Monday, December 29, 2014

Chem Trails And Con Jobs Aluminum Class Action Lawsuit- Stewart Howe, a journalist has a lot of courage because he asked  a lot of intelligent questions- He grilled the NWO geo enginnerring science geek and eventually got him to admit that they haven't researched the toxic effect of aluminum yet- What a coincidence because that appears to be exactly what has been found in our environment as of late and it is pretty much leaning toward a worldwide democide operation. So let me get this straight- Global Warming is a scam that steals millions and billions of dollars from honest tax payers where the proceeds end up in some off shore tax exempt criminal cartels back pocket along with their massive and multiple money laundering operations. That isn't enough why stop there when they can fulfill Bill Gates dream of chem trails and con jobs and a massive depopulation agenda to boot- Al Gore that guy is a real winner- He made a pejorative comment to his son about the Secret Service- In other words he stated that if he didn't get his act squared away he would end up like "Those Guys" meaning the Secret Service- That is the problem right there- The elites never knew what it was like to protect a life or how to save a life which is the highest honor one can bestow that is for certain. They are so used to living in their own narcissistic self aggrandizing bubble. They don't have to worry about anything because everybody will always kiss their ass while they rob everybody blind and create geo-enginnering democide programs while still getting the highest level of Secret Service protection. When are the good guys going to start abandoning their protective details just out of principle alone? I would be much prouder of my son if he were taking down counterfeiting currency operations and protecting lives as a secret service agent then being some wall street criminal or some global elite wanna be.

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