Monday, December 22, 2014

Hired Guns And American Sniper / This hired mercenary was arrested with a DEA sting for planning to assassinate a certain target. Everybody must be accountable for their actions. They are comparing some of this story to the Lord Of War Victor Bout played by Nicolas Cage in the movie. Bout allegedly supplied the Tomahawk missile that hit the Pentagon on 9-11 that killed at least 35 NCIS investigators. They were investigating the real Able Danger and missing nukes etc.. At least a few trillion more then likely went missing as well. So this hired gun gets locked up but nobody inside DHS gets locked up for allegedly planning to take out some Occupy Wall street protesters in Texas what is that all about? Chris Kyle American Sniper are you really alive? The only thing I know for sure is that calling Jesse Ventura out on national tv to sell your book wasn't a very nice thing to do. Jesse V is a great leader, any question about him being a real seal was straightened out by Don Shiply. Jesse V sued and that is when Kyle disappeared or was allegedly shot by a ptsd soldier on a shooting range. Jesse won the case but it put him and his family through a tremendous amount of unnecessary hell., Now the movie staring Bradly Cooper, I am not sure if I am going to watch it. Anybody that may have ties to a (foreign espionage operation DHS) is not a fan of mine. If people aren't aware yet that DHS is secretly planning to wipe out 80-90% of our population then they really need to check in to see the white coats. What could be worse then having trained snipers on our homeland with hostile intent? What people don't have the right to peacefully protest anymore, they should be upset by the actions of some of these wall street executives

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