Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Spook Wars- Civil War Within The SSG?

http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/12/06/ww3-face-off/- This article opened my eyes. Zbigniew Brzezinski stated-" It is infinitely easier to kill a million people then it is to control them"This man is one of the big wigs within the NWO however I didn't know that he was pro American and really believes in our Republic. Not only that Dr Preston stated that there is no evidence to suggest that he was part of planning the 9-11 false flag. Well I suppose if you are going up against some powerful Zionists hell bent on world wide hegemony then having somebody like this on our side is the way to go. The only problem is that he is still all about  NWO, democide, etc. Alex Jones had me convinced that this man was the devil himself. I was having nightmares just listening to the quote on his radio show. What ever happened to leaders that didn't want to kill anybody, nor ever had to to cover up their horrific crimes?  Last but not least whatever happened to somebody who was honest and not a pathological liar? The worst people get control and this is what we have as a result. Extraordinary Rendition, NDAA, Patriot Act, black sites, 2 billion rounds of hollow point, these people need to burn in hell. There are a few people that would be honest presidents- Dr P. Jesse V, maybe Rand Paul, but definitely Gordon Duff, James Preston and all of the warriors that work with them. I have learned that bw xe may have been involved in some of that black site garbage, however it is very hard for me to believe that Prince would ever sign off on something like that. Seals are usually pure and noble souls. This is the USA we don't have to torture or kill people to get intel, that is what sadistic cowards do. Unfortunately we have alot of those out there. Just think about what these freaks did to our country. They made up lie after lie, tried to legitimize torture, initiated a false flag stand down on 9-11 and used that as a pretext to wage illegal, unprovoked and unconstitutional wars of aggression. They fabricated unvetted intel, ruined, set up and killed anybody that objected, made money off of  both sides of the conflicts, hundreds of thousands are now  dead across the globe. Many of our soldiers and private contractors are also ruined for life. Just so the Zionist cabal could get control of all of the drugs, oil and fatten their wallets and continue on with their child sacrifice pedophile rings. They made up one bull shit story after another and then they take out the real hero's Extortion 17 and the phony Bin Laden raid after abusing them by blowing their cover and then take credit for a bs mission that never even existed. Just so the puppetmaster at the top who gets his strings pulled from way up above could get reelected. I have learned that the real terrorists are the Zionist cabal. Does anybody remember what they did to us after 9-11? They had us wanting to kill every Arab that may have had ties to 9-11, so their Lucifarian agenda really did work like a charm. Then they start staging Gladio type operations stateside. Are demons born or made? I have no idea, the only thing I know for sure is that these cockroaches have pissed off a plethora of intel cowboys across the globe, blowback will be a bitch so now their days are numbered. We need to be grateful for our brave warrior intel cowboys because they are the last chance we really have. If these domino's don't start to fall in rapid succession then there is no hope for our future.  

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