Thursday, October 17, 2024

Pfizer Papers

You are about to embark as a reader on a journey through an extraordinary story—one whose elements almost defy belief. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Rabies Miasm

My Newfoundland, who was 3 at the time, got attacked by a neighbor’s dog while on a walk. I reported the incident to animal control who then sent us a notice ordering us to give a rabies vax to our unvaccinated dog. I foolishly complied and he was like a different dog afterwards. He began lunging at other dogs and became aggressive to the point where he couldn’t be around anyone. He would also snap at people if they tried to pet him. He basically had to live out the rest of his life in isolation. Newfoundlands are not aggressive by nature, they’re big cuddly teddy bears. He lived to be 12, but had a very sad life. Ironically, my oldest son is severely autistic and regressed into autism following his one year “well baby” drs. visit. He lost all his language, began having seizures and developmentally remains at a level of a young child at age 32. I have to do almost everything for him such as hygiene, meals, etc. I wish that I knew then what I know now. We learned the hard way. No more shots ever, people or animals. (post from a contributor from Dark and Deadly rabies racket Peggy Hall The Healthy American)

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Hold Fast

 DJT gave the Macleod Hold Fast warrior fist when the deep state tried to take him out- It was divine intervention- I knew then that the swamp will be drained of all of the  parasites cheaters and frauds that are in our system- Macleods are Vikings- violence is in our nature- We don't look for trouble  but when it finds us there is war like none other- That's what warrior poets do- We fight for a higher purpose out of our deep love for people and to continually fight for our freedom 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Devil Bill

Dr. William Levingston was actually an itinerant salesman with a phony name who created a concoction of oil and laxative and branded it as a cure for cancer. Since cancer was a dreaded and usually fatal disease, people would buy and try literally anything for a cure.

He would explain that if his miracle cure was strong enough to beat cancer, then it would most certainly take care of a whole lot of other diseases as well! When William came to a new town, he would mesmerize and trick people into buying his “miracle cure.” As soon as anyone questioned the his phony operation, he would ride out much faster than he had originally arrived. William was indeed a fraud and a con artist, but he somehow always managed to escape arrest or lynching. He died in 1906 at the ripe old age of 95. Earlier in life, he reportedly bragged “I cheat my boys every chance I get. I want to make ‘em sharp.” 

However, Levingston’s name was indeed a fraud. His real name was William Avery Rockefeller, Sr. and one of those ‘sharp’ sons was John D. Rockefeller, who was soon to become the richest man in America and grandfather of David A. Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission in 1973-.( Dr Robert Yohos blog)

Monday, July 15, 2024

Entitled Politician

 Charles Burkett the Surfside Fla mayor is an entitled duesh who interfered in a traffic- citation in an attempt to get his two cents in- That's why we don't like politicians this guys ego is way out of bounds- First of all he should be applauding this cop for giving a ticket for tinted windows- He said that is what he was doing but the cop allegedly gave him a dirty look-

Is this clown so self important that he expects every cop to recognize him or actually know who he is- Mayors are not  special to say the least- Seriously this was a poor demonstration of leadership- Do you know who I am he said-

How do these dueshes end up as politicians- I don't feel like checking it out but it says he is an investor- Ya like getting grease money and favors- Tinted windows are shady you cant see the driver therefore hand signals are obfuscated so accidents are more likely-

More often then not tinted windows is sending a message like you are hiding something and  means that your  driving dirty- Its good that tickets are given out- All of these slimy politicians were going along w the COVID con and muzzles- Have everybody dress up and look like a criminal while suffocating themselves

Trust the science- I trust these people like our arch enemy pulling that scam off and actually getting away w it- Now they are trying to bring it back again- Tinted windows and muzzle your face ya our politicians are as shady as they come- The  mayors job is not as tough as cops so stay in your own lane and show some deference and respect to these men and women who actually have real courage- They face unexpected dangers and risk their lives every day something that clueless and entitled politicians no nothing about- They are too busy being sucked up to and having executive protection details

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

You Want Revolution

Pay them more don't make it sound like the system is fair- Managerial positions are still minimum wage in today's market where the greed is coming from up above- A matter of crime is making it sound like she got off light and that she shouldn't have received another job- What are you going to do stone her and starve her to death- Ya she betrayed the company but the companies have been betraying their workers for ages by not only paying them pennies on the dollar but also by working them like slaves- Why should the slaves be paid nothing while the far cat corportists who do little or nothing make millions and today even billions- The system has failed rents are too high and not commensurate w the wages these slaves make-Hyperinflation meanwhile food prices are still through the roof- You reap what you sew-The revolution should have happened by now-

So what do these fat cats do when they get caught red handed gaming the system w/ high risk derivatives- They get rewarded millions while a few small fries do the time- Donny boy Rumsfeld couldn't account for a few trillion right before 9-11 but then they lock up a working slave working at Target and claim that she got off too light-

The feds lie w/ the IRS and have their slimy politicians tell us why we are fighting the wars- Federal taxes they steal from the working slaves and put that right back into the robber barons pockets- They lose wars and our troops continuously get killed and then they cover up and lie about every major investigation-

Now everything is going to hell in a handbasket and is a total shutshow- An inept imposter who cant even speak running for Potus- The Marxists letting all hell break loose by letting the people on the street rob loot and pillage- Maybe they know the system is a sham so they are letting it get destroyed- If Frank Lucas was bringing in dope during the American Gangster days w/ NYPD on the take and then cia Air America- cocaine in the 70s 8os and 90s are we supposed to believe that they aint bringing in the poison shit now-

Its like they figured out how to kill people quicker by lacing everything w/ fentanyl- While the Sacklers of our world intentionally started the whole dam thing- Predictive programing- They know how to target the weak and vulnerable

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Obummer Highway

 Welcome to Obummer highway one of the most dangerous around- That would be the former Manchurian candidate who is now endorsing some imposer who is a co conspirator to stealing the 2020 election- This dementia ridden individual couldnt even put two sentences together during the first debate- And his ego is so big he puts himself before America- If you aren't up to the job then step down try to think about we the people instead if your own continuous self aggrandizement- 4 years one of the worst presidents now he cant even speak properly- Its time to hang up your spikes-

This is what America has come to Marxist Obummer w/ his false flag phony tears and the most violent highway around as far as shootings- It is a place that is so violent and dangerous no store wants to open up around that area its too much of a liability- Dominos drivers used to need a police escort now they fly at their own risk. One of them was ambushed and murdered recently not too far from Obummers highway-

So instead of trying to help the local community since he has name on it  by making the area safer so businesses can open up he terrorized America w/ a fake shooting and made believe that little children were murdered in New town 30 miles from where I used to live- Then he has his goombahs threaten arrest  sue and harass  a legitimate investigator somebody I consider to be my friend- He is also  a national school safety expert that was just trying to do his job-

Now he endorses some ineffective individual who hasn't been doing America any favors- Why is it that its nearly impossible to run a business in these hell hole cities anti capitalist let the migrants and hoodlums run around and cause severe havok- That's Obummers legacy fake tears and the most violent stretch of highway in Palm Beach County-

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Cop Killer

 These two brother thugs from Bristol CT where one of them ambushed the cops and murdered two of them was a brazen act of cowardice and callousness- Only a flat out psychopath would lure cops to his home and open fire w/ a weapon of war and  murder police officers that were just doing their job-

The only thing that was as disturbing to view was the ambush of Darian Jarrott in New Mexico- I dont want to get into mental states and all of that but those two brothers had the maturity level of less then 12 years old- Starting out by elbowing somebody in a bar their overall vernacular and then verbally abusing the cops when pulled over where the killer should have been arrested for the earlier incident-

My take is he knew one of the cops which led to the clowning around but that definitely wasn't proper command presence under the circumstances-

So they legitimately got a disturbing the peace citation which led up to the horrific event- This individual had serious mental problems which was clear as day and apparently was on the anti depressant alcohol drug cocktails during the preceding weeks and months- The cop who was shot in the leg pulled through w/ that amazing 78 foot shot in the dark to take that scumbag out and put an end to the killers reign of terror- I heard some diabolical noises coming from the killer as he unloaded multiples of more rounds while the cops were on the ground and more then likely already deceased-  His mother definitely wasn't proud of him she was horrified.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Crimes Galore

 It takes 5 years for clinical trials- Operation Warp Speed where they couldn't wait to roll out this jab-  No matter how many times I try to give these fraudsters the benefit of the doubt they always find a way to deceive lie and connive-

 We have been hit w/ a massive Mk Ultra bomb- That is major trauma- It started out years ago but recently it's been a huge pysop of epic proportions- That would be psychotropic warfare and medical chemo poison / pet mafia Lies- That our dogs need to get jabbed for rabies and others- These jabs cause side effects giving the dogs the very symptoms they are supposed to be protecting them from- Rabies- something that is non existent- Just more fear mongering in an attempt to gouge the owners make more money thus to  gain more control-

Did your dog get his shots brain wash- No and I didn't get the jab either- I am an anti masker and an anti vaxxer- I cant stand weasels in the media like jJim Cramer w/ his talk about various vaccines like these things are a gold mine-

Jason Hanson talks about his cia background and what it is supposed to represent-Protection defense and all of that good stuff- Honestly I cant listen to him anymore- Lets take a look at our cia- They assassinated JFK and lied about it w/ a bogus white wash that has lasted to this day- They gave us Operation Mockingbird in the media and Mk Ultra lying and weaseling every step of the way-

FBI and CIA were both involved in the false flag on 9-11 as well as the cover up and investigation- They are scum traitors of the highest order and corrupt to their very core- Now we have millions dead from wars they started as well as the drugs they not only brought in but also  have prescribed w/ impunity- Oxy Contion the list goes on- They couldn't fight 2 wars the right way totally inept- Incompetence- While our American soldiers and others continually got killed or gravely injured- We have child trafficking and pedophilia and many missing children-

Our judiciary is corrupt Manhattan DA was trying to make believe they were separate from the doj/ feds and strictly a state issue promising that  their would be no deep state shenanigans- Lies betrayal weasels- Let  the hood looms and migrants into our country and out onto the street and then  initiate bail reform at the same time as when  the scamdemic was deployed- Thus  causing major chaos and destabilization -And then try to gas light  everybody that everything is ok and that we are the ones w/ the problem-

If our judiciary is corrupt then its obvious that wall street and our financial sector is too- Mk Ultra esoteric garbage- Nobody can understand and relate to CNBC- And that was the number one thing I learned at fraud school- When things seem too complicated that is usually a red flag and in many cases is an indicator of fraud-  So my question to Jason Hanson is What does the CIA really do?

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


We dont want safe cocktails we want no cocktails- we dont need international crime syndicates trying to push us around- RFK is the only candidate saying anything while the other one was bragging about operation warp speed- it takes at least 5 years for clinical trials-

Judge Acting Like A Thug

Christina Peterson’s charges include simple battery against a police officer and felony willful obstruction of law enforcement by use of threats of violence. This is pretty bad- This is supposed to be a judge- I saw how she was acting like a straight out thug

This brings me to where it transpired- A place where Trump is facing Rico charges etc- I still cant believe Jenna Ellis and others had to go to Fulton county jail and plead guilty- That is what happens when they only allow their own evidence-

This judge was really bad news in Fulton county GA- Not a place I want to visit any time soon- Infact many parts in America are dilapidated wastelands- Thanks to all of these corrupt politicians

I saw this snippet in Portland Oregon where these individual who more then likely- wasn't a naturalized American citizen was video taping their police cruisers and trying to boss them around- This is a place that is already a wasteland due to drugs homelessness and stand downs on crime- Now they send out a hole reporters to try to humiliate cops who already cant do their job due to corrupt globalist policies-

We have a horrible drug crisis w natural born Americans living on the street but this imposer in chief has been letting in migrants in droves in an attempt to hurt our country even worse- Cant speak English living in the most expensive cities with crime that has already put countless big chain stones out of business-

The people who made certain laws like bail reform should be prosecuted because this has put many people directly in harm sway

Monday, June 24, 2024

The Shes Crowd

The Shes crowd only brought attention to themselves by suing Alex Jones for such an egregious sum- That was red flag 101- Why would the amount be so outlandish if he didn't do anything except exhibit his free speech-Whats even worse is a judge would go along w/ it- If that doesn't prove our kangaroo court judiciary nothing will- I am not a fan of the Guardian- I do however like some of their articles and have wrote based off of a few of them- They have put themselves in the Wikipedia and Legacy media category- They are always asking for donations too- Alex Jones is a good investigative reporter/ intel analyst and he tries to empower other alternative media outlets by having them on his show-

Its pretty obvious the real investigative reporters are not very solvent and struggle against hyperinflation while these legacy outlets are propped up by dirty big pharma money- These people are so dirty they scoff at a multi million dollar lawsuit that gets paid out when innocent people lost their life- Its just another day of doing business- Its a pittance for them- When this thing turns around and it will soon these sold out legacy media outlets w/ corrupted souls are infamously going to go down in the dustbins of history

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Pecker Gate Fraud

 We have a kangaroo court sham legal system that is unjust and corrupt- I wanted to give the lawfare individuals the benefit of the doubt because they came across as credible and legitimate-

They have proven themselves to be everything but that and represent everything that is wrong about the system itself- Trump not only brought up on charges that couldn't even be explained properly- Pecker Gate book keeping- Manhattan DA is corrupt there is a chance that that the jury may have even been rigged-

Pecker Gate bookkeeping- 34 felony counts and convicted on them all- Our kangaroo court is an embarrassment to America and needs to disappear back into the banana republic that it originated from- Liars Karen Friedman had me convinced this case was based on merit and was not politically motivated-or directed due to Animus toward the defendant-

I don't care if you hate Trump you still have to go by the book and don't do anything outlandish- That would be right before election season amp up the bogus charges and convictions- political theater- Biden is one of if not the worst presidents  that we have ever had

These corrupt individuals are brazen and callous- How can they say this isn't politically motivated- If the other side makes clear how they are Dems and love that clown who is posing as our commander in chief- Trump and many others are going to take the entire house of cards down 

Trailer Park

She has issues but the man should have backed off on saying hello to her anymore based on her reaction and he should also get a hearing aid so he stops yelling at people when he thinks he isnt because he is partially deaf- That is rude and can be considered obtrusive to the woman who made clear a long time ago she just wants to be left alone

This woman was arrested for felony battery of a person over 65 years old due to smearing dog poo on his face

Friday, June 21, 2024

Fraud Pfizer

Kansas AG sues Pfizer for misleading Kansans on COVID vaccine

Release Date: Jun 17, 2024
TOPEKA – (June 17, 2024) – Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach is suing Pfizer for misleading claims it made related to the COVID vaccine. Kobach and Deputy Attorney General Fran Oleen, Assistant Attorney General Kaley Schrader, and Assistant Attorney General Melanie Jack today announced the lawsuit at a press conference in Topeka.

“Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth,” Kobach said.

According to the complaint, filed today in Thomas County District Court, Pfizer misled Kansans about the vaccines’ risks, including to pregnant women and for myocarditis.  Additionally, Pfizer claimed its vaccine protected against COVID variants, despite data showing otherwise. The pharmaceutical giant also suggested its vaccine prevented COVID transmission, but later admitted it had never studied whether its vaccine stopped transmission.

The complaint also alleges that Pfizer coordinated with social media officials to censor speech critical of COVID-19 vaccines and declined to participate in the federal government’s vaccine development program, Operation Warp Speed, to avoid government oversight.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Recovering America

 Well done documentary RFK Jr going to San Fran and other places and finding out what America is suffering in our addiction plague- He is down to earth and humble doing his best to come up with real solutions for what seems to be insurmountable problems-

He personalizes it in an authentic manner- I knew that pet therapy was important after my 6 month stint at Boca house I had two beautiful pups- As I was walking by the IOPs  on the train tracks the clients were enamored after being institutionalized- They all gravitated to them because their soul was needing it

Being institutionalized is not  healthy and this is why RFK and others are bringing out the country farm rehabs- Horses working on the farm equine therapy so helpful- It will do amazing wonders for the recovery process-   

Trump personalizes it as well w/ his brother Fred but just say no went out of the window during the Ronny Reagan days- It was a failed slogan then and not realistic today- Well maybe for the next generation that may work  complete abstinence but for now America is still suffering and in the death spirals of active addiction

Tim Spooners Warriors Heart another amazing concept to heal veterans law enforcement as well as first res-ponders- Recovery is possible and not too far off the horizon

Army Guy Suicide By Cop

This vet had some obvious screws loose and an ego to boot- The reason I respect American law enforcement over many military guys is because they rarely talk like that- I did this and that 2 deployments overseas hit a paper target w iron sites from 300 yards- Cops are mostly cool and calm while this vet had a suicide mission- You rarely hear a cop talk about the shit hes done and seen and what a bad ass shooter he is bragging about how he could easily take them all out- Definitely not a prized package that was lost that day-

No courage either puts his hands on his girl admitted it they have a job to do which means your going downtown- If he complied and followed-through and maybe get some PTSD therapy charges would have been dropped more then likely- Trae Spurlack decided to take it to an entirely new level by talking tough and mentally unstable in front of three cops who were calm and doing their best to get this unstable vet away from his rifle-

I am not trying to dis honor this troubled young man who is now deceased but he knew rank as a former Army sergeant- Cops showed up and they have to do their job because their jobs are on the line- One would think somebody that went through Uncle Sam's process that they would show more deference and respect toward law enforcement- It seemed quite apparent to met that is why he had a motive of suicide by cop all along

Monday, June 17, 2024

Vaccine Hoars

Another sad case of a horrible ignorant and uneducated owner- The dog never got properly trained w exercise or the bare minimum for that matter she wanted cops to shoot her own dog how was she able to get it in the first place she should have been prevented- That same dog w a different owner would have been a completely different k-9

Rabies pet maphia con job in cahoots w the medical Rockefeller foundation - We have been brainwashed for years to give our dogs jabs that do more harm then good- A phantom bogey man that is extremely rare and has been for well over 100 years- Peggy Hall explains how similar this all is to the vaccine hoars who don't give a dam about us orr our pets

The Real Crime

 2005 synthetic corona virus was going to be a biological warfare enabling technology- Ralph Baric- Dr David Martin explains-

Sometimes I get off the earthly plane and delve into the matrix and into my long lost love Law and Order SVU- That means I am checking out in a hotel it doesn't mean movies just long tv commercials- While relishing in one of my favorite creators Dick Wolfs works of art it was hard for me not to really get into FBI and FBI International-

Great programs but I often ponder the in your face criminality of the international crime syndicate during these long commercials- I  rarely watch but when i do its tough to miss the big pharma campaign for every other drug under the sun- By now we are all used to it and plenty of us are completely sick of it- However ruthless criminals are brazen and will even  hijack the airwaves especially during a crime show- This is what I mean by in our face just like what Disney and plenty of ads do to promote pedophilia -

FBI international child trafficking I often question how deep big pharmas hooks go into those heinous crimes as well-

Sorry FBI nor cia doesn't have our trust Christopher Wray no thanks fbi/cia covered up both JFK and 9-11 the list goes on ad infinitum- Now trying to cover up massive vaccine death and injuries what could possibly be worse then that? They should have been preventing the entire charade from transpiring in the first place- The AG of Kansas is suing Pfizer for fraud- Pregnant women miscarriages horrible side effects the usual- Pfizer is way too in our face especially w/ Lady Gaga promoting a migraine drug that  even hijacked my morning meditation-

So i am going to delve into the Pfizer papers investigation team where they wanted us to wait 75 years to find out what was in their jab- Then when they finally released it by court order it was all mumbo jumbo esoteric garbage however real investigators were able to break it down - Not that I trust our governmental  agencies  in regard to oversight however  for Operation Warp speed Pfizer still didn't want any-

That is like saying we dont want the worst of the worst to monitor or check us out because we are doing something far worse then that and even more diabolical then what one could possibly imagine-

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Gun In Bar

If the caller didn't think he was a threat he wouldn't have called twice and what was he doing in a bar w a gun clearly visible and not only consuming alcohol but also acting erratic- Isn't carrying in a bar as a civilian illegal in GA- Especially one that is not concealed-The caller twice called and 26 minutes it took- Not the cops fault its the system - Clearly outstretched over worked and under appreciated- And think about it some people still want to defund the police- 26 min that would never fly in Fla

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Audit The Audit

Great analysis- The first indicator that the off duty officer more then likely pointed his weapon at an innocent bystander for no legitimate reason is due to the fact that he lied about having one- If he didn't commit the aggravated assault why would he lie about that as well as not being straight forward about being a cop - Also why would the victim report the incident but then not show up for court-

Then this off duty cop w/ multiple empty vodka bottles in his truck and smelling of alcohol had a shirt that said deny everything- That is telling Rt there- You cant be a cop but then act like a criminal its pretty simple- They used to say booze hounds drank vodka because it didn't smell apparently not it comes through the pores

Monday, June 3, 2024

Sham Trial

 Lets see  how else is it apparent that Trumps trial was a sham- How could he be guilty on all 34 counts which in essence they were saying it was a slam dunk- There should have only been one count if any at all How much more obvious can they make it- Its like they aren't trying to hide anything.

I used to respect outlets like the Medias Touch network but not so much anymore- There are too many reasons to list but it started for me by how Ben Meisalas and his pal Michael Popak along w/ Michael Cohen etc didn't acknowledge any election irregularities- infact they had me convinced that Trump legitimately lost in 2020

Their entire premise is based on trying to convince us that Trump and his supporters are rogue and are basically not in touch w/ reality by feeling and thinking that Biden is an illegitimate joke- Its all corrupt- GA There were witnesses to voter fraud but some how some way these people never get their say-

That is deep level corruption- Jan 6 riots there was a legitimate reason for it and public officials on the receiving end of it should be just as upset as the so called aggressors- Our entire system is in horrific shape-  I would feel creepy if I was a Medias Touch  because the only thing they do is spy on Trump totally obsessed that's weird and then they just try to dig up dirt- Cohen supposedly didn't do that well under cross examination- Cohen thinks Fauci is a good man and vaccines are good news what more needs to be said-

Sunday, June 2, 2024

License To Lie

 It appears that Trumps convictions may have been non legitimate- Withholding exculpatory evidence and gagging the client doesn't sound like the trial was conducted on the up and up- Withholding exculpatory evidence has been a constant theme for many swamp run cases-

If the jury is only presented  pre selected evidence while being excluded evidence that would exonerate that is highly corrupt- License to lie- It appears that our judiciary system is on a respirator and needs to be extirpated to the bottom of the swamp that it came from.

  Also there is a big difference between tax assessed value and actual market value- That would be like putting a low number on Micky Mantles actual glove-  So Robert Deniro goes on the microphone and says- how awful Trump is and that he is trying to destroy NYC as well as the country- This is the reason why many people don't like or respect actors-

Trump isn't a saint and never claimed to be however  he builds things and in many cases has made them much better-  The city is already destroyed and this has nothing to do w/ Trump- Its a cesspool of lawless garbage strewn streets third and fourth world conditions- crimes -migrants- ghost town- shut down stores and our legal and electorate system is in complete shambles-

Trump rebuilt the skyline in Manhattan enhanced market values and created a lot of jobs- Giuliani was a good mayor- under his watch the streets were clean and crime was down. The bureaucrats trying to destroy Trump never built anything nor employed a lot of people- I am sure that there are happy people that made money w/ him and felt a feeling of solid accomplishment along the way.

Actors like Robert  Deniro only play people they haven't been the real deal themselves- Trump is trying to do right for America by exposing the horrible corruption that they are putting him through and much more and he is honored to do it.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Trump Convicted

I think Trump has a solid chance to take down alot of corruption- I believe that many of the charges levied against him were legitimate but overblown and way too drawn out- It is too obvious w/ Alvin Bragg as the da- The same man who is standing down on crime and who has turned NYC into a dilapidated wasteland- Literally a disguising cesspool of garbage and these faux progressive bureaucrats of our destroyed cities should be indicted themselves- Trump is the legitimate Potus right now as we speak- The 2020 election was completely rigged/stolen- Our electorate and legal system is an embarrassment and needs to be dismantled completely- Fraud vitiates everything- They weren't allowed to have an independent auditor for the 2020 election results- Our system is highly corrupt and after the 24 election but hopefully way before it this will all will be exposed to the main stream media and they will be forced to cover it.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

College Isn't A Scam

 College isn't a scam they just need to find a way to make it more affordable- I don't want some twenty something kid being told college is a scam when it isnt- However the lending institutions are predatory and the tuition is way overboard especially for these prestigious schools-

But young adults should at least get their four year degree for starters because this proves that you have your head screwed on straight and that you don't have  ADHD- It also demonstrates a level of maturity because you need to show initiative combined w/self discipline without a structured environment  and the ability to be able to persevere under pressure- I don't admire people that only have AI knowledge where  Google does all of their thinking because they no longer have the ability to memorize and then regurgitate- Being able to do this demonstrates clarity of mind and the ability to absorb information and then remember by translating  what was read- When you have certain individuals like Charlie Kirk telling young adults that college is a scam when they are working their tail off doing their best this isn't a good sign- There is something way off w/ some of these fox newsians - I wouldn't have  been able to become a fraud analyst w/ a college degree because that is a pre requisite- In the real world people want to know that you can sit down and do the work not just talk a good game by reading a teleprompter-

College  doesn't guarantee success but it can give you a level of confidence that may enable you to get your foot in the door somewhere-

Judges should carry themselves with a certain level of decorum- I witnessed this judge on law and crime network supposedly local supreme court in upstate NY act like a  complete juvenile w/ arrested development-  Seriously while giving a statement freaking this freaking that less then high school mentality-

How did this man make it through law school pass the bar and then the bench because inquiring people want to know- His wife acted like a complete classless drunk and they were both on a power trip- The judge shoved  a cop that was just doing his job- 

When you've had a few your true  vernacular comes out and this didn't do him- any favors- He eventually got censured but seriously is this the best they can do as far as judges on the bench-

Then I witnessed some cop give a free pass to this stripper that seemed intoxicated- That isn't good because the only thing this cop is going to be known for is not doing his job by not being professional- DWI s are important because this can prevent major disasters  as well as  help the individual get into various programs that can eventually help them get clean and sober.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Faux Authority Sources

Dear Wikipedia- The reason i dont support you when you ask for donations all the time is because you try to gas light and use your position as an authority figure or given the final word- I am looking at Eric Dubays compilation 20 miles up and i dont see much of a curve.

Every conspiracy theory that Wikipedia tries to discredit I have discovered to be true- Maybe that is why people don't want to give them money- We want facts and will make determinations based on those facts- It doesn't matter if it hasn't been proven in the court of law yet.

Hyperinflation things are twice and three times more expensive why give money to people that aren't doing us justice- Investigative outlets and information sources have an obligation to tell the truth otherwise should be subject to dire legal and libelous consequences

Cal Flophouse

 A misconception is that people in authority know what they are doing- Nothing is further from the truth- The results are evident and obvious- In the real world when people screw up beyond repair they either get terminated immediately or their head goes on the chopping block-

Not in the faux dream world of politics- Infact you get promoted and in some cases get encouraged to become president- I take it personally that some grandiose politician would even consider destroying America like he did his own state- Its pretty simple you check to see if their house is clean- If they have disgusting crime ridden and dilapidated conditions you blame the higher up.

How is it that these people cant accept responsibility for their current plight- Cal- high crime and high taxes where they give 5 million a year to enable the drunks on the street with alcohol- Its all or nothing w/ sobriety you either want to live or die these people need an intervention- Cal flophouse- Harm reduction is a joke just like in Canada- Seattle- Portland- the list goes on.

It isn't working the politicians are inept- Sheriff Carmine- Lee county Fla is an example of somebody who does it right- He is honored to be in that position and knows w/ that comes a great deal of responsibility for the residents. 

Clean streets and a budget that leaves no stone un turned to keep it all together- Law and order because they actually arrest people for breaking the law in FLA- They don't let them loose back on to  the street to commit more crimes- 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

America the Once Beautiful

 Harm reduction does more harm then good- These people need to be removed from the street- Other countries have legalized drugs but initiated involuntary commitment which also needs to happen here- Its actually cruel and unusual punishment to leave addicts on the street rotting away w/ their flesh eating wounds-

Its cruel and callous to have these inhumane bureaucrats standing behind these policies- What have they done to the people living in these areas who cant enjoy the cities they once knew- Self absorbed where they don't seem to care how many businesses that went under as a result of this- Employees don't feel safe to go to work and the residents cant walk the streets anymore- Car break ins- violent crimes etc-

America has hit bottom- The death blow was when this kid was thrown out of Walgreens for trying to prevent a theft- He didn't work there he was just a fed up individual trying to right a wrong-

Its law lawlessness chaos and dis- order something that isn't going over to well here w/ all of us- Its anti American and pure chaos destroying our capitalist system because of these un ethical far left zealots who have harmed many thousands even millions of people- That would be these bail reform and letting people out of jail just to commit more crimes pathetic politicians hiding behind their non profit pals who are doing a lot  more harm then good-

We need prison reform not bail reform- Who came up w these asinine policies that has turned many places in America into a fourth world wasteland

Harm Reduction Is A Joke

 We should not only have real crime statistics but also have certain individuals investigated and ultimately charged w/ democide- That would be these big pharma criminals like Sackler etc who created this disaster w/ no apparent end game in sight-

I still cant wrap my head around the deceptive marketing involved w/ pain killers and what they did w/ cigarettes- These people are flat out sociopaths and the only place for people like that is not on this earth anymore-

So the watered down crime statistics where people are killing always something to do w/ drugs- But what about the homicide stats for all of the people od- ing- Criminal intent must be proven but what do you think- A mass death program that we have never seen before in America all related to opiates but who started it intentionally- They used the same effective marketing program that has led to more deaths per year then both of the wars of Vietnam and Korea combined.

Now lets take a look at how much mental illness was created by negligently prescribing psychotropics and benzos  (medicating normal) to people  that only had mild symptoms of real life events- Big pharma- CDC- and the APA etcc. are  all culpable in a mass death homelessness and mental illness epidemic.

Harm reduction is a joke because they are enabling- aiding and abetting in a criminal conspiracy that has already led to deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and countless lives that have been ruined.

Real Crime Cover Ups

Criminologists cite other discrepancies in the official measurements they use to assess the situation. While FBI stats show declines in violent categories, the Department of Justice’s survey reports more people saying they have been victims of such crimes. The Centers for Disease Control figures for homicides, which have long moved in the same direction as the FBI’s, started exceeding the FBI’s in 2020 and the gap has widened since then. (Real Clear Investigations)

Whats the corrupt CDC doing being involved in homicide statistics- These faux science agencies and everybody behind them leading to the current state of affairs all should be ashamed of their work- The WHO CDC the false positive pcr test w/ the only virus in the history of humanity where you have no symptoms but still have COVID- Asymptomatic- These alphabets make up intelligent sounding words to sound credible even though they have none-

Lets take a look at the international crime syndicate better known as big pharma- Going into the scamdemic they had a plethora of criminal allegations levied against them but somehow someway only ended up to civil cases and paying fines-

So the FBI is involved in reporting these watered down crime statistics- The FBI who I try to have respect for but they haven't really earned it- Lies- cover ups-Their only job is to work for we the people- Instead they have  sold out their soul years ago- I see this picture of an FBI agent the other day wearing a muzzle- I don't want our FBI wearing masks because it makes them look like criminals. Are they trying to tell us something- It is  all clear as day for us in plain sight.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Double Jeopardy

The attorney and legal commentator John Furlong believes the case is unprecedented. “I have practised criminal law for nearly 45 years, and I have never seen an outcome or circumstance quite like Amy Locane’s,” he says. “When I was a young lawyer, we punished the guilty. We did not torture them. Times have changed. Amy Locane’s resentencing undermines public confidence in our entire criminal justice system. Lawyers and citizens alike lose confidence in the finality of judgment.” Lawyers such as Furlong fear this case could set a precedent. The justice system is founded on the principle that people sent to jail serve their time and are then rehabilitated and free to rebuild their life. Furlong believes that when a sentence is extended willy-nilly, and after time has been served, the very concept of justice is undermined. “If courts can extend sentences after they have been served, our system will break down.”

Sunday, May 5, 2024

A- Train

 Noem is a disturbing individual devoid of any real human compassion-  She sealed her fate after making an inference that  Bidens K-9 s would be put down if she got to the oval office- You either have it or you don't and she missed the A- train in spades-

It might be a sign from the magas that this is what to expect- I am telling you Trump has deep problems of his own psychologically- We need somebody that not only knows what individuation means but has the emotional intelligence to be able to implement it toward others.

Foreshadowing- Trump never cried has an evident cruel streak and doesn't bond w/ dogs. Then he has Noem in contention for VP  at least for a minute- I don't want a president that we have to be desperate for as Germany was and this is how the fuhrer was able to do his thing

Hegelian dialectic what if the same diabolical forces letting our country go to hell in a hand basket are the ones who secretly know that people are going to be begging for Trump out of desperation and plotting his return- So w/ a nation on the ropes the Noems and mini Trumps of our world will go into action- Next stop Fema-

I am not a fan of Biden but his dogs didn't bite severely enough from what I gather to the secret service agents- This is where retraining comes into the picture something that Noem has no conception of- I was told she dropped out of college-  She has such a dis- connect from reality that she actually continues to defend the indefensible- This is very telling and the fact that she wouldn't know the majority of people would be deeply disturbed by her gravel pit story- This is America not Haiti or Jamaica obviously she isn't aware.

We are keenly aware that K-9 s operate on the upper dimensions and have minds and souls that are deeply bonded w/ us- When you live in some Maga dysfunctional  dystopia w/ rose colored glasses this is 3-d all the way- Survival of the fittest based that operates  on a much lower emotion intelligence and frequency range.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

American Wasteland

Who cares what this preacher says- Just the way he rants raves and raises his voice is a huge red flag- That is why what these faux bible thumpers say mean less then nothing- Joe and his wife should be talking about real issues like how far left not genuine progressive policies have destroyed our cities- Like what many responsible investigative journalists have been doing- Illegal migrants- gangs- theft non- prosecuted crimes- homeless- drugs- mental illness- skyrocketing rents and food prices-hyperinflation- We have never seen anything like this- Trump wants to deal w/ these issues head on- It starts by addressing them and stop living in denial- If our MSM outlets started doing this every day and if they put half as much effort into what really matters to Americans as they did touting up some fear mongering corona hoax and Trump bashing campaign then they would earn our respect.

Is it a coincidence that Brag the same man going after Trump has let out so many criminals over and over again- I would be livid if I resided in the city- Its fourth world over there all created by our pathetic politicians and horrific das- These thieves are stealing and looting stores under 1000 worth of merchandise and then setting up shop outside of the store reselling the stolen loot- This is what corrupt regimes do you know the ones we avoid like the plague unless its a tourist area because we fear for our safety-

This is what these pathetic horrible faux progressive policies and their corrupt das have created- Are we supposed to respect the rule of law and what they have been saying or doing to Trump if this is the mess they created for we the people-

Cop Bought drugs

Blowing the entire situation out of proportion- Nobody is perfect and pinning people to the ground for something that the cop thought was his own on the job private moment is going way over the top- What I mean is they should have had the resources and where with all to have handled this situation internally- Dept's should have addiction specialists and counseling in house and if they don't that is their incompetence- This cop could have been rehabbed in his own house before being pushed out by a bunch of politically correct bureaucrats- So is everybody going to be fired for being less then perfect and what they say can and will be used against them 24-7- Sounds a bit Orwellian to me- If they did their job to begin w/ the cop didn't necessarily have to go to another dept to take the same initial problem w/ him- It should have been addressed where he was already employed.

Whats the difference between a cop shop and a sober house- There is a huge difference between where you live and where you work- Depts have the resources sober houses usually dont- If somebody comes into a sober living residence and disrupts the equilibrium of the people already living there they have to go- That doesn't mean you permanently throw somebody out the first time they use drugs or act out- its a case by case basis- There is no cookie cutter solution when dealing w/ addiction and many times ending up on the street does more harm then good- The number one issue w/ why many of these places are drug dens is due to lack of resources and the ability to supervise..

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

De-criminalizing Real Crime

 The fringe Maga low life threatening to kill and rape the pod casters wife- Perfect example of how Trump brings out the worst in people- He wasn't that good of an executive either because he had huge turnover w/ in the administration- Stability was not his forte therefore why should he be considered some kind of save America for 24- Governmental positions known for stability somehow someway Trump found a way to turn these positions into into the bastion of instability- Its more like you have to agree w/ the dictator or else curtains- 

 In executive protection as well as any decent business plan you need advance work and this is where you seek advice from the experts- Its kind of like we don't go into Iraq conventionally and undermanned because of the guaranteed quagmire that it would create- Who listened not the higher ups that is why there were massive resignations from the people that knew better, many were Vietnam vets.

Massive resignations sounds like the Trump regime- Anyway did anybody ask somebody what would happen if you de criminalized petty theft under 1000 w/ in the major sanctuary cities. This has created so many problems that are too numerous to list right now-  

Putting mom and pops under so much pressure and guaranteeing their demise- Was this the globalist intent to begin with? Thefts- violent crime the list goes on- Apparently the left is unwilling to admit these problems which is a guaranteed sure sign of a sick society-

Living in denial- I  am a real progressive which means positive change for everybody involved. The big issue is that we shouldn't have to rely on some superficial savior to take America back because our laws were already on the books. It never should have been allowed to get this bad to begin with. This is another sign that doesn't quite pass the smell test. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Magas Are Bad News

 I finally have my reason to get off the Trump train-  It didn't take much but last week when I had to endure Trumps annoying voice (To all of you Maga republicans we love you) I knew then that the end was getting near- Not genuine- Trump doesn't bond w/ dogs or apparently other animals (never owned pets) as well. And now he has a potential vp who shot one her own-

There is something cruel about some of the Magas bordering on the sociopath spectrum- Noem just placed herself in this category and pretty much just committed political suicide- I don't like many of the Magas they are misanthropes and wouldn't have a problem pulling the trigger on innocents-

What is Trump going to say about this brazen act of callousness- Making tough decisions there are no kill shelters and plenty of them. Maybe not back in the day on the farm but there were still other options. Like taking the responsibility and the time to train what she claimed to be an untrainable dog- What a cop out- No its more like the ignorant owner- There are countless so called untrainable dogs that are brought back from death row. The dogs behavior is a direct reflection of the owner-Then she killed a goat for reasons that don't pass the smell test. But then to write about it as if this is something to be proud of that is what I find to be quite disturbing.

The Magas have outed themselves in spades w/ this Noem spectacle- Dogs have deep and beautiful souls and don't wish to be shot for doing nothing wrong except what excitable puppies do/. This  is where real training needs to comes into play- My grandparents and ancestors all had a tough up bringing growing up and living on the farm and they would never do something like that- 

DAs Are Ruining America

 The DA from upstate NY thought she was all that and then some by trying to pull rank on the cop who stopped her for speeding- 20 mph over the speed limit is dangerous because others have to change lanes to eventually get to the other side.

I saw a woman doing just that the other day and I called her selfish to myself- The DA  had a bad day this happens she had to deal w/ murder cases etc- Lets be clear about who is destroying America at the current moment- Entitled DAs  and prosecutors standing down on crime turning our once beautiful country into  dilapidated wastelands-

Upstate NY probably not a sanctuary city but the sentiment is still the same- Who really has the bad days not the paper pushing political DAs better known as the folks in the rear w/ the gear- Its the cops who show up to the gruesome accident scenes as well as the murders on a regular basis- What do the DAs  get pictures well after the fact- She said she didn't intend to pull rank but that is exactly what she did-

Things better turn around because our cities are disgusting hell holes- Who's bright idea was it to have bail reform and let not only migrants but also the get out of jail free career criminals and allow them to commit crime after crime w/ out being deported or having any meaningful consequences. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Globalist Country

Seattle stand down on crime the das and prosecutors dont do a dam thing but sit behind their desks while the cops risk their lives and get injured while this punk gets released over and over again after nearly running over and killing a family- Welcome to globalist country where they charge you 4g for a 1 bedroom and what do they offer you for that kind of money-

Lets see a higher crime rate as well as taxes a police force that is demoralized because they cant to THIER job therefore they are quitting in droves- Illegal aliens run amok who cant speak English so how are they supposed to get a job even if they could because all of the stores are shut down and out of business.

That makes Alot of sense create a plethora of more problems even before the first ones haven't been addressed. A homeless populace who can speak English but how are they supposed to get a job if all the stores are shut down-

So for 4k a month just for housing you still have to worry about getting stabbed or shot on the subway- If you are putting down that kind of money just to put a roof over your head most people wouldn't be able to spare an an Uber or a lyft- Welcome to globalist country where minimum wage still means maximum effort because you will be replaced not only are you expendable now there's a long line waiting behind you.

Even in fla people thought they had a viable business until the landlord jacked THIER rent essentially putting them out of business- Greedy vcs that charge you 560 bux just to prescribe pain meds for your dog and that still didn't include x rays-The shills are a joke you know the ones who talk up all of these great borrowing plans offered by these vc corporations

You should take advantage of the no interest borrowing plan offered once in a blue moon- That makes Alot of sense if my dog gets hit by a truck what are the chances they will have that plan at that exact time- These greed mongers need to cover THEIR tracks so they have THEIR paid off little shills on social media talking them up

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

America First-

 For the life of me I am still trying to figure out how standing down on crime and bail reduction is supposed to help to result in restorative justice- As an advocate for prison and criminal justice reform I have to ask who thought of this migrant and bail reduction scheme- Bail reduction where you receive a get out of jail free card and allowed to commit more crimes- We now have a third and fourth world country in many of our cities- Imagine calling 911 and having to wait for a considerable amount of time that's if  the cops even show up at all because many crimes are no longer considered as such. 

We have homeless people MANY are  drug addicted and a /mental health crisis  many folks are on the street because they can't afford the globalist rents and they are naturalized American citizens-  Not to mention many vets wouldn't it make sense to try and help our people first- Acts of blatant negligence initiated by these globalist puppets need to be considered as crimes in themselves-

Thousands of illegal alien migrants who cant speak a lick of English thrown into the worst conditions imaginable set up for failure many times over- How do I know this because these grants dont do a dam thing except enrich the already rich while creating hell on earth for not only the migrants but also for the people who live in our once beautiful cities-

This blatant chaos and destabilization plan created by the higher ups that I am sure nobody can name because its all plausible denial- I would hate to live in NYC I never even liked it even during the best of times which was still few and far between- I don't like hustle and bustle- I am a country boy and didn't even like the city to go in for Broadway plays-

A total shitshow that was initiated and created by globalist criminals- Cities that were already going down the tubes have now been pretty much just guaranteed a death sentence. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Migrant Scam

 How can this migrant scam not be set up by design by organized criminals at the top of the food chain in a direct attempt to guarantee more crimes after these migrants get kicked out of shelters w/ Np money and a language barrier and no legal documents to even be allowed to work here.

They get recruited by smaller level organized crime networks out of sheer survival- So let me get this straight these people were allowed to come to the most expensive cities in the world w/ out a real chance to succeed and some people really thought that it was the right thing to do- Many of these people were not career criminals in their home country but actually groomed to become exactly that in the city that never sleeps-

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Globalist Crimes

 Who's bright idea was it to open up our borders and now we have have huge migrant camps that don't seem to be accomplishing a dam thing- We have enough problems w/ our indigenous populace that haven't been addressed yet so the answer to that is to create more problems on top of those.

We have some big questions and people need to be held into account- The mayor of NYC Eric Adams a former cop knows that their are big problems that have transpired by bureaucrats either above or below him- I just want an intelligent answer that is all why are there huge migrant camps when it its tough enough for the people that were born here to land a good job-  And homeless vets as well as many other patriots that don't commit crimes like these illegal migrants and Venezuelan gangs-

Welcome to America land of opportunity and leader of the complete shit show created by our globalist criminals-  Enough astute people have already concluded that this is being done on purpose and not for the betterment of society and I am not racist nor xenophobic.

Illegal Patent

 According to Dr David Martin a patent on corona virus is illegal whether manufactured or by nature- So lets look at these fraudsters planning THIER skit rt before the world wide shut down- Then in 2020 not only was it legal to look like a criminal that is when bail reform came into the picture-

Does bail reform make any sense we will let you out after committing a crime free to commit more crimes over and over again- The same small percentage of people have been committing multiple of crimes since the bail reform scam- Why am I calling it a scam- Because they need prison reform and mandatory treatment programs after committing crimes not let loose and allowed to continually endanger the public- 

They had everybody dress up and look like a criminal forced to wear a muzzle- Which has proven to do more harm then good- Mask mouth hypoxia the list goes on- They pulled it off though a full fledge globalist corporate take over and now private equity is running everything-

Sole proprietors have been forced out of business because now private equity along w/ the tech giants are running the show- I used to be number one in Google for private investigation/private security w/ out cpcs now forget it only the companies w/ f u money can get up there-

This doesn't include every other mom and pop that had their own thing- Taken over with  a major heist by a select bunch of globalist criminals- Now everybody is just trying to survive totally stressed out by rent and food prices- Nobody has ever been held accountable for anything I wonder why.

Murder At Oxford House

 The Oxford group set the foundation for AA and pretty much everybody knows that an Oxford sober living residence  is going to be well run- About a year ago I read there was a murder close by but didn't delve into the details except for where it happened and that the victim knew the shooter- I drove by trying to figure things out but then let it slip my memory.

Recently I discovered that was Oxford House the shooter was allegedly upset because he was called out by his roommate for acting erratic- Oxford has a history of having a peer run house as opposed to one manager and gm running the show-

I have some reservations about that system either way this man came back to murder his roommate- That is messed up but how could anybody really prevent something like that- This is a pretty nice neighborhood that was and is quite unexpected-

I don't know what else to say because sober living is not a locked down institution w/ personal and property checks all the time for the most part- Its freedom w/ responsibility and from what I was told that was a surprise to everybody however  I only got the surface details  

Monday, April 1, 2024

Get In The Game

 My hs football coach used to say not everybody can play football but many wish they could - Kind of like at Ithaca College one young man wore the Bombers jacket but never even tried out and if he did wouldn't make the cut

I was talking to a retired  UC  a career Leo who checked out my site- He said fraud examiner huh are you certified or just a wanna be sitting on the sidelines- He was right being an associate member was not playing in the game-

He also told me to watch out because bad guys may be targeting Domino's drivers- Since then one of our drivers was murdered and that was only a few months ago in broad daylight- I knew I had to step up and get in the game by cramming for the exam and that is exactly what I did- Going to NYC to take the class to get you ready for the test had a Donny Brosco feel to it- The woman helping out could have passed for FBI- There were some real smart people in the class many were already working for companies doing real world investigations - bi and tri lingual merging markets etc

I was too tired to really excel but I think I would have done better w/ out the class because by the end of the class we had to take each section of the exam and by then my mind was fried- I was cranking out 85s in the practice tests and maybe would have passed w/ out going through the wringer but I still loved every minute of it- Alot of encouragement combined w/  positive support  as well as top notch instructors

I got an 83 on the law section which had me wanting to go to law school- Lets put it this way lawyers and forensic CPAs make up the ACFE so the test is definitely not a joke. That section of law is prob like the bar- I did ok in investigations and the two sections of fraud for the practice tests  but not so great in the real test- but still passed . The moral of the story is get in the game because sitting on the sidelines  is  a total waste of time

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Karma Is Real

 In Wisconsin a man who claimed to be homeless and wasn't going back to jail pulled a suicide by cop- Jail ain't so bad you get three hots and a cot other then that you just have to watch your six and be wary of the friendly extortion.

This fits the gamut all three there is a mental health and homeless crisis combined w/ a drug scourge that has hardly ever been seen before- I often think about the cops that are still alive to remember and have actually worked through the worst of the worst- Like the American Gangster days leading up to Blow crack and everything else in between.

Drug wars addiction and a lot of wasted lives- It doesn't make sense to open the border to migrants to commit crimes here illegally when there is a homeless drug problem that should be dealt w/ first- Stand down on crime cities have failed extensively-  The politicians have failed the people miserably and should be ashamed of themselves-

Fla is the best state in the country- I was also thinking I wonder if the globalists would ever let Greenwich get turned into a shit hole like San Fran and NYC- Imagine that I don't think they care- They are so far removed from reality.

Then I was thinking about how some of these rich entitled a holes act because I was told by a high level ep trainer- He said the principal was arrogant giving orders to his ep detail guys treating them like garbage- Are you kidding me this due-sh expects his guys to take a bullet for him and he is still treating him like that- The dis connect of some people is astonishing- I would stand down and let the prick get hurt- Whats the worst that can happen I get fired- Karma is very real

Prison Reform

"Cowards. Thugs. Punks," Lopez said to describe the suspects. "They don't know how to fight fair." Sheriff Lopez- Violent thugs are cowards  especially the ones in prison where Hanson trains people how to deal w/ that kind of violence- If they are still acting like that in prison they should never get out.

A NYC cop was shot and killed- Anna from the YT hit it rt on the money something I rarely hear coming from various news outlets- The mayor is disturbed by this it is coming from the DAS and prosecutors they are making the world- unsafe for others-

If somebody has a long history of mental problems and is a continuous threat to themselves or others they need to be involuntarily committed long term. Prison reform is a must start trying to rehabilitate people instead of punish and that is when recidivism will start go down- Letting them back on the street will not rehabilitate them. 

And the thug who killed the cop should have never been on the street based on his recent violent criminal history. 

Home Invasion

This guy is now in my house," Joe recalled.

As Joe moved through the house he came face to face with the 6'4" intruder.

That’s when Joe fired three shots at the man.

"I had no choice given the circumstances," he said.

"There was no knocking, there was no announcement, there was no nothing," Joe said. (Jason Hansons blog-)

Why would you shoot somebody just because he is in your house- He may not have evil intentions- I was trained to draw your weapon and then take it from there- Home invasions happen but they are rare- If the guy is trying to rob your house but not hurt you do you still want to kill him.