Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Illegal Patent

 According to Dr David Martin a patent on corona virus is illegal whether manufactured or by nature- So lets look at these fraudsters planning THIER skit rt before the world wide shut down- Then in 2020 not only was it legal to look like a criminal that is when bail reform came into the picture-

Does bail reform make any sense we will let you out after committing a crime free to commit more crimes over and over again- The same small percentage of people have been committing multiple of crimes since the bail reform scam- Why am I calling it a scam- Because they need prison reform and mandatory treatment programs after committing crimes not let loose and allowed to continually endanger the public- 

They had everybody dress up and look like a criminal forced to wear a muzzle- Which has proven to do more harm then good- Mask mouth hypoxia the list goes on- They pulled it off though a full fledge globalist corporate take over and now private equity is running everything-

Sole proprietors have been forced out of business because now private equity along w/ the tech giants are running the show- I used to be number one in Google for private investigation/private security w/ out cpcs now forget it only the companies w/ f u money can get up there-

This doesn't include every other mom and pop that had their own thing- Taken over with  a major heist by a select bunch of globalist criminals- Now everybody is just trying to survive totally stressed out by rent and food prices- Nobody has ever been held accountable for anything I wonder why.

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