Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Welcome To 2015 Everybody must listen to this radio transmission with Larry Nichols, Stew Webb, Gordon Duff and Jim Dean. Nichols is coming back to work in an attempt to bury the Clinton regime once and for all. Why is it that powerful criminals can murder people at the drop of at hat with no accountability what so ever but when Joe Blow off the street gets caught up in a murder rap they are sentenced to either life in prison or even death itself? How many people did the Clinton regime murder with their Arkansides? Vince Foster, Ron Brown, the train track incident ad infinitum. Larry Nichols will be exposing much more in the weeks and months to come. Gordon Duff in an earlier program exposed Monica Lewinsky as Mossad. Maybe she was trying to distract Bill from a real Able Danger Oklahoma City investigation? John Oneill and Roland Carnaby seemed to have been murdered along with at least 35 NCIS investigators on 9-11 inside the Pentagon. It looks like that Tomahawk Cruise Missile wasn't a jet after all but rather a precise instrument that may have been used to keep them quiet as well. This is real intel that is why you don't read about this or anything else for that matter anywhere except VT. Any disinfo agents that attempt to discredit (real US Intel) are culpable of aiding and abetting in a foreign espionage operation. Gordon Duff names names in reference to 9-11, these individuals are involved in Treason at the highest level bare minimum. It looks like there was a high ranking mole within the DOE Dept of Energy that may have given the Israelis an advantage to steal nuclear weapons. Able Danger appears to be an investigation that implicates Mossad, Saudi intel, rogue factions within our cia and various other traitors of the highest order working with and for the United States. It looks like Mossad is in deep and that the Oklahoma City bombing in 95 was a nuclear event along with 9-11- 01. The real Able Danger documents expose False Flag Terrorism. Essentially the real founding fathers of Terrorism are the very traitors that orchestrated the nuclear false flag stand down of 9-11-01 that killed over 3000 Americans. This has led to mass destruction worldwide, torture and an incalculable measure of death, loss, pain and suffering across the globe. On 9-11 it appears that the real goal was to take out/ blow up the George Washington Bridge, Holland and Lincoln Tunnels as well. Somehow the Mossad suspects were mysteriously let go back to their safe havens after their initial arrest on 9-11. There is even video of this, celebrating Israelis, a truck with a jet on it how much more obvious could they make it? Why were they let go and more importantly who was responsible for letting these people go? Mossad used nuclear weapons on the Khobar Towers and just a little while ago, Jim Dean mentioned how the Israelis used nuclear weapons once again. He also talked about VTs advanced counter surveillance methods. Since they have all the real intel this has ruffled the feathers of many cowards, criminals and traitors inside the system and these clowns are trying to hack into their various networks in an attempt to create disturbances as much as possible. Gordon Duff senior leader of the Clan Macduff doesn't play games- He doesn't get stress he only gives it

Monday, December 29, 2014

Chem Trails And Con Jobs Aluminum Class Action Lawsuit- Stewart Howe, a journalist has a lot of courage because he asked  a lot of intelligent questions- He grilled the NWO geo enginnerring science geek and eventually got him to admit that they haven't researched the toxic effect of aluminum yet- What a coincidence because that appears to be exactly what has been found in our environment as of late and it is pretty much leaning toward a worldwide democide operation. So let me get this straight- Global Warming is a scam that steals millions and billions of dollars from honest tax payers where the proceeds end up in some off shore tax exempt criminal cartels back pocket along with their massive and multiple money laundering operations. That isn't enough why stop there when they can fulfill Bill Gates dream of chem trails and con jobs and a massive depopulation agenda to boot- Al Gore that guy is a real winner- He made a pejorative comment to his son about the Secret Service- In other words he stated that if he didn't get his act squared away he would end up like "Those Guys" meaning the Secret Service- That is the problem right there- The elites never knew what it was like to protect a life or how to save a life which is the highest honor one can bestow that is for certain. They are so used to living in their own narcissistic self aggrandizing bubble. They don't have to worry about anything because everybody will always kiss their ass while they rob everybody blind and create geo-enginnering democide programs while still getting the highest level of Secret Service protection. When are the good guys going to start abandoning their protective details just out of principle alone? I would be much prouder of my son if he were taking down counterfeiting currency operations and protecting lives as a secret service agent then being some wall street criminal or some global elite wanna be.

Fraud And Foreign Espionage Here is an article by Stew Web which exposes the massive foreign espionage and fraud conducted on a massive scale of epic proportions. So how did Korea end up getting the nuke? You won't know until you take the time to read this article as well as many more that are posted regulary on Veterans Today

Friday, December 26, 2014

Holiday False Flag Revelations There it is- Conclusive proof that both Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon were false flag hoaxes. There were real people that died however. The patsies brother in Boston and that mma kid may have been murdered execution style by an fbi agent. The other brother what did they do  to him cut out his tongue or slit his throat I am not sure. Sandy Hook yes more then a few people seem to have been murdered or disappeared. The lawyer (Drew Pinsky) that was going to file a lawsuit but got stonewalled by Liet Vances son ended up with bullet holes in his office and his 53 year old secretary ended up dead. Michael Bellmore a 27 year old reporter ended up dead mysteriously as well. William Podgorski 49 yrs old lead investigator dies after emergency surgery this past June? There are more where that came from (see attached link from memory hole at the end of blog) These arrogant crisis actors have the audacity to still act like helpless victims when it has already been proven multiple times already by Dr Fetzer, Wolf, the We need to talk about Sandy Hook video ad infinitum that the school shooting couldn't have happened. I take it personally when (REAL) innocent people end up dead just so these freaks can try to pass a draconian one police state agenda especially in my home state-- Erica Smegielski you called out Jay Leno and said you are disgusted w/ him? Well now I am calling you out- Didn't your mom  Dawn Hochsprung the (principle)  die and then come back to life? No it was the other way around she told the Newtown Bee on Dec 14 the day of the alleged massacre that a whacked out Adam Lanza opened fire on her students. The paper apologized soon after that blunder and then proceeded to state that she didn't make that statement because she somehow died instead and went down a hero while protecting her students to the very end. Who made that statement then, somebody must have? They cant seem to keep their lies straight. To shamelessly carry on this charade in the national media under the circumstances bare minimum shows extreme narcissism bordering on sociopathy. How are they allowed to get away with this? Besides the fact that the Zionists own the mainstream media and most of Hollywood why doesn't somebody of substance and character speak out? Where are you Hollywood actors? The few that I know of that have courage Charlie Sheen-(called out 9-11) Richard Beltzer (Detective Munch) wrote a book about the JFK hit list. Wolf can use a little support, we already know that you have millions of dollars so you can afford multiple protective details and still retire more then comfortably. Who cares if you get blacklisted you really want to be part of that cult? You will go down in the history books as a hero and you don't need to make any more movies or tv shows. Your family's future is as stake as well- Wolfgang Halbig can use some financial support. He needs money for powerful lawyers to take on the most ruthless cartel known to man and he cant do this alone. He is not in this for the money or fame he never wanted to be in this position to begin with but they gave him no other choice. He is one of the last men standing and he has been abandoned for the most part. That is a disgrace and shows the moral fiber of most of these Hollywood types. Here is an article with real dead victims- We don't read about these innocent people in the hoar house main stream media. Instead we are subjected to an endless barrage of anti gun bull shit and propaganda by these crisis actors and all of their sadistic money backers. We deserve better as a country don't we?

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

9-11 Reality Mossad And High Treason Ken Okeefe is a patriot and a great leader. Why is there a shortage of Okeefes out there? Why aren't more people sick to their stomach about what the Zionist cabal did to us on 9-11? Not only to us but to the innocent countries  and people around the globe. The cabal is not a fan of man. What could be worse then to hit innocent people when they are not looking, run away like pathetic and slimy cowards, come back when its safe and then pose as the saviors making believe they really care? But the motive was obviously not genuine, the savior role was filled with more lies and false flag terrorism in an effort to hurt, rob and abuse us even more, the entire time laughing at us all the way to the bank. Did anybody get a good look at the perps that planed out  9-11? They look like little weasels that couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag. The epitome of cowardice and disgrace, may they all burn in hell- Have they no shame?

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Demons From Hell- Your Cover Is Blown

Spook Wars- Civil War Within The SSG? This article opened my eyes. Zbigniew Brzezinski stated-" It is infinitely easier to kill a million people then it is to control them"This man is one of the big wigs within the NWO however I didn't know that he was pro American and really believes in our Republic. Not only that Dr Preston stated that there is no evidence to suggest that he was part of planning the 9-11 false flag. Well I suppose if you are going up against some powerful Zionists hell bent on world wide hegemony then having somebody like this on our side is the way to go. The only problem is that he is still all about  NWO, democide, etc. Alex Jones had me convinced that this man was the devil himself. I was having nightmares just listening to the quote on his radio show. What ever happened to leaders that didn't want to kill anybody, nor ever had to to cover up their horrific crimes?  Last but not least whatever happened to somebody who was honest and not a pathological liar? The worst people get control and this is what we have as a result. Extraordinary Rendition, NDAA, Patriot Act, black sites, 2 billion rounds of hollow point, these people need to burn in hell. There are a few people that would be honest presidents- Dr P. Jesse V, maybe Rand Paul, but definitely Gordon Duff, James Preston and all of the warriors that work with them. I have learned that bw xe may have been involved in some of that black site garbage, however it is very hard for me to believe that Prince would ever sign off on something like that. Seals are usually pure and noble souls. This is the USA we don't have to torture or kill people to get intel, that is what sadistic cowards do. Unfortunately we have alot of those out there. Just think about what these freaks did to our country. They made up lie after lie, tried to legitimize torture, initiated a false flag stand down on 9-11 and used that as a pretext to wage illegal, unprovoked and unconstitutional wars of aggression. They fabricated unvetted intel, ruined, set up and killed anybody that objected, made money off of  both sides of the conflicts, hundreds of thousands are now  dead across the globe. Many of our soldiers and private contractors are also ruined for life. Just so the Zionist cabal could get control of all of the drugs, oil and fatten their wallets and continue on with their child sacrifice pedophile rings. They made up one bull shit story after another and then they take out the real hero's Extortion 17 and the phony Bin Laden raid after abusing them by blowing their cover and then take credit for a bs mission that never even existed. Just so the puppetmaster at the top who gets his strings pulled from way up above could get reelected. I have learned that the real terrorists are the Zionist cabal. Does anybody remember what they did to us after 9-11? They had us wanting to kill every Arab that may have had ties to 9-11, so their Lucifarian agenda really did work like a charm. Then they start staging Gladio type operations stateside. Are demons born or made? I have no idea, the only thing I know for sure is that these cockroaches have pissed off a plethora of intel cowboys across the globe, blowback will be a bitch so now their days are numbered. We need to be grateful for our brave warrior intel cowboys because they are the last chance we really have. If these domino's don't start to fall in rapid succession then there is no hope for our future.  

Monday, December 22, 2014

Sandy Hook Bomb Threat Con Job These poor helpless victims were subjected to a non existent bomb threat at a school that more then likely doesn't even exist

Hired Guns And American Sniper / This hired mercenary was arrested with a DEA sting for planning to assassinate a certain target. Everybody must be accountable for their actions. They are comparing some of this story to the Lord Of War Victor Bout played by Nicolas Cage in the movie. Bout allegedly supplied the Tomahawk missile that hit the Pentagon on 9-11 that killed at least 35 NCIS investigators. They were investigating the real Able Danger and missing nukes etc.. At least a few trillion more then likely went missing as well. So this hired gun gets locked up but nobody inside DHS gets locked up for allegedly planning to take out some Occupy Wall street protesters in Texas what is that all about? Chris Kyle American Sniper are you really alive? The only thing I know for sure is that calling Jesse Ventura out on national tv to sell your book wasn't a very nice thing to do. Jesse V is a great leader, any question about him being a real seal was straightened out by Don Shiply. Jesse V sued and that is when Kyle disappeared or was allegedly shot by a ptsd soldier on a shooting range. Jesse won the case but it put him and his family through a tremendous amount of unnecessary hell., Now the movie staring Bradly Cooper, I am not sure if I am going to watch it. Anybody that may have ties to a (foreign espionage operation DHS) is not a fan of mine. If people aren't aware yet that DHS is secretly planning to wipe out 80-90% of our population then they really need to check in to see the white coats. What could be worse then having trained snipers on our homeland with hostile intent? What people don't have the right to peacefully protest anymore, they should be upset by the actions of some of these wall street executives

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Truth Warriors And Intel Cowboys Everybody must read this latest grand slam article written by Dr James Preston. It takes courage and character to expose pure evil but that is exactly what warriors were put on this earth to do. The point that Dr Preston has continued to reiterate is that now the average citizen can become an intel cowboy, if this happens in mass then it will be all over for these Illuminati scum. Evil can only be conducted under the cover of darkness, well say hello to bright light, sunshine, full exposure and the imminent demise of the most vile creatures to have ever walked the face of the earth. These vile creatures must be eventually cornered like the scared rats that they truly are and brought to justice one way or another by any and all means possible. I stay awake at night and I am freaked out beyond comprehension how some disgusting individuals would stage a school shooting and make believe that little children were slaughtered and then proceed to kill anybody that may have had the ability to expose it. It is not easy to come to grips with that is why the average person without critical thinking ability will usually look at you like you have two heads if you try to make them aware. This is the job of all intel citizen cowboys, to make others aware somehow and someway. The real deal intel cowboys can not be as effective unless they have the full backing of the American people. They work in the shadows but only for the forces of good and for the future of humanity. This means for the future of many generations to come around the world because we are all in this together, it is not just about the restoration of our Republic. These vile creatures have hijacked many countries already. This means that it is up to all citizen intel cowboys to spread the message. The reason why they were able to kill so many people up until this point w/ their hit teams in order to carry out their Gladio type  school shootings, Boston Marathon bombings, child sacrifice pedophile rings etc.. was due to the mainstream media and all of their lies, so they are complicit. However Dr Preston mentioned how many people were killed already by trying to expose these monsters so its not entirely their fault. These disgusting creatures own mainstream media. Mainstream medias demise is imminent, in the interim all truth warriors and citizen intel cowboys must unite and come together. 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Real Shock And Awe Gordon Duff spelled it all out with courage and character. Let Us be grateful that we still have leaders that are willing to be honest and put everything on the line. This is a historic moment not only for America but for the entire world- A huge international Rico crime syndicate that Dr James Preston breaks down in great detail in many of his articles. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

We Need To Talk About 9-11

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Helpless Victims Or Ruthless Predators?

ict I wanted to thank Jilian Soto and the other Sandy Hook alleged victims  for their three plus page Greenwich Times Article. Since Jilian mentioned that people have called her a hoaxer to her face this should have led to some curious people that didnt know already to do a little research on the internet. Now we have more aware people and this will ultimately cause more blow back in the long run. These people are ruthless predators hell bent on plunder and pillage.We did a background on Adam cia spook Lanza, he is a ghost. He is non existent and yes we can do backgrounds on people without their social. How can a non existent 90 pound photo shop weakling open fire and have a 100% kill rate? I know some real deal shooters and even they cant accomplish this. Even if that kid did exist which he doesn't he would have been weighed down with too much gear, he would have had to change mags multiple times, the cacophony and reverberation  of the gunfire alone would have made this an impossible task. Now we have a Draconian DHS police grid in our state and they are doing snatch and grabs of weapons from innocent people all over the place. See something Say something, I don't think that 78 year old victim William Hanford that was tackled by Blackrock police and had his weapon confiscated would be too pleased if he knew how and why his weapon was really seized. This is a bad situation, now we have judges that are signing off on weapon confiscation just because of complaints. How do they know these complaints are even legit? So now that we know that Dhs Fema Cia spook Adam Lanza never existed what does this really say about weirdo Skull and Bones Yale Univ Psychiatric dept? Well Dr P. wrote a blog about this last Dec. and he was quite precise in knowing who exactly is responsible for one of the biggest criminal heists of the century. The first one being the micro nuke false flag stand down of 9-11-01. My sister just told me somebody that we know just died of cancer. Yes he did volunteer work at ground zero. These criminals better understand that this one will never be swept under the rug. How many people were exposed to radiation from these W-54 pits micro nukes? There is no statute of limitations for mass murder. It looks like their were some people killed to cover up the Sandy Hook scam as well. Does anybody know how many people were murdered by these disgusting cockroaches to cover up 9-11? At least 100 for JFK and way too many for 9-11. These Zionist sociopaths need to be stopped and the only way this will ever happen is if we stop them. They will continue on with their mass murder, plunder and pillage campaign and they will laugh at us dumb Americans all the way to the bank. Dr. James Preston pointed out that John Oneill and Roland Carnaby were investigating the Oklahoma city bombing. John was sent to the Towers on 9-11 and Roland was taken out by a Mossad agent dressed as a Houston police officer. I watched the entire thing on you tube, their was a high speed chase. I didn't know back then that he really was good cia however Dr Preston solved the puzzle for me, I was wondering about this for many years.

Wake Up America Wake up America and read this article from Dr James Preston. It will take a while so you may have to skip the latest reality tv program. He is brilliant, I haven't read or heard anybody anywhere in the alternative news world that goes as deep as this man. He goes all the way and he actually has great solutions for our country. He even suggested that we come up with some of our own solutions. The first solution I have is to start to work together. This means that Wolf should have been given credit for his contribution to We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook. Like I mentioned it is great to get the info out there but Wolf is the only one to take the initiative to do a real world investigation, he is putting everything on the line including his life. This means requesting FOIAs calling lawyers, reviewing police reports to spot inaccuracies, spending countless hours, sleepless nights, getting direct threats, run off the road by black suvs and into a ditch. He could have been seriously hurt or even worse. This is something that he didn't want to get involved with to begin with, he is just doing his job as a national school safety expert. He was threatened by 2 homicide detectives. How does Newtown pd have the power to send cops to Wolfs home to threaten him with felony harassment for just doing his job as a school safety expert? The point I am trying to make is that Wolf has all the intel and many  researchers called him to get this and he received absolutely no credit. He is the only one doing an investigation what is everybody else doing hiding in the shadows asking for full disclosure? I know that I stated that Mediasolidarity are special force type intel gathers but we are Americans, we don't have to hide anymore because we didn't do anything illegal. They cant kill all of us and they already know this so please lets get out of the shadows and start to work together. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Sandy Hook Smoking Guns We are looking at a prima facie case with extraordinary evidence and multiple smoking guns. This means that in a legal system that wasn't corrupted the goal would be to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, assumed to be true unless proven otherwise.There is also the ability to provide expert witness testimony. This means that Wolfgang and any other member of the Sandy Hook research community has the legal right to question the official narrative of what is now known as the Sandy Hook Hoax.The skeptics do not have to prove that the school shooting didn't happen, the burden of proof is on the opposition, they have to prove that it did. Show one piece of solid evidence or answer just 1 or 2 of Wolfs 16 questions and then we can start from there. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

We Need To Talk About Sandyhook There it is- A brilliant 2 hour 45 minute breakdown of what is now known as the Sandy Hook Hoax- These ten plus researchers did such a great job they were illegally censored but this created a backlash so this made them even more popular. I need to retract a statement that I made in a blog a few months back about how some sophomoric youtube videos would never be taken seriously. I was wrong about that, what I meant to state was that Veterans Today articles and videos would get the most cred however anybody that has made an effort and continues to do so deserves alot of respect. Now we have ten plus dedicated, intelligent people who worked overtime to work collectively on what is getting more popular every day- OSINT (open source intelligence) These people work in the shadows- special forces type intel gatherers- That is why they didn't use their real name or show their face. Media Solidarity just solidified itself as a legitimate private intel firm- This is just the beginning of this kind of thing because we are going up against some powerful criminals and they have alot to cover up. Full Disclosure that is all they want, that shouldn't be too much to ask for. I have been studying the work of at least 5 of these people from mediasolidarity and knew right away that they knew exactly what they were talking about. These people actually have more credibility then the mainstream media and this will be proven in the months and years to come. These criminals are grasping at straws that is why they need a sacrificial lamb like Keith Johnson to be their go to guy. They figured that even though it will sink the American Free Press once decent reputation this is the only choice they have. Keith- I take offense to you calling Wolfgang a liar and a fraud- He has already been vetted by US Intel so this is an egregious claim on your end. I also consider him a friend and mentor with courage and character. This is something that is obviously lacking in you and all of your backers. Your one on one against Wolf on Infowars just substantiated what everybody already knew- You are unprofessional, have zero credibility and you did nothing but whine like a little girl for an entire hour. If this is the best the establishment has to offer we know that they are in deep trouble. Your other bud Lenny Pozner had a death certificate of his son Noah and Dr Fetzer verified that it was more then likely a certified fraud. Lies, Fraud, whining, making believe little children were murdered, you people are disgusting creatures. Also Media Solidarity opened my eyes to Fairfield Hills and all of thier MK Ultra type experiments. Some of these twisted freaks are pedophiles and Lucifarians- That it why it is no surprise the movie Sleepers took place in Newtown- Spooktown USA- 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Alex Jones And Dr P

Alex Jones you are back on my good guy list- I watched your interview w/ Dr P and I am going w/ my gut that you are the real deal and not a Zionist distraction show. Dr P speaks highly of you and my feeling is that you go as far as you can which is very deep to say the least. In other words your biggest critics think that you may be in bed w/ Stratfor and Drudge etc.. and that you came out of nowhere pre-911 and stole the thunder from US Intel w/ out giving them any credit, I can see the point on that one. Everybody has critics, the only thing I know for sure is that you are the go to guy in the alternative media world and that you are responsible for many great things. You opened my eyes and have alot to be proud of. When those nukes went missing you were one of the first to break the news that I know of and that is just one example of your strength and power to "we the people". Its very easy for people to criticize and not that easy to be in the trenches of the infowar as you are. Dr P is great and between the two of you sticking by the truth on 9-11 Bin Laden etc you both deserve the congressional medal of honor. Dr P. also cleared up a big question that I had that was asked by a caller in reference to Bush senior and Dr P. straightened that one out right away. I will add your links to my site and although I am not married- if I were I will trust you with my life my money and my wife.  

Thursday, December 11, 2014

My Cover Is Blown

My cover is blown, I am a certified wanna be. When I went to OCS USMC they couldn't wait to throw me out right away. One of the enlisted Marines from my platoon basically said Mcleod- it doesn't matter if you are 1 pull up away from a 300 pft you better get out of here and don't even think of coming back unless you at least enlist in the reserves first. My GHS friend and football teammate sailed through and I know he could have went as far as he wanted up to General etc.. Our defense really did hurt people, he was a star who put a lot of people on their back as a db and rover back. I paid my own way to a few high speed schools but they were too high speed for me and I voluntarily walked away. I loved to learn and always asked questions, took notes and  I will be the first one to tell you that I don't have all the answers but I like to be surrounded by people that  do. When I went into the desert I couldn't wait it was what I was training for year round my entire life. It was a dream job, it wasn't high speed which was good because I more then likely would have fallen out but I was honored to be around some real deal guys. I would basically just ask questions that is what I mean on my home page by experience in Humint. I didn't do this myself we just filmed war game scenarios and that was about it. I would just offer my thoughts and they would point out who was real deal and who wasn't. Since I was getting advice from men of this caliber this really helped my future of taking notes and always learning. They pumped a lot of money into Hollywood type war game scenarios because everybody went through NTC before going overseas. I saw war veteran amputees that were acting as role players and they did a great job. I witnessed somebody getting almost seriously hurt by a simulated rpg so this wasn't a joke, these men have definitely been there before. That is why it is so disturbing to me to have this training stolen by criminal thugs and used by lowlifes who definitely have never been there before and then acting as victims on a simulated bomb on a false flag drill made to look real to the media and masses. . This is a sacred event that is very hard to get into, you need to be an elite athlete to qualify for  the Boston Marathon. These crisis actors acted as victims and they stole a lot of money from the American people and to make it even worse they act like they have the moral high ground with no shame or remorse... I know that husband and wife team stole at least 500 thousand in charity money alone and they crossed the finish line acting as real hero's this past April. I believe that Hollywood is tied into rogue factions of cia, dhs fema darpa  and these people are rogue Zionists and traitors of the highest order. I get the feeling that they think it is some kind of joke to do this to the American people. Dr P. stated that Susan Collins may have her Hunger Games script in Newtown and she may have her hooks into the  Elliot Rogers false flag as well..I take foreign espionage seriously because this is our country it was never theirs to hijack so they better get the fuck out and never come back again.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Sten Took The Fall

I cant write that much longer about how evil some people are but it appears they have no problem killing a lot of great people. My dad and brother were born to fly the best of the best- Avionics, instrument rated ATP certified and plenty of Air Force Bases to practice on. Sten Molin was born to fly as well, he was precocious and brilliant. He was up in the air in my dads plane, he was also one of the youngest first officers ever to fly a commercial aircraft.  He was a computer wizard and I enjoyed speaking with him to get his thoughts about life and love and everything else in between.  I put him in Johan Schwartzs league. I met Johan once and liked him a lot and we almost went out to lunch. Johan was talking about flying F-16s and he was really a class act. Johan went down Christmas Eve 1996 in New Hampshire in a Lear Jet 35A and was missing for years. I believe it took three years of huge SAR teams and many dedicated people were volunteers. He was a great person and many people cared. If I am not mistaken this led to new tracking procedures. I am not an aviation expert like my family members so my flight jargon is not the best to say the least. I know a few buzz words and that is about it. However I believe Stens jet American Airlines Airbus A300- Flight 587 that went down a few months after 9-11 in mid air over Far Rockaway Queens was an act of sabatoge.  There may have been witnesses just like Flight 800 in 96 that saw a lot more then the official report. Stens dad was a great pilot as well and everybody knew that he was a cautious pilot that wouldn't have been overly aggressive with the rudder especially in a wake turbulence situation. In other words the NTSB may have covered for an act of domestic terrorism but the game plan may have been changed last minute. How does a tail section and two engines supposedly fall off spontaneously in mid air if foul play is not involved? Stens plane may have been shot down by a SAM or maybe there was a bomb on board I have no idea. The only thing I know for sure is that there have been many cover stories con jobs and distortion campaigns and this has been going on for years. The NTSB FBI CIA work very well together when it comes to "official stories". I believe that there were witnesses in 96 right here in Ct that may have seen a SAM take out flight 800. I don't know if they shot down Johans Lear Jet as well but why wouldn't they it appears that all of the heros and good guys in this world  go down in suspicious circumstances.                   

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Alex Lost Some Cred

Alex Jones I had you on my hero list however you let me down in more ways then one. Either way I feel that you are brilliant and have many good people around you that support your operation. Joe Biggs, Leann McAdoo, David Knight, Watson etc.. are a great supporting cast and your message and power is very much needed and appreciated. You are what the American people need. When you hammered Piers Morgan w/ 1776 will commence again if you take our firearms etc.. this one will definitely go down in the history books. That is why you must join forces with US Intel and get rid of all Mossad affiliations. You must unite with colossal force and give credit to the warriors at Veterans Today because they are the real tip of the spear. These disgusting cockroaches tried to kill Stew Webb at least twice that I know of and there are many more like him right over there at Veterans today and they are fighting this war with ruthless aggression. Is there any other way to fight? Alex you are a mans man who shoots 50 Cals and can throw down with the best of them. If I drank I wouldn't mind throwing down a few with you to discuss a real war strategy but that is only if you join forces with the brave warriors at US Intel. You talk about Drudge a lot but when I went to his site I fell asleep immediately. Not only that Gordon Duff says he is Mossad. Why was Drudge telling every one to have an exit strategy a few months back? Alex I can no longer trust you with my life, my money nor will you ever have access to my wife. I would like to be able to trust you with all three but I never will until you get rid of Drudge and all Mossad affiliates. A huge issue is that Lt Col Anthony Schaeffer isn't talking about the real deal Able Danger. Stew Webb was on the ground doing his best with Oklahoma City and is still waiting and his warriors are the real founders and fathers of the 9-11 truth movement.  Thermite Sniffers and Architects and Engineers will never stand a chance with these battle hardened men because suits and lawyers who have never been through what these men have really should just raise the white flag now. It doesn't matter how much money they pump into their Zionist distraction campaign. There is a hornets nest over at US Intel and these men were born to fight. Alex you don't have to take my advice but I will no longer use your links on my blogs until you join forces with US Intel     

Friday, December 5, 2014

Warrior Cop And JFK

I cant read any more establishment based con job articles. I couldn't even read the entire thing in Newsweek Three Bullets exploding JFK murder myths etc. When will this all end? I don't even know what this guy even was trying to get at but if anybody wants to know what the whole truth is in regard to JFK look up Dr James Fetzer and his associates. Yes Dr Fetzer the same guy that Oreilly called a traitor or something to that effect. Fox news the same network I believe that blew Charlie Strange off in his time of need and suffering. Yes I saw the clip this woman was paid to give little or no attention to what he was trying to say about his late son Michael and the Extortion 17 mission. Is there any wonder why these kind of things never get anywhere in Congress? How many people even know the difference between a Chinook or Blackhawk anyway do you think the average person on the street ever researches this kind of thing? I believe the biggest 1 day loss in special ops history is worth asking questions about wouldn't one think? Aren't we allowed to ask questions anymore Wolfgang has 16 of them. Mother Jones just happened to glare out at me with a huge article about the Making Of A Warrior Cop. Urban Shield and all of their new high speed cool guy gear funded by you know who you guessed it DHS. I have nothing personal against the cool SWAT guys that work under DHS because there are many and they do a great job. However I do have a problem with the head sheds turning our country into a Police State based off of phony Bin Laden and Adam Lanza myths. This is a huge RICO scam operation that Dr James Preston explains in a way that is as brilliant as anything I ever read " criminally insane and evil beyond comprehension" It started long before JFK he points out that it really took off when they illegally hijacked the FED 1n 1913. If the head sheds are bringing in all of the drugs there will be plenty of high speed DHS cool guys to bust down doors to serve warrants. The name of the game is to get everybody hooked and then arrest all the small fry dealers and put them away in prison where a lot of money is also made and  the recidivism rate is to the moon and back just to let them out with a record so they can start the process all over again. I haven't seen the movie Kill The Messenger but Gary Webb knew all about who really brought the crack and cocaine into our country is there any surprise why he is no longer alive? The rest of the law abiding American citizens have to deal with registering their legal firearms based off of phony Rico scam school shootings just so they can be an easier target to confiscate once they are registered otherwise be found guilty of class D felonies is anything wrong with this picture? I have great news however the days of the evil doers killing all of the good guys are coming to an end. Anybody that has to put out a hit is a degenerate piece of garbage with no honor or dignity. This is murder even if you ordered it and didn't do it yourself  punishable up to life in prison or even death itself. These cockroaches are born and bred into Rico type scam operations. Warriors don't need high level protection details because they aren't trying to disarm and dishonor real Americans and these cockroaches know that the only way to take them out is not head on or hand to hand w/ no weapon or ambush its only by dishonor and deceit- Far away with a sniper shot or maybe they blow up their car like they did to Michael Hastings. Warriors don't have to kill, threaten or harass anybody to cover up their horrendous crimes.. These degenerate cockroach Rico scam operators are less then human with no souls and they are "evil beyond comprehension", The good news is that good people in the system- Please have no fear come on out and spill the beans and you will no longer have to fear for your safety or the safety of your family and loved ones. We will protect you to the very end.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Jonathon Reich Innocent Victim?

I am still trying to figure out why Jonathon Reich aka Scotty Walker was arrested and put through hell? Wolf says that a Ct state trooper checked out the phone call to Wayne Carver and determined that it wasn't threatening and no further investigation was needed. I listened as well and came to the same conclusion. I urge all Americans to plug this into youtube to make your own determination. So what is with all the draconian threats and harassment to Jonathon and his family? Over one hundred calls to his home by NY law enforcement for starters and then they were talking a couple hundred thousand bail and then 50k bond as long as he complied and went up to Avon Ct? They jerked him around 10 times for a low level misdemeanor harassment charge which was determined that he shouldn't have had to begin with and then the bailiffs threw Wolf out of the courtroom what is wrong with this picture? Oh yes then he was ordered to not post anything on social media and to get further mental health counseling and lets not forget they told his family that he couldn't raise any money on line for his exorbitant legal fees. If I got anything wrong on this story somebody please let me know however I believe most if not all of what I just printed is the real story. Ct is not my state it is our state meaning "We The People" the Constitution State remember that one? Public officials work for us and must be held accountable for their actions. I am also still trying to figure out why DHS and Big Pharma are using Adam Lanza as the poster child for the new "bad guy" and how and why all alphabets are now rewriting the rules on Active Shooter and school safety? I am not sure if Adam Lanza even ever existed- I urge all Americans to help try to figure this one out together.