Tuesday, April 9, 2024

America First-

 For the life of me I am still trying to figure out how standing down on crime and bail reduction is supposed to help to result in restorative justice- As an advocate for prison and criminal justice reform I have to ask who thought of this migrant and bail reduction scheme- Bail reduction where you receive a get out of jail free card and allowed to commit more crimes- We now have a third and fourth world country in many of our cities- Imagine calling 911 and having to wait for a considerable amount of time that's if  the cops even show up at all because many crimes are no longer considered as such. 

We have homeless people MANY are  drug addicted and a /mental health crisis  many folks are on the street because they can't afford the globalist rents and they are naturalized American citizens-  Not to mention many vets wouldn't it make sense to try and help our people first- Acts of blatant negligence initiated by these globalist puppets need to be considered as crimes in themselves-

Thousands of illegal alien migrants who cant speak a lick of English thrown into the worst conditions imaginable set up for failure many times over- How do I know this because these grants dont do a dam thing except enrich the already rich while creating hell on earth for not only the migrants but also for the people who live in our once beautiful cities-

This blatant chaos and destabilization plan created by the higher ups that I am sure nobody can name because its all plausible denial- I would hate to live in NYC I never even liked it even during the best of times which was still few and far between- I don't like hustle and bustle- I am a country boy and didn't even like the city to go in for Broadway plays-

A total shitshow that was initiated and created by globalist criminals- Cities that were already going down the tubes have now been pretty much just guaranteed a death sentence. 

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