Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Welcome To 2015 Everybody must listen to this radio transmission with Larry Nichols, Stew Webb, Gordon Duff and Jim Dean. Nichols is coming back to work in an attempt to bury the Clinton regime once and for all. Why is it that powerful criminals can murder people at the drop of at hat with no accountability what so ever but when Joe Blow off the street gets caught up in a murder rap they are sentenced to either life in prison or even death itself? How many people did the Clinton regime murder with their Arkansides? Vince Foster, Ron Brown, the train track incident ad infinitum. Larry Nichols will be exposing much more in the weeks and months to come. Gordon Duff in an earlier program exposed Monica Lewinsky as Mossad. Maybe she was trying to distract Bill from a real Able Danger Oklahoma City investigation? John Oneill and Roland Carnaby seemed to have been murdered along with at least 35 NCIS investigators on 9-11 inside the Pentagon. It looks like that Tomahawk Cruise Missile wasn't a jet after all but rather a precise instrument that may have been used to keep them quiet as well. This is real intel that is why you don't read about this or anything else for that matter anywhere except VT. Any disinfo agents that attempt to discredit (real US Intel) are culpable of aiding and abetting in a foreign espionage operation. Gordon Duff names names in reference to 9-11, these individuals are involved in Treason at the highest level bare minimum. It looks like there was a high ranking mole within the DOE Dept of Energy that may have given the Israelis an advantage to steal nuclear weapons. Able Danger appears to be an investigation that implicates Mossad, Saudi intel, rogue factions within our cia and various other traitors of the highest order working with and for the United States. It looks like Mossad is in deep and that the Oklahoma City bombing in 95 was a nuclear event along with 9-11- 01. The real Able Danger documents expose False Flag Terrorism. Essentially the real founding fathers of Terrorism are the very traitors that orchestrated the nuclear false flag stand down of 9-11-01 that killed over 3000 Americans. This has led to mass destruction worldwide, torture and an incalculable measure of death, loss, pain and suffering across the globe. On 9-11 it appears that the real goal was to take out/ blow up the George Washington Bridge, Holland and Lincoln Tunnels as well. Somehow the Mossad suspects were mysteriously let go back to their safe havens after their initial arrest on 9-11. There is even video of this, celebrating Israelis, a truck with a jet on it how much more obvious could they make it? Why were they let go and more importantly who was responsible for letting these people go? Mossad used nuclear weapons on the Khobar Towers and just a little while ago, Jim Dean mentioned how the Israelis used nuclear weapons once again. He also talked about VTs advanced counter surveillance methods. Since they have all the real intel this has ruffled the feathers of many cowards, criminals and traitors inside the system and these clowns are trying to hack into their various networks in an attempt to create disturbances as much as possible. Gordon Duff senior leader of the Clan Macduff doesn't play games- He doesn't get stress he only gives it

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