Thursday, December 11, 2014

My Cover Is Blown

My cover is blown, I am a certified wanna be. When I went to OCS USMC they couldn't wait to throw me out right away. One of the enlisted Marines from my platoon basically said Mcleod- it doesn't matter if you are 1 pull up away from a 300 pft you better get out of here and don't even think of coming back unless you at least enlist in the reserves first. My GHS friend and football teammate sailed through and I know he could have went as far as he wanted up to General etc.. Our defense really did hurt people, he was a star who put a lot of people on their back as a db and rover back. I paid my own way to a few high speed schools but they were too high speed for me and I voluntarily walked away. I loved to learn and always asked questions, took notes and  I will be the first one to tell you that I don't have all the answers but I like to be surrounded by people that  do. When I went into the desert I couldn't wait it was what I was training for year round my entire life. It was a dream job, it wasn't high speed which was good because I more then likely would have fallen out but I was honored to be around some real deal guys. I would basically just ask questions that is what I mean on my home page by experience in Humint. I didn't do this myself we just filmed war game scenarios and that was about it. I would just offer my thoughts and they would point out who was real deal and who wasn't. Since I was getting advice from men of this caliber this really helped my future of taking notes and always learning. They pumped a lot of money into Hollywood type war game scenarios because everybody went through NTC before going overseas. I saw war veteran amputees that were acting as role players and they did a great job. I witnessed somebody getting almost seriously hurt by a simulated rpg so this wasn't a joke, these men have definitely been there before. That is why it is so disturbing to me to have this training stolen by criminal thugs and used by lowlifes who definitely have never been there before and then acting as victims on a simulated bomb on a false flag drill made to look real to the media and masses. . This is a sacred event that is very hard to get into, you need to be an elite athlete to qualify for  the Boston Marathon. These crisis actors acted as victims and they stole a lot of money from the American people and to make it even worse they act like they have the moral high ground with no shame or remorse... I know that husband and wife team stole at least 500 thousand in charity money alone and they crossed the finish line acting as real hero's this past April. I believe that Hollywood is tied into rogue factions of cia, dhs fema darpa  and these people are rogue Zionists and traitors of the highest order. I get the feeling that they think it is some kind of joke to do this to the American people. Dr P. stated that Susan Collins may have her Hunger Games script in Newtown and she may have her hooks into the  Elliot Rogers false flag as well..I take foreign espionage seriously because this is our country it was never theirs to hijack so they better get the fuck out and never come back again.

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