Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Globalist Crimes

 Who's bright idea was it to open up our borders and now we have have huge migrant camps that don't seem to be accomplishing a dam thing- We have enough problems w/ our indigenous populace that haven't been addressed yet so the answer to that is to create more problems on top of those.

We have some big questions and people need to be held into account- The mayor of NYC Eric Adams a former cop knows that their are big problems that have transpired by bureaucrats either above or below him- I just want an intelligent answer that is all why are there huge migrant camps when it its tough enough for the people that were born here to land a good job-  And homeless vets as well as many other patriots that don't commit crimes like these illegal migrants and Venezuelan gangs-

Welcome to America land of opportunity and leader of the complete shit show created by our globalist criminals-  Enough astute people have already concluded that this is being done on purpose and not for the betterment of society and I am not racist nor xenophobic.

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