Sunday, December 21, 2014

Truth Warriors And Intel Cowboys Everybody must read this latest grand slam article written by Dr James Preston. It takes courage and character to expose pure evil but that is exactly what warriors were put on this earth to do. The point that Dr Preston has continued to reiterate is that now the average citizen can become an intel cowboy, if this happens in mass then it will be all over for these Illuminati scum. Evil can only be conducted under the cover of darkness, well say hello to bright light, sunshine, full exposure and the imminent demise of the most vile creatures to have ever walked the face of the earth. These vile creatures must be eventually cornered like the scared rats that they truly are and brought to justice one way or another by any and all means possible. I stay awake at night and I am freaked out beyond comprehension how some disgusting individuals would stage a school shooting and make believe that little children were slaughtered and then proceed to kill anybody that may have had the ability to expose it. It is not easy to come to grips with that is why the average person without critical thinking ability will usually look at you like you have two heads if you try to make them aware. This is the job of all intel citizen cowboys, to make others aware somehow and someway. The real deal intel cowboys can not be as effective unless they have the full backing of the American people. They work in the shadows but only for the forces of good and for the future of humanity. This means for the future of many generations to come around the world because we are all in this together, it is not just about the restoration of our Republic. These vile creatures have hijacked many countries already. This means that it is up to all citizen intel cowboys to spread the message. The reason why they were able to kill so many people up until this point w/ their hit teams in order to carry out their Gladio type  school shootings, Boston Marathon bombings, child sacrifice pedophile rings etc.. was due to the mainstream media and all of their lies, so they are complicit. However Dr Preston mentioned how many people were killed already by trying to expose these monsters so its not entirely their fault. These disgusting creatures own mainstream media. Mainstream medias demise is imminent, in the interim all truth warriors and citizen intel cowboys must unite and come together. 

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