Monday, April 29, 2024

DAs Are Ruining America

 The DA from upstate NY thought she was all that and then some by trying to pull rank on the cop who stopped her for speeding- 20 mph over the speed limit is dangerous because others have to change lanes to eventually get to the other side.

I saw a woman doing just that the other day and I called her selfish to myself- The DA  had a bad day this happens she had to deal w/ murder cases etc- Lets be clear about who is destroying America at the current moment- Entitled DAs  and prosecutors standing down on crime turning our once beautiful country into  dilapidated wastelands-

Upstate NY probably not a sanctuary city but the sentiment is still the same- Who really has the bad days not the paper pushing political DAs better known as the folks in the rear w/ the gear- Its the cops who show up to the gruesome accident scenes as well as the murders on a regular basis- What do the DAs  get pictures well after the fact- She said she didn't intend to pull rank but that is exactly what she did-

Things better turn around because our cities are disgusting hell holes- Who's bright idea was it to have bail reform and let not only migrants but also the get out of jail free career criminals and allow them to commit crime after crime w/ out being deported or having any meaningful consequences. 

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