Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Alex Lost Some Cred

Alex Jones I had you on my hero list however you let me down in more ways then one. Either way I feel that you are brilliant and have many good people around you that support your operation. Joe Biggs, Leann McAdoo, David Knight, Watson etc.. are a great supporting cast and your message and power is very much needed and appreciated. You are what the American people need. When you hammered Piers Morgan w/ 1776 will commence again if you take our firearms etc.. this one will definitely go down in the history books. That is why you must join forces with US Intel and get rid of all Mossad affiliations. You must unite with colossal force and give credit to the warriors at Veterans Today because they are the real tip of the spear. These disgusting cockroaches tried to kill Stew Webb at least twice that I know of and there are many more like him right over there at Veterans today and they are fighting this war with ruthless aggression. Is there any other way to fight? Alex you are a mans man who shoots 50 Cals and can throw down with the best of them. If I drank I wouldn't mind throwing down a few with you to discuss a real war strategy but that is only if you join forces with the brave warriors at US Intel. You talk about Drudge a lot but when I went to his site I fell asleep immediately. Not only that Gordon Duff says he is Mossad. Why was Drudge telling every one to have an exit strategy a few months back? Alex I can no longer trust you with my life, my money nor will you ever have access to my wife. I would like to be able to trust you with all three but I never will until you get rid of Drudge and all Mossad affiliates. A huge issue is that Lt Col Anthony Schaeffer isn't talking about the real deal Able Danger. Stew Webb was on the ground doing his best with Oklahoma City and is still waiting and his warriors are the real founders and fathers of the 9-11 truth movement.  Thermite Sniffers and Architects and Engineers will never stand a chance with these battle hardened men because suits and lawyers who have never been through what these men have really should just raise the white flag now. It doesn't matter how much money they pump into their Zionist distraction campaign. There is a hornets nest over at US Intel and these men were born to fight. Alex you don't have to take my advice but I will no longer use your links on my blogs until you join forces with US Intel     

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