Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Third Force

("The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal god and avoid dogma and theology- Buddhism answers this description. If there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism-  Einstein") Albert had it wrong Peter told his father- Buddhism is not a religion its a philosophy. Are you saying that you are smarter then good old Einstein? I know what I know- The big question is what is going on with Task Force 129?-
  Training and courses in forensics and criminology- Also we have added a spiritual advisor to the team who specializes in the Third Force- Let the Third Force be with you- This is a defiant part of pychology which somewhat rejects behaviorism and pychodynamics. It is humanism and not Transhumanism- Humanism pychology acknowleges that we are allready whole, not broken and our advisors are not totalitarian authority figures that refer to us as patients trying to fix what is broken. We are clients that are part of a team and that should never be forgotten. That tells you what the problem is right there, behaviorism and phcohdymanic therapy is archaic and is based off of lab rat tests and trying to shove meds down our throat. Cameron was head of the APA and was blowing peoples minds out with ECT without thier consent. How come he never went to jail? Most of these people never went to prison. Humans are not animals so Pavlov's dog needs to be thrown out of the window. Humanism morphed into Transpersonal Pychology- holistic and eastern based philosophies- We were never broken, that is why we never needed to be fixed per se- Just a spiritual awareness and try not to judge. You are talking to the wrong group of fire breathing demon chasers because a bunch of pissed off patriots are ready to unleash war on the deep state. We already have and now thunderous roars of stars and stripes are going off all around us. Keep up the great work Anonomyus Patriots 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Warrior Poet Sonet

"May the road rise to meet you detective-" Lt. Declan Murphy Manhattan Vice UC- Law and Order SVU- One of the senior members of Task Force 129 expressed his concerns about Chad which led to his permanent departure. His name is Kirk- 39 years old and still in great shape- 33 pull ups and sub 9 minutes for 1.5 miles- extreme rock climbing expert and great with the Haho's and Halo's- Even though he smokes like a trooper and drinks like a fish he prides himself in being a quiet  professional with great pft's. He has many life lessons learned- His biggest quote comes from first hand experience-
"Just when you think you went all out to save somebody else the entire time they were really out to save you"
  Anyway when Kirk speaks we listen because he doesn't say that much, taciturn and cerebral- Kirk stated that Chad needs to go, on top of everything else he is a gear queer and is not even a real operator- Too much special treatment, way too many chances and to top it all off now he doesn't even want to kill bad guys. Group conscience and the overall consensus had Chad removed permanently from the unit. He took the news like a pro, his heart wasn't totally broken, he was still riding high from his recent pink cloud experience. Until we figure out what other options  you have Chad we would like to pick your brain a little. So you mentioned that you experienced real evolution, what did you mean? I experienced an evolution of consciousness and got in touch with many spirits and souls. I want to be able to share my experience with as many people as possible and start meditating on a daily basis. What is the difference between a training evolution and evolution of consciousness?
  Training evolutions are very stressful in order to simulate what we experience outside the wire so to speak but also can be very exhilarating. Training evolutions are survival based and team oriented. Evolution of consciousness required less effort, I know that was because of the magic mushrooms. You know if you want to get into this without the aide of a psychedelic its going to require a lot of effort from a spiritual standpoint. You are headed in the right direction and hopefully you will stay sober and off the steroids. Yes- I confronted my rage while on the other side and met it head on and never want to go back. Evolution of consciousness was still team oriented but nobody was the enemy, everybody was a friend. Even the bad guys? I didn't meet any bad guys, that's why I don't want to kill anybody anymore. Interesting to say the least.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Conscientious Objector

Chad tell us about your meeting with Lucy in the Sky. It was a trip. Yes, we get that but we want you to elaborate- I crossed over-I was a combination of Batman- Superman and Shazam- We were flying  in big birds little birds and everything else in between. Continual training mixed in with real world situations. Inter galactic shining light beams and communication with many souls. Who's souls did you connect with? I connected with many fallen warriors and people that have lost their life from heroin od's- What was the basic premise of your communion? Lets just say I have a sense of peace that I have never felt before. I don't feel like a inconsequential speck of dust in an existential universe, infact it's just the opposite. I feel interconnected on many multidimensional levels and significant. Who ever said that humility is being a nobody in a big sea of wolves realizing how unimportant we really are? I believe that they are the faux evolution based secular progressives.
  I really transformed and experienced evolution in its real form. Anyway I have also decided to not kill anybody anymore. I am not saying that I am a total and complete conscientious objector however I no longer want to take out bad guys. What do you want to do? I still want to take down bad guys, I just don't want to personally kill them. In other words you just want to be an investigator? We may be able to arrange that- We may be able to fit you in to just investigate and turn the information over. In other words you will do what Comey was supposed to be doing instead he decided to be a grandiose politician. The only thing he had to do was turn over the information to the DOJ in reference to the Hillary email investigation, instead his ego got in the way. Politicians that are in it for the buck that take no prisoners. They are serving Mammon, that were the head sheds of the FBI, how much more pathetic can you get then that? What else Chad- I feel that we were used and abused by these politicians. Like who? Lindsay Graham- He made a comment last month that he or maybe it was we don't care how many people die in Syria- Was he speaking for himself as a politician or did he make it seem that he was speaking for the American people? That tells you what the problem is right there. Did you ever read All Quiet On The Western Front? No- You would have learned that along time ago, people are people all across our spiritual plane and most politicians are nothing but opportunists and propaganda bs artists. Graham seemed indifferent to any collateral damage but maybe I read his comment out of context.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Lucy In The Sky

What are you grateful for this am? I am grateful for the rain, wind, sun, moon stars and everything else in between. I am grateful that my blog doesn't have to get a peer review before publication or submitted to some establishment print media news outlet in the hopes that I might get a call back. What happens is that I would never get a call back, too much truth. Like the gmo man that told David Knight about how they run things, everything must get a peer review. And when the technocrats pull the strings one must only write what goes along with their so called confirmed research. Snopes fact check I can tell when a writer is full of fraud, they are way to verbose in an attempt to confuse and go above and beyond what makes any sense. What else, I believe that we have some big problems and Hollywood is a major part of it. Gratuitous violence, mindless plots that are off the charts with the violence. Pedophilia cover ups in Hollywood as well.
  My head had to decompress for hours from trauma exposure after some Will Smith Net Flix Ork movie. I am telling you Hollywood is in the sewer, the swamps along with the DC politicians. If you cant make a movie that is filled with perpetual blood and guts and people continually getting killed you should get out of the business. It what sells right? That tells you what the problem is right there why do these movies sell? And then Tarintino Inglorious Bastards another dumb movie along with gratuitous violence and mundane plots. Another thing is that these people have gargantuan egos, why else would they make a 3 hour movie. They are basically saying I have the goods and am certain that you want to stay at the theaters or watch at home for 3 hours. It is bad really bad, toward the end of that movie some Nazi strangled a beautiful woman, how pathetic. Its only a movie right, its upsetting and mindless and desensitizes our souls. X box games, war games that appear so real that people think that they are really there. Either way it is doing a lot of damage and without question Hollywood is a big part of the problem.
  What do you think about Virtual Reality Freud? It may work, its intriguing and might be able to add to peoples therapeutic practice. If one can simulate real world scenarios for therapy sessions it could enhance ones empathy which is what the goal is. For some reason people would rather ask Freud over CG Jung. We need a virtual reality Jung that would sell better. I don't believe the merging of the technocratic gods is all gloom and doom. In other words there is a major shift to higher consciousness going on right now and AI may be able to help us get there. AJ is convinced the trips are a recipe for disaster but a middle ground can be found. There was a man on Thomas Paine's program that talked about a new Dawn/Don since our President was elected and super conscious trips may help people get closer to Source. We have to ask Chad Furlong what he felt angels or demons when he soon meets Lucy in the Sky.  

Saturday, May 12, 2018

War On We The People

What is on your mind this afternoon? Dr Leonard Horowitz waronwethepeople stated that their appears to be a lot of faux new age enlightened individuals who hide behind mindfulness and are afraid to deal with real world issues? In other words they don't have the guts to call a spade a spade and would rather focus on the ethereal and basically use this as a coping mechanism. I am not going to trust some faux pseudo  spiritual wanna be who will just give you the same spiel- pray on it and acceptance-
   That is how we are in this position to begin with letting the elites bulldoze us into submission. Those days are coming to an end much sooner rather then later. If we focus on the problem the problem increases but if we focus on the solution the solution increases. When it comes to spiritual entropy one must dig deep to get out of it, not an easy thing to do. I admire Horowitz, one of his associates is an investigative journalist and she definitely focusses on real world issues. Like what? Like the BP oil disaster and how Halliburton's Chain gang probably knew about this in advance. A clean up company was purchased right before, the same old story, put options as well, these people are more then predicable by now. Disaster capitalism- Hegelian dialectic destroying the waters and natural wildlife with catastrophic oil explosions, these people are more then demented. Jesse V. did a special on this and AJ stated that many of the workers who worked during the Valdez incident are now dead. Toxic exposure for events that the string pullers more then likely knew about in advance. If these people want a war they came to the right place. Didn't the Chain gang make a comment that the new cia girl is more then ok and so was enhanced integration techniques? Yes Hannity was making Chain gang look like a hero that should be applauded for speaking out against the leftist press and their criticisms on enhanced integration techniques. I know that is why its hard for me to take Hannity seriously, at least Gorka made a comment that it could lead to a false confession. I am not really into demagogues, cool aide drinkers and propaganda. I hope our Potus is for real he is buds with Hannity. Seriously there are so many crimes that need to be investigated we don't need anybody making Chain Gang looking like some kind of hero.
  Maybe the press knows something about our Potus that we don't know about and they have reason to not give him the benefit of the doubt? Maybe, but I don't think so.  His latest statement is encouraging- "The drug lobby is making an absolute fortune at the expense of American consumers." And the latest corrupt politician- Their are so many capital cronies that I haven't even heard of many of them. "Sheldon Silver repeatedly used his enormous public power for his own enormous private gain" It all makes sense to me now I recently had a white light experience as far as coming to a realization. That is why so much money is made by these capital cronies, they are nothing but politicians and they have been playing this game their entire lives. They had to figure out who's ass to kiss to get where they needed to go which was always in a way that would benefit them financially.
  Our Potus promised that he wasn't one of these people and that he would expose them for who and what they are. It looks like he is doing that, the evidence is turning up day by day with the amount of people that are getting indicted. He needs to pull the onion off of  the DOJ once and for all and let all of the skeletons out of the closet. Thomas Paine was wondering why Maxine Waters has a multimillion dollar home and  bank account working as a public servant? Not only that, the richer these people are the more arrogant they are, they actually try to influence our opinions as a public servant. These people work for us, political pundits and deep state zealots are going to go down much sooner rather then later.  

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

I Am The Law

"I Am the law" AG Schneiderman was abusive in his public and private conduct according to a WSJ op-ed-  Do you think these allegations are true? If they are he is a degenerate and rogue former top dog, NY State Attorney General- Isn't this the same guy that is trying to take down our Potus with all of his alt left political pundits? Why is it that I get the feeling that whatever these democrats are accusing others of they are really guilty of themselves? These are allegations and he claims that it was just role playing. Role playing when a woman goes on record stating that she was in fear for her life?
 According to another account he yanked a woman across the street  stating that he was the law and jaywalking was illegal. Things can be taken out of context and role playing is somewhat plausible but then why would these women go on record knowing that it would take him down? These allegations are horrific, spitting, slapping, choking, alcohol and drug fueled rages, threats to use his power as AG against them if he was defied. We live in a world where we were desensitized a long time ago, AG's and former presidents, repugnant behavior has become the norm. Schneiderman was apparently on the climate change band wagon as well.
    Its time to go back to 1950's sensibility and a Potus who remind us of Archie Bunkers indignation and of a time and place of a generation long forgotten. (The Faith Of Donald J Trump) What did you think of the book? It was good, his mom from the Isle Of Lewis- The Outer Hebrides, that is why he is one of us. Old school values and a time that we had after WW2- The Greatest Generation- Love of god and country- Scots are known as street tough and straight talking- Its a kind of brutal honesty that you know is real because one can feel it on a visceral level. He is so unlike other politicians, it is so refreshing. The former NY AG was doing his best to try to take him down, these pundits have a plethora of skeletons in their closet, we haven't yet even scratched the surface. We don't care nor do we want to know about peoples private lives unlike many creepy tabloid stalker types. If you are a criminal and a violent one at that this is an entirely different story especially if you are NY's top dog of law enforcement. We don't care about porn stars and peoples lives behind closed doors, its over for the left as we once knew it. Secular Progressives and hypocrisy, Schneiderman was apparently an abuse victims advocate.  There is something deeply troubling about many of these people. Comey, the Cartel Queen the list goes on. If you are a top dog in law enforcement what does it say about your character if a woman is in fear for her life about potential reprisals? If true this means that there is something inherently flawed within your soul and that you are drunk with power. It also means that you never fully developed from a maturity standpoint either because a woman is supposed to feel extra safe especially if one was once close to the top dog LEO-         

Monday, May 7, 2018

Magical Mystery Tour

What is going on with Chad Furlong? He was kicked off of Task Force 129, too many issues, not doing the right thing. We gave him the benefit of the doubt but he keeps screwing up. What do you mean? It means that he is not grateful and is not keeping a low enough profile. Not that many people know that he is oga but he just got tazed by local leos. He has issues, plus we don't want roid rage and benzo combinations around the unit, not safe. The other issue is that he doesn't want to comply with the mandates. Treatment, the rooms, Smart Recovery, he needs to do a lot more then what he has been doing that is for sure. Plus he is not grateful for the multiple chances that he has been given up until this point in time. He just wants to blame everybody else. What do you mean elaborate?
 For starters he never even made it through Ranger School, he was then given the golden opportunity to be part of a Task Force that works huge cases surrounded by multiple Tier One operators, we saw heart and guts but he didn't make the most out of it. We don't care if you use juice we just don't want to know about it and you have to keep it low profile. You cant get wasted and have diabolical rages. Once you start conducting yourself above the radar screen and people start noticing there are definitely going to be problems. If you are in recovery can you use the juice? It depends on who you ask, there is no single authority out there when it comes to peoples opinions because lets face  that is what they are. Nobody is the final authority, it comes down to ones authentic self and what feels right. What about smoking weed can you do this in recovery? It comes down to who you ask but I say definitely no. So why can you maybe do the juice and possibly weed but definitely shrooms? Many people would say don't do magic mushrhrooms?
  Why don't you offer a magic carpet ride and a magical mystery tour for Chad, that might help him attain some gratitude. He has humility but is having a problem with the gratitude so mushrooms may help him get to the next level. If that is combined with real therapy he might have a shot to earn his way back to the Task Force. He loves going after bad guys so we don't want to take that away from him. Weed is definitely not permissible, once you have the pychic change you wont want it anyway, there will be no cravings or longings to alter ones mind or mood. This medical marijuana is going to create a lot of addicts but it does have its benefits for some. For example chronic pain clients can go off of the pills and start smoking weed. It will reduce the amount of pills you need to take. As long as somebody doesn't have the propensity for (RDS Reward deficiency Syndrome) or low dopamine d2 receptors you usually wont have a problem. The big issue is that narcotic pain pills have created thousands of addicts for people that don't have RDS-  This means that there is something in the pills that are creating addicts much easier then most narcotic substances. I would compare it to crack cocaine because there is no other way to explain this opiate epidemic any other way. That is what the huge class action lawsuits are all about. Deceptive marketing practices and deemed safe and effective. Safe and effective right on over to heroin addiction and massive overdose deaths. These drug companies have been operating the exact same way they did with big tobacco, creating drugs with the most highly addictive substances just like the tobacco scientists did. Medical marijuana is going to be conducting itself on a slippery slope and their are going to be many dangers lurking around the corner. It is definitely not the solution for drug addiction, infact it is just the opposite. It is a gateway and is highly addictive for a certain populace, this is going to  produce many casualties when all is said and done. If you have a marijuana medical card you still cant drive around stoned just because you have a prescription. Its the same premise as with all of the other narcotic prescription medications,  people will soon be getting (driving while stoned DWS)    

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Magic Mushrooms And GMOs

We believe that nobody should have unfettered power, Judge Ellis tells it the way it us. Rogue zealots and secret police that send out (NSL National Security Letters) that intimidate and threaten  people by letting them know that they are going to jail if they tell anybody. No Knock warrants and conducting business way above ones mandate, welcome to 1984 in 2018, the DOJ/FBI.
 What do you  think about Cancer Linked weed killer that was found in every food tested except broccoli? Monsanto, using round up lets put it this way if this can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in a real court of law people will never get out of prison. There is too much circumstantial evidence about gmos, vaccines, chem trails the list goes on. People can continue to live in a world with rose colored glasses but this wont last much longer with the new era of transparency coming around the corner. Their may even be a miracle cure for many of societies ills. What does ego stand for? (edging god out-) This means god as we understand him, her, mother earth, collective conscious, universal divine and creative intelligence whatever it takes to get one out of self. If somebody asked me what I recommend for chronic smokers, drug  addicts and alcoholics the list goes on I would say magic mushrooms. Ibogaine is used for heroin addiction for a reason, it has been taking people to the fifth dimension and beyond.
  How many people do you know have had a complete psychic change or a profound mystical and or a vital spiritual experience? A few but we can use more. So why not take a magic carpet ride with (psychedelics-psilocybin) it appears to reboot and rewire the brain. The New Science Of Psychedelics WSJ and a new book coming out by Michael Pollan. These drugs can replace big pharmas placebos that in many cases do a lot more harm then good. Psychedelics may soon revolutionize the treatment of depression and anxiety, symptoms that many of us have by living in a three dimensional world. Essentially what these drugs can do is exactly what the spiritual mystics have been doing for thousands of years? The problem is that it is very difficult to transcend into these dimensions and beyond by self knowledge alone without a boost from the magic mushrooms. Basically sought through prayer and meditation to enhance ones conscious contact is fleeting a few and far between. That is why so few people are able to attain it, this is because the ego is very tough to put in the ashtray. These drugs seem to bring one to levels that take master spiritual gurus/elders many years to experience without the aide of a psychedelic.
   The recurrence/ lapse- relapse rates are  off the charts so this may well be the next wave of treatment. The only problem is that drugs like Ibogaine are not legal in the USA because of the drug companies, this needs to change. Smoking is one of if not the most addictive substances, psilocybin  has had more success then anything else. Will these treatments be considered a lapse or relapse if one is in recovery? If somebody never achieved a vital spiritual experience or a psychic change then they were never really in recovery to begin with. Living in a prison in between three dimensional binges of multiple rehabs, jails detoxes, (self knowledge the brain storm and the grouch) chronic smoking, restless irritable and discontent is not very pleasant. These drugs are not addictive, the rats only press the button once but appear to do this multiple times until death for many of the other highly addictive substances. The protocol would be to do this as few times as possible preferably only once. This sounds a lot better then 7 rehabs in between homeless shelters and heroin/fentanyl fixes.
  So how does it work? One trips and edges out the ego and then ones default mode network gets taken off line for a while. This leads to new pathways opening up in the brain, myriad new connections spring up that link up far flung areas that don't ordinarily talk to one another directly. Is this kind of like what Dr D wants us to do? Yes exactly, a scientific/pycho spiritual psychic union that unites the mind body and soul. Dr D has people do this with deep meditation and then unifies the quantum fields with out the aid of magic mushrooms however it is the same exact premise. Interdimensional beings and various levels of connection. Whether it be magic mushrooms or deep meditation or the combination of both this is definitely the future of recovery and quite possibly the savior for humanity itself. When everything and everyone is connected as one then the world becomes a much friendlier place. 

Friday, May 4, 2018

Den Of Thieves

(Wild west days of Silicon Valley are coming to an end just as they did for industrial capitalism) John Steele Gordon WSJ- So let me get this straight the SES steals patents under the phony guise of national security and then uses cia/Silicon Valley by weaponizing the technology against we the people by trying to radiate us to an early grave? They spy and use foreign nationals and bogus private intel firms to dig up dirt on a Presidential candidate who at that point was just a private citizen? Yes, the SES and all of their corporate interests outsources to Serco with all of the patents and trade secrets that they stole. It sounds like they are bullies and thugs? Yes, they consist of the gang of 8 on floor 7, lying to a federal judge and perjury is everyday business for these folks, they appear to be unscrupulous. When you are in charge of conducting the investigations one can run this kind of racket, they have been doing this for decades.
  What about the Den Of Thieves movie? It was where the only difference between the cop and the criminal was the badge. A former recon Marine was part of the so called bad guy crew but that is always murky territory. The Cal. Sheriff Dept and a big heist on the FED. Nobody cares if the FED gets robbed, look what they have been doing to we the people since it was illegally hijacked in 1913- no legal quorum- pernicious usury and counterfeit currency, charging  interest for money that was never legally theirs. Not backed by gold or silver and then confiscatory IRS tax heists of up to 60%. The US needs to default on all of the debt and then go after the SES Sercos who use Zucktown to steal our info and then sell it to third parties. Illegal monopolies, businesses that were sent out to Mexico, stolen patents sold to China, an opiate epidemic where the only feasible capitalist option is to open up a detox. There are jobs out there but apparently people cant seem to pass the pee tests. Its time to go after the real criminals and stop focusing on the small fries

The New Age

So what is the breaking news story of the day, you must hit the bricks and find something, the pressure is on just like it was for Peter Parker and Clark Kent. There is a lot of pressure to sell newspapers and then go after the bad guys after hours with suit and cape. For starters news print media is dead, their stories are archaic and not as relevant as the New Guttenberg Press. The great thing about the web is that most people are not territorial and don't mind if you feed off of their intel. Infact this is what they encourage us to do considering as Hannity stated real journalism is dead.  Also (OSINT Open Source Intelligence) is the way of the future. One doesn't necessarily have to "break" a story in order to write about it especially when it comes to the New Guttenberg Press.
    Who do you admire as far as real investigative reporters and journalists? Lets see Alex Jones, Thomas Paine, Sarah Carter, Dr P, Hannity, Dr Preston James, Wolfgang, Fetzer, James Tracy, Eric Dubay, there are many more people I could list. I used to admire Gordon Duff but not so much anymore. Why is that? He appears to be partisan to the democratic agenda, for example why isn't there any mention of the multiple felonies the FBI seemingly committed as of late with their bogus collusion investigation. He writes about how when the Queen of the Cartel allegedly did a lot of dirty things the feds couldn't find anything, I find this hard to believe. Also I was watching Jones, he claims to be self made, I actually believe this. Jonas Alexis is a talented writer and  has good sources however I am not buying the anti Infowars campaign at VT, I used to but not anymore. I don't believe Jones is in bed with Bibi and company. A real journalist doesn't have a partisan political agenda.
   So what is the the latest? The latest is 5G and how smart phones, meters and the overall tech grid is dangerous to we the people. There are some very good stories still in print media, like the NY Times article about the hockey player who past away that had CTE. Violent games and head trauma, its all blood money. Dr Amen is able to do a SPect Scan to see if one has CTE. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed in regard to all violent sports starting at a young age. The warrior code ethos needs to be thrown out of the window, that was yesterday, today their is a new age and brutality with repeated head trauma and concussions doesn't make one tough and shouldn't be part of the program.
   You stated that a real journalist doesn't have a partisan political agenda but it is obvious that Jones, Paine and Hannity admire our Potus and some would state they have a clear partisan agenda. Our Potus should have ran as an independent as part of the new Populist party. The real investigative journalists like our President personally but they also respect what he represents, a new renaissance and freedom for we the people. This is what makes it different from being in bed with either the democrats or  the republicans. He Tweets out the way we feel and I don't have any respect for the New York rags like the Daily News that made it appear that it was an injustice that he may be up for a Peace Prize for the way he handled North Korea. This movement many would say is the next American Revolution that has been talked about since the last one a few hundred years ago. When we have lawyers and politicians that are running the FBI/DOJ that is a huge problem.  FBI Agents shouldn't be lawyers and politicians, they need to be impartial investigators only that work for the people and nothing more. Our Feds have made a mockery of our entire criminal justice system and this needs to change.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

An Inconvenient Truth

Is it true that Obama bombed 7 countries in 8 years and created  63 million refugees? Also could it be true that he thought that we had 57 states? What about the 2 billion dollar web page scam for Obama fraud where peoples premiums doubled and tripled and they were supposed to be able to keep their doctor? He was advocating the Fla shuffle and insurance medical fraud in the likes this country has never seen before. And apparently tough to clean up considering the DOJ is as dirty as they come. Wafen SS SES political appointees and stonewallers that have the power to appoint grand juries but never do. So let me get this straight the rank and file good guys at the FBI work their tail off and risk life and limb to conduct real investigations just to get stonewalled by the Obama holdovers of this world? The DOJ, we need grand juries, subpoenas and search warrants otherwise we are going in with sig sauers flash bangs and hand grenades.
  So what about Obama and his dirty teams? 57 states, it was kind of like his gun grabbing VP who made a statement that our ancestors watched the fireside chats on tv. WTF we didn't have tv back in the Roosevelt days, it was all radio. That is what I mean, these dirty dems expect everybody to be brain dead unfortunately many are. They advocate Fabian socialism, lining up to get meds while becoming a slave to the man and a ward of the state. All under the phony guise of helping out the little guy while they then try to scurry away with all of the loot. They are real pirates, the fact that they went all out to sabotage our Potus says a lot, like they are covering up a lot of pertinent intel. Like Weinergate and all that  was uncovered in those disturbing e-mails, its time to finally pay the piper.
   What did you think about An Inconvenient Truth? Al Gore has about as much credibility as Bibi and his IDF cronies. What do you mean? He comes across as a rube and a con man and his cgi blue marble scam of global warming only confirms this.  I advocate a minimal carbon footprint but his spies and lies go above and beyond the pale of junk science fiction. So how much money did AL Gore and his democratic charlatans rob from we the people with this bogus carbon tax for a non existent threat? I don't know, the pale blue dot, he looks and acts like a clown and made a pejorative comment about the Secret Service to his son. What about Bibi? He should go back to selling furniture because I am not buying his geopolitical assessment on Iran. When are these people going to stop trying to bs us, political charades and propagandists. I am no fan of Israel's tactics, Mossad wages war by  deception and cover, this is cowardly and they are responsible for many heinous war crimes in the West Bank. Not only that Bibi should have been in jail along time ago so what is the hold up? Every time I see Sebastian Gorka on Hannity I know that he is going to tow the demagogue Greater Israel Party line and I am not down with it. As much as I like his viewpoints on going after the deep state I don't fully trust him and neither does Alex Jones. Nobody was buying his confirmed intel with Syrian chemical weapons either. One of these days in the not so distant  future intel is going to have to be 100% legit and verified. And if it isn't there needs to be repercussions, no more operating way above the law in the name of national security.

Brain Warrior Way

What did you think about Daniel Amens MD book  Brain Warriors Way? It was good he seems legit, that means that the spect scan might be a useful tool after all. What do you mean by that? I thought the spect scan might be just another fraudulent scam that makes believes our brains look different in order to prescribe us more psychotropics. He is a psychiatrist and does not condone meds, infact he advocates getting off meds and using food for fuel instead. Let me put it to you this way if people really knew the scope of fraud that is involved within the APA and Big Pharma they would be shouting this on every roof top. The name of the game is to dumb us down and make us all docile so we are so confused with brain fog that we just go along with it all. These people have their dirty hooks into most short and long term rehabs, PHPs and detoxes but at least Brain Warrior showed us a different way. This coming from a psychiatrist, he is very smart and cares about his clients. Infact he is doing what the next generation of holistic PR actioners are doing or at least what they should be doing. What do you mean? It means that these crime syndicates have irrevocably caused harm to hundreds of thousands maybe even millions of clients brains homeostasis and it will take many months even years of management if ever to get people back to a  state of equilibrium and homeostasis. The UK psychiatrist in the NY Times article explained what his own symptoms were, many extended months of micro tapering just to feel somewhat normal again? If somebody has symptoms of depression and proceed to go on meds what is normal really supposed to feel like? Let me put it this way these meds are placebos that have no clinical efficacy and they do a lot more harm then good. The string pullers know this (chemical imbalance myth) and they know how difficult they are to get off of and they know dam well about the suicide and homicide ideation to boot. The next wave of holistic PR actioners will be holding peoples hands while they ween the clients off of their meds. It has been such a big threat to the cartel they have Arkansided close to 100 holistic doctors up until this point in time.
   Dr Amen describes what to do very well, brain food, diet and exercise the whole 9 yards. (The Supreme Art Of War is to subdue the enemy without fighting. Sun Tzu) Dr Amen is the future of the medical field, a direct threat to the medical establishment as well as the APA. Transpersonal psychology and holistic psychiatry, it is going to put a plethora of doctors on the unemployment line. What do you mean? It means that these psychiatrists go to all that extra school just to be able to prescribe meds when infact they never  needed to, it was a complete waste of time. All of these made up diagnosis, every symptom has a medical or mental disorder named after it. So people don't have to become shrinks in order to get a piece of the upcoming market? It is a dangerous game, close to 100 holistic docs, chiros have past away in very suspicious circumstances. Independent private investigators have confirmed this on at least one occasion that I know of.
   So let me get this straight many of these psychiatrists would rather do more harm then good even though they signed the Hippocratic Oath? Close to 100 doctors have died in more then mysterious circumstances what more needs to be said?

The Artists Way

(The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. CG Jung) When one is on the Teams and things go sideways warriors need to find a place where they feel most comfortable, as a frogman sometimes this is the water. I learned that from the Warrior Elite- Actually they feel most comfortable in the air land or sea it doesn't really matter because they will excel and reign supreme. When one is an artist we  sometimes find a place where one can find solace and that is with ones higher or authentic self. Whether one is a rock star, tap dancer or a cat burglar the end results are the same- a yearning to get to our highest or true self. Julia Cameron explains how we may need to do this with (morning pages.) This is a constant stream of flow of consciousness.
   What do you think about the comedian over the weekend that said horrible things? These democratic operatives are vile and repugnant. This woman was disturbing, glamorizing abortion and hurling insults at Sarah Huckabee Sanders and many more people. They are beyond pathetic, this wasn't a light hearted roast, this was a direct attempt to try to humiliate and embarrass certain members of the Trump Train. Not only was this woman not even close to being humorous she was repulsive looking and acting. They are scraping new lows, I can see why their are so many problems in our world, they have people like this in front of the podium. Is it true that Slick Willy signed an executive order in 99 to give the green light to do experimental vaccinations on our troops specifically the Anthrax shot? And now 35,000 soldiers have past away as a direct result of this? What about the chemical weapons and (depleted uranium DU) they exposed our troops to in Gulf War 1 and Gulf War Syndrome, people need to go to prison much sooner rather then later. If Slick Willy signed an executive order in the name of national security there is not a dam thing we can do about it how about that? This is the way these people operate, protected entities, untouchable, two tier justice system conducting criminality way above the law with complete impunity, it wont be that way for that much longer just wait and see.
   Why would these unscrupulous lowlifes and degenerates do experimental immunization programs and play games with our troops? If they want to play games and treat our soldiers as guinea pigs they are going to pay the consequences much sooner rather then later. What about these criminals and con jobs that are covering up the links between Autism and the MMR shot? Charles Grassley stated that there were suspicious ties between the drug industry ie- (big pharma) and the APA. Of course their is, why  do you think there are so many fraudulent diagnosis and drugs that are dispensed. Do you think that its a good idea to roll out 5G to generate tens of billions of dollars worth of revenue, a game changer? This is the way the transnational globalists work, they have columnists like Paul Krugman writing articles that our Potus is all about protecting the billionaires, neglecting the poor while only making more meanwhile these illegal monopolies and crime syndicates are the ones that are really doing this. They haven't even fully tested the effects of the irrevocable biological harm of  the other 3-4 g's so why not roll out more powerful emf frequencies to make certain our brains get more radioactive so we can become even more dead. Cancer, Opiate epidemic, gmos, playing games with our troops, people are going to go to prison much sooner rather then later.
   Our Potus is a capitalist but he is not protecting these crime syndicates and that is why he signed the executive order. He is going  to balance out the equation and create real wealth and abundance, something the Slick Willies and Clinton Foundations of this world don't have a clue about how to do. They are part of the problem, definitely not the solution and now there is smoking gun evidence of massive collusion within the democratic party. Phony dossiers, dirty and corrupt DOJ and FBI, slow walking investigations, there time is coming to an end. There is going to be no free pass for any Republican criminal as far as prosecutions are concerned for the people that are culpable for  democide capitalism, this is not a partisan issue. They just wanted to protect the gravy train on both sides and they knew that the only way to do this was to get the queen of the cartel elected by any and all means necessary.