Thursday, December 18, 2014

Helpless Victims Or Ruthless Predators?

ict I wanted to thank Jilian Soto and the other Sandy Hook alleged victims  for their three plus page Greenwich Times Article. Since Jilian mentioned that people have called her a hoaxer to her face this should have led to some curious people that didnt know already to do a little research on the internet. Now we have more aware people and this will ultimately cause more blow back in the long run. These people are ruthless predators hell bent on plunder and pillage.We did a background on Adam cia spook Lanza, he is a ghost. He is non existent and yes we can do backgrounds on people without their social. How can a non existent 90 pound photo shop weakling open fire and have a 100% kill rate? I know some real deal shooters and even they cant accomplish this. Even if that kid did exist which he doesn't he would have been weighed down with too much gear, he would have had to change mags multiple times, the cacophony and reverberation  of the gunfire alone would have made this an impossible task. Now we have a Draconian DHS police grid in our state and they are doing snatch and grabs of weapons from innocent people all over the place. See something Say something, I don't think that 78 year old victim William Hanford that was tackled by Blackrock police and had his weapon confiscated would be too pleased if he knew how and why his weapon was really seized. This is a bad situation, now we have judges that are signing off on weapon confiscation just because of complaints. How do they know these complaints are even legit? So now that we know that Dhs Fema Cia spook Adam Lanza never existed what does this really say about weirdo Skull and Bones Yale Univ Psychiatric dept? Well Dr P. wrote a blog about this last Dec. and he was quite precise in knowing who exactly is responsible for one of the biggest criminal heists of the century. The first one being the micro nuke false flag stand down of 9-11-01. My sister just told me somebody that we know just died of cancer. Yes he did volunteer work at ground zero. These criminals better understand that this one will never be swept under the rug. How many people were exposed to radiation from these W-54 pits micro nukes? There is no statute of limitations for mass murder. It looks like their were some people killed to cover up the Sandy Hook scam as well. Does anybody know how many people were murdered by these disgusting cockroaches to cover up 9-11? At least 100 for JFK and way too many for 9-11. These Zionist sociopaths need to be stopped and the only way this will ever happen is if we stop them. They will continue on with their mass murder, plunder and pillage campaign and they will laugh at us dumb Americans all the way to the bank. Dr. James Preston pointed out that John Oneill and Roland Carnaby were investigating the Oklahoma city bombing. John was sent to the Towers on 9-11 and Roland was taken out by a Mossad agent dressed as a Houston police officer. I watched the entire thing on you tube, their was a high speed chase. I didn't know back then that he really was good cia however Dr Preston solved the puzzle for me, I was wondering about this for many years.

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