Friday, December 26, 2014

Holiday False Flag Revelations There it is- Conclusive proof that both Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon were false flag hoaxes. There were real people that died however. The patsies brother in Boston and that mma kid may have been murdered execution style by an fbi agent. The other brother what did they do  to him cut out his tongue or slit his throat I am not sure. Sandy Hook yes more then a few people seem to have been murdered or disappeared. The lawyer (Drew Pinsky) that was going to file a lawsuit but got stonewalled by Liet Vances son ended up with bullet holes in his office and his 53 year old secretary ended up dead. Michael Bellmore a 27 year old reporter ended up dead mysteriously as well. William Podgorski 49 yrs old lead investigator dies after emergency surgery this past June? There are more where that came from (see attached link from memory hole at the end of blog) These arrogant crisis actors have the audacity to still act like helpless victims when it has already been proven multiple times already by Dr Fetzer, Wolf, the We need to talk about Sandy Hook video ad infinitum that the school shooting couldn't have happened. I take it personally when (REAL) innocent people end up dead just so these freaks can try to pass a draconian one police state agenda especially in my home state-- Erica Smegielski you called out Jay Leno and said you are disgusted w/ him? Well now I am calling you out- Didn't your mom  Dawn Hochsprung the (principle)  die and then come back to life? No it was the other way around she told the Newtown Bee on Dec 14 the day of the alleged massacre that a whacked out Adam Lanza opened fire on her students. The paper apologized soon after that blunder and then proceeded to state that she didn't make that statement because she somehow died instead and went down a hero while protecting her students to the very end. Who made that statement then, somebody must have? They cant seem to keep their lies straight. To shamelessly carry on this charade in the national media under the circumstances bare minimum shows extreme narcissism bordering on sociopathy. How are they allowed to get away with this? Besides the fact that the Zionists own the mainstream media and most of Hollywood why doesn't somebody of substance and character speak out? Where are you Hollywood actors? The few that I know of that have courage Charlie Sheen-(called out 9-11) Richard Beltzer (Detective Munch) wrote a book about the JFK hit list. Wolf can use a little support, we already know that you have millions of dollars so you can afford multiple protective details and still retire more then comfortably. Who cares if you get blacklisted you really want to be part of that cult? You will go down in the history books as a hero and you don't need to make any more movies or tv shows. Your family's future is as stake as well- Wolfgang Halbig can use some financial support. He needs money for powerful lawyers to take on the most ruthless cartel known to man and he cant do this alone. He is not in this for the money or fame he never wanted to be in this position to begin with but they gave him no other choice. He is one of the last men standing and he has been abandoned for the most part. That is a disgrace and shows the moral fiber of most of these Hollywood types. Here is an article with real dead victims- We don't read about these innocent people in the hoar house main stream media. Instead we are subjected to an endless barrage of anti gun bull shit and propaganda by these crisis actors and all of their sadistic money backers. We deserve better as a country don't we?

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