy to say the least and for all they knew even after the young man identified himself as being employed by the Army cops still need to prepare themselves for the worst case scenario- I just watched a LA Swat member get shot in the head and killed on Police Activity during a high risk warrant- My last stop I had an attitude and didn't show my insurance after the cop went back to the car to check me out w/ my license. I found my insurance and steped out of the car to provide it for him- He said in the bull horn get back in the car- I complied its pretty simple, its a different world today. I understood and didn't take it that personally- The Army officer should have shook hands w/ the cops and walked away plain and simple- I dont think this was a racial profiling situation what so ever- Now the cop lost his job because the Army officer blew it way out of proportion- Now how is he going to provide for his family- One has to think about everybody and put thier thoughts and feelings into consideration not just themselves- It sucked to get tased but the Army lieutenant should have been used to that and much more in order to get through training. The cops intent was not malevolent, they were just doing thier job and thats all it comes down to

Monday, June 12, 2023

Political Theater

Trumps crime stands on its own read the indictment or listen to somebody who has I used to love you Tulsi but you have just proven to me the very reason I have always been reluctant to trust politicians to begin with- Trumps crime was brazen and egregious and he had evey opportunity to comply w/ the grand jury subpoena- So grateful that I am not a republican politician forced to toe the line- I would quit on the spot if I had to defend the indefensible in order to make a living- Even many defense attornys sound better then these people- at least many arent flat out lying to us Tulsi switched parties to be on the Trump Train obviously- Its not weaponization of the political system its more like weaponization of magas propaganda which seemed to have worked. We have heard the words witch hunt so many times over the years that apparantly people just assume that this is just anothr one. Chief strategists and power mongers know once thier in cognitive dissonence many folks will never do thier own independent research. Any intelligent person on msnbc cnn etc its all fake news thanks to magas republican strategists- Mike Pence pathetic takes major abuse from that duesh and called nasty names but then when he throws his hat in the ring he cowers and acts like the very name Trump called him to begin with- Oh maybe we can find a way not to indite- these are supposed to be the top leaders of our natural free world This is the reason we need to have less political spinmeisters and more law and order types The problem w/ these spin meisters is that they all claim to be law and order types which makes the issue at hand infinitely worse- Lindsy Graham- Hannity- Tulsi- Desantis- Pence lets see who else Tom Fitton Mark Levin (the loudest man in the room is usually the weakest)

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Equal Justice

I dont like MTG its hard to take her seriously but it seems like this is serious-Jessica Burbank on Bidens alleged corruption- The magas have alot to be embaressed about- That would be some individuals on fox news and a few others- I dont expect anything from wanna be potus because he appears to be a lost cause- At the very least it would be appropiate to report on real crimes and not be mendacious individuals- Shady not trustworthy I can name a few more- Maybe the reason why they are getting sued by some big names- Lying to us about election fraud and then kept the big lie going- Now its oh Trump just hid his drugs and obstructed justice in egregious ways but so what Biden did this and did that- The maturity level is sup par because that is what little children do and they are an embaressment to the USA- Crimes should be reported as such- Trump is such an in our face criminal the same way that Judge Jeanne Pero stated that Hillary was- Would I like to see all corruption get exposed yes but at least tell us the real facts- So Trump is not a good businessman decent salesperson but sucks big time as an investigator- As a result of trying to expose and get some intel on election fraud he soon may go down for rico charges in ga- How do you investigate something independently and then end up being a criminal instead? Maybe because that is who he was the entire time, it appears to be quite obvious to me- Pointing the finger at others while comitting crimes is a tell tale of incrimination. Down playing crimes and not accurately reporting should be considered a crime in itself- Its kind of like I ran somebody over while drunk but you know what so and so has multiple un justified shootings under his belt and he never was adjudicated- This is what the maga morons are doing and it is an indication of how corrupt we have became in our polital swamp- Oppurtunists like Trump whos son in law becomes a billionare for essentially doing nothing- Do I think there is some corruption on the Biden side of the fence- yes more then likely- I dont think they have as many enablers as the king baby who is going to do the perp walk on Tues though- I believe if major corruption became apparant and investigations were conducted fully w/ integrity and people eventually got indited I dont think media would down play it. These are the same outlets the magas had me hating on and not trusting for many years- It is an obvious sign of criminality when you have certain news outlets covering up for crimes and not telling the real story to we the people of this indictment in s fla for starters- Mark Levin the feds just didnt throw the book at Trump he was given every oppurtunity to comply but refused to do so which proves intent- This isnt a civil case either these are all serious federal crimes

Friday, June 9, 2023


Mara-Lago is not a SCIF- sensitive compartmented information facility- There is one set of laws in this country and they apply to everyone- Jack Smith - Trump hid 64 boxes and had his attornys certify that all classified documents were returned as requested by the grand jury subpoena- Obstruction of justice w/ his co conspirator Walt Nauta- documents highly sensitive unauthorized disclosure of these documents could have posed grave threats to our national security. Showed these documents to members of his staff-none who possesed a security clearances and showed a plan of attack that was prepared for him by the dod-He said as president I could have de-classified it but now I cant, this was 6 mos after he left office- I thought he said he could de-classify anything w/ his mind or just by saying so? Showed a representive of his pac a classified map related to a military operation, this member did not posses a security clearance- "He will be convicted not by a bunch of angry democrats but rather mostly by the testimony of his own lawyers- Glen Kirschner"

We The People

The documents were not his to negotiate with like he said at that lame cnn town hall- The Art Of THe Steal no there is protocol and one needs to abide by the book not thier own- Thats not how the real world works when we the people elected you it was because we thougt it was a good judgement call- Turns out to be quite the opposite the emperor has no clothes its time to accept defeat you lost to Biden we know your ego cant handle it- A good champion or leader like in UFC and elsewhere are gracious and humble in defeat- Trump has proven himself to be anything but a good leader- There used to be a time when all types of criminal scrutiny would make somebody ineligable for certain jobs-Yes you know the working class ones where people just want to make it and have some stability in thier life, why is it different for Potus- Why do we get cuffed but he doesnt what is that all about- You know cuffs have a way of humbling somebody mug shots not neccesarily- Trump aint a martyr it appears that he really did commit these crimes- You mean espionage and he is not going to get cuffed wtf is that all about So his pal Hannity can bloviate about a two tier justice system but the rules apparantly still dont apply to his chosen candidate- Hes supposed to be innocent until proven guilty but even if convicted of felonies he can still be potus wtf is that all abput- I can understand if there are mitigating circumstances but his acts appear to be brazen and full of bravado not a good look because he worked for we ther people The other thing is that these magas are such bold face liars- Nobody was out to get Trump as Dueshawitz claims it was quite the opposite- He was given every oppurtunity to comply w/ the feds and the subpoeanas but decided to jerk them around and obstruct justice instead- I have found in my 54 years that you really have to screw up bad in order to get arrested- If leos ask for something you say yes sir/mam not always but mostly and at the end of the day you always come through its that simple- The npb cop asked for my insurance I had an attitute I was working all nite and my back hurt. I said I dont have it but eventually I complied and paid the fine because I really did yield the stop sign even though nobody was around- I was arrested in 06 on a technicality everything would have been fine if I stayed sober but didnt stay sober- I paid the consequences- Trump has a serious mental problem he can never admit when he is wrong or accept defeat- The feds were being gracious w/ this document case and were simply asking for them back- You cant de classify something w/ mental telepathy he has some major issues- You dont negotiate w/ the feds yourself lawyers can make plea deals but other then that it wasnt his call-

Trump Fatigue

Trump is so out of touch w/ reality it is not comical thou- He was our Potus that was part of the ruling class- Somebody that was making believe he wasnt and that he could relate to the common man- I dont think Trump respects the working poor- He is going to find out soon enough as msnbc stated he wont be able to bully a federal judge nor the feds- He cant shoot somebody on 5 ave and get away w/ it like he boasted about either- The documents belong to the national archive and we the people not you the sole proprietor bs artist extrodinaire who has a sense of entitlement- He wouldnt have been indited we wouldnt have even heard about it if he wasnt so arrogant- Obstruction of justice the run around I can do what I want typical Trumpism- Many of the people that are incarcerated have this same type of criminal mind- Grandiose but not that smart as Gerrge Conway and Scarborough pointed out. I wouuld loathe being a political animal in the republican party- Desantis forced to toe the party line by a man who trashes him on social media every chence he gets- So its more like in order to move up the chain and get a shot albeit a longshot at potus you have to take serious hits from the boss but also denounce indictements and dont forget to complain about a rogue criminal justice system to boot- As a former jag I would say that is unbecoming and immoral to say the least. That is like being incarcerated not being free nor being your own man in our land of the free and home of the brave- Trump is a shyster who is going to find out that he isnt really the boss- I talk to people about him and its more like "you know what I have a flat tire or child custody issues how does this really affect me- more important things are in my world-"- We have Trump fatigue but this goes to prove how out of touch he is- Always trying to buy his way out or screrwing people over slum lord racist now he has the magas hating on the Chinese- He doesnt relate to the struggling working class like he claims. If they are at Mara Lago they are probally just serfs and slaves or they pay a lot of money to be there the only way the ruling class would have it. Xenophobia his base is suitable for the WWF crowd appartantly UFC likes him too- Cheering on the man who engages in criminal activity and disparages law enforcement officials at every turn and makes threats both direct and indirect- That is where we are as a country unfortunately. Its a good day for law and order his troubles are going to start to run quite deep- Hopefully if he ever wakes up he will stop blaming everybody else, that is a big if

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Capital Cronyism

There is a gorilla in the middle of the ring that needs a brawler to knock him on his ass- Steve Schmidt- How Chris Christie has a chance of doing it- I used to have respect for Mike Pence but that time has come and gone- If true that he said cigarettes were good for you he is definitely out- Then he goes on CNN and says Trump shouldnt be indicted after telling everubody how he respects the rule of law- We have a bunch of spineless individuals and maybe just maybe that is how they slithered up the political mountain to begin with and ended up as vp- According to Pence everybody else should follow the law of the land and be held into account except former Potus what kind of message is he trying to convey to we the people? Trump is a spoiled petulant child. Wouldnt it be great if one day politics would step up its game from the maga morons and get into a mote mature world- We have gone down so many notches and what could be worse then 2 billion dollars going to Kushner from Saudi Arabia- Capital cronyism nepotism. Everything that joke was fighting against or had us believe that he was fighting against for why he should get elected in 16- We had a party that was supposed to be anti corruption but then had that weasal Matt Gaetz tweet out threats about Michael Cohens personal life the day before he was supposed to testify- I voted maga because I thought they would be above all that garbage but they are not. They have proven themselves to be lawlees weasals that play dirty pool because they have no real game- How can the deeply corrupt join forces to oust corruption it just doesnt work that way- The magas had nothing real on Hillary it was all smoke and mirrors- They plant bs stories in the alternative media that cant be verified and then say look fake news why is nobody is reporting on this? I dont think they have anything on Biden or his son either as much as they are trying- If somebody puts out a false story knowingly w/intent that can be proven to be false there should be serious libel consequences-

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Deep Flaws

Its a very bad sign when somebody acts like everybody else is corrupt and starting vicious and faslse rumors about certain individuals- This is what deepy flawed and insecure people do when they know deep down that they have no game. Insults to our hard working law enforcemnt officials over the years- Imagine that a deeply flawed criminal that lashes out at others just like a playground bully to those who have had impeccable service records and who have served our country w/ great honor- Putting pressure on our ags undermining thier authority in an attempt to make it appear to we the people that they are weak and ineffectual- You dont indict somebody that doesnt fit the proper paramters, everything has to line up. Trumpism would have rather lived in a lawleess land where everybody just listens to him only. Jeff Sessions- William Bar the list gows on- Bar did act as his personal lawyer.Bar more or less just admitted that he was a partisan ag- An ag needs to be apolitical the same way Dick Wolf says is what the real fbi is. Trying to emasculate people that he actually picked that is definitely not a good sign- Pence- Trump had us hating him he is a real duesh- The best is that he wants blind loyalty from everybody else but he never had it in him to reciprocate- Kaleigh McNaney the former white house press secretary. Trump hasnt been loyal to anybody that has expressed dedication/loyalty to him including and especially his own wife-


This may have resulted in some work-related messages being erased as personal, but Comey said that if this happened it did not appear to be intentional. Why Clinton wasnt indicted- Mens Rea- intent must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt- Now lets take a look at Trumpisms pending indictment in ga- Michael Popak breaks down the false statements to state and local officials- Criminal solicitation to commit election fraud- Conspiracy racketeering and threats against administrative officials- Trump is a shady individual that supreesed information about Simpatico and Berkly Research- These two firms were hired by Trump for a few million dollars to look for smoking guns on election fraud but didnt find any If he wasnt buried neck deep in a common scheme and plan do fleece we the people he would have came clean already- He would do what most law abiding citizens do and said "I was wrong it appears that I really did lose the election-" The Big Lie the big scam artist DJT who has a long list of victime over the years- Wire fraud w/ the wall grift nobody takes this man seriously anymore because he is a criminal- He also has an overly exagerated sense of how important he is- Oh their will be rioting in the streets in the likes that we have never seen before- No I dont think so- he blew that hand Jan 6 2021- Nobody else is coming out to protest anymore because by now most of us know who he really is- He just aint what he thinks he is or what he makes hinself out to be- Like he is some kind of super patriot out to rescue America from a corrupt deep state criminal justice system no I dont think so- Super patriots dont act like mobster a- holes class less and lawless thugs who rant on social media w/ all caps- You arent the president anymore either nobody was really crying in the Manhattan courtroom so now its time to wake up and face the long arm of the law.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Cocked And Loaded

There is a paper-thin difference between becoming one of them and doing what I do. I’ve lived in their surroundings and I know their mindset.” Bandy Lee My friend Richard got sober in prison after being sentenced for murder and attempted murder- He was in a black out and doesnt remmember any of it- In prison after a few more black outs (you can get drunk and high in prison) he picked up a dusty old big book from the library and starting reading- He hasnt picked up a drink and has been sober for many years- His story in one of redemption. He has many one liners- I would rather be sober in prison then drunk on the street- He felt more freedom while incarcerated then when he was living in active addiction- Another one I like is there are no big shots or little shots one shot and we are all shot- He wrote Cocked And loaded- After serving 11 years he became a therapist at BHOP- People like Bandy Lee and others who make assessments on whether or not somebody will likely re- offend as a violent offender know when people are getting better and who has rehabilitatd. This is why he did 11 years instead of life- He had a spiritual experience while incarcerated that he touches on from time to time The ironic thing is that he mostly worked with law enforcement and first responders at BHOP- Childhood Trauma in ones life and what one has experienced on their job plays a crucial part in alcoholism/drug addiction- I am going to verify this quote from Richard however I believe that I have it right- Prison saved my life but AA saved my soul

Saturday, June 3, 2023


Its true many of our major cities are diaster areas but these democrat run cities are not prosecuting because they dont care but rather because they are decriminalizing crimes- Studies have proven that lock ups haven't worked out over and over again- Major plans need to be put in place (aic - alternative incarceration shelters) built not jail cells- It can be set up like a minimum security. Its a tough situation das can and will refuse to prosecute when many of these people do get arrested- The middle way solution calls for major action and have emergency declarations by governors of these states for the cities to get funding to find a place for these people to go and not use drugs enforced just like a sober home- Most people just need a little dignity and love and we will find that crime will go way down cities will get cleaned up and so will the recovery rate-Jobs most people want and need to work its good for our soul- Our entire criminal justice system needs to have adjustments made so we can focus on recovery and rehabilitation as opposed to punishment

Friday, June 2, 2023

Neo Cons

President Bush signed legislation on November 27, 2002, creating an independent commission to investigate the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and named former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, left, to lead the panel. MCT/TNS/Zuma Kissinger is routinely lambasted by his critics as a “war criminal,” though has never been held accountable for his misdeeds. He has made millions as a consultant, author, and commentator in the decades since he left government. I once heard of a Manhattan cocktail reception where he scoffed at the “war criminal” label and referred to it almost as a badge of honor. (“Bill Clinton does not have the spine to be a war criminal,” he joshed.) Kissinger has expressed few, if any, regrets about the cruel and deadly results of his moves on the global chessboard. When Koppel gently nudged him about the secret bombing in Cambodia, Kissinger took enormous umbrage and shot back: “This program you’re doing because I’m going to be 100 years old. And you are picking a topic of something that happened 60 years ago? You have to know it was a necessary step.” As for those who still protest him for that and other acts, he huffed, “Now the younger generation feels if they can raise their emotions, they don’t have to think.” Mother Jones- great pick to investigate 9-11- republican war criminals need to have each others back-talk about the fox guarding the henhose

Trump Bucks

The semi fascist right that is going to destroy woke- Left to his own devices Trump would be dictator of the USA the most powerful country in the world- Grateful for the checks and balances system that actually prevents somebody like him from tearing down everything and burning down the entire house. The far right zealots have this myth that we live in republic only and that democracy is not really needed- Joe Scarborough stated that with less than one month until the election, President Donald Trump is calling for his attorney general to indict his challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden, for the "greatest political crime in the history of our country." In a bannana republic dictatorship things like that have happened many times over- Arresting thier political enemies without due process or punishing them one way or another- Lets take a look at the latest Trumpisms on his fav propaganda network in front of a live crowd- Trump doesnt care if his statements are true or not as long as his audience believes it so because hes saying it- Hes a good salesman definitely not a good businessman- TYT stated that Trumps casino all burned down next to each other they canabolized themselves- 3 casinos all in close proximity whos great idea was that-So going bankrupt w/ his businesses and not paying off his creditors makes him a good businessman no I dont think so- Step right up and buy the Trump bucks and then try to cash in The latest is that the USA faces such grave dangers more then anytime in its history- Really are we supposed to do the bomb shelter thing now or mayve get an anxiety attack from all the color codes the republicans put out after 9-11 that had everybody living on edge- These puppets have cried wolf too many times to be taken seriously actually they are all just a serious joke- Lets take a look at our great republican leadership over the years- Nixon escalated the war in Vietnam just in time for that so called great statesman to escalate the secret dirty wars in Cambodia etc. That would be Kissinger a man who never got tried for war crimes and just celebrated his 100- Lets tally up how many lives were lost over the years with our great republican leadership- I thought Trump would be different but he has proven himself to be somebody that cant abide by the rule of law- He wasnt a war hawk overseas per se but maybe just maybe his pals are trying to push the dems over the edge to start a civil war- The rhetoric is consistant w/ it insureccrionists etc The only problem now is that the violence allready played its hand on Jan 6 2021 now too many people are wise to how they got used and abused by their cult leader who never had proof beyond a reasonable doubt- They are going to do the serious time now for seditious conspiracy. Law enforcement will never let something like that go down again- So instead you have the magas starting verbal wars pushing as far as they can go- We are going to destroy this destroy that instead of being humble and trying to work peacefully together