Saturday, May 25, 2024

College Isn't A Scam

 College isn't a scam they just need to find a way to make it more affordable- I don't want some twenty something kid being told college is a scam when it isnt- However the lending institutions are predatory and the tuition is way overboard especially for these prestigious schools-

But young adults should at least get their four year degree for starters because this proves that you have your head screwed on straight and that you don't have  ADHD- It also demonstrates a level of maturity because you need to show initiative combined w/self discipline without a structured environment  and the ability to be able to persevere under pressure- I don't admire people that only have AI knowledge where  Google does all of their thinking because they no longer have the ability to memorize and then regurgitate- Being able to do this demonstrates clarity of mind and the ability to absorb information and then remember by translating  what was read- When you have certain individuals like Charlie Kirk telling young adults that college is a scam when they are working their tail off doing their best this isn't a good sign- There is something way off w/ some of these fox newsians - I wouldn't have  been able to become a fraud analyst w/ a college degree because that is a pre requisite- In the real world people want to know that you can sit down and do the work not just talk a good game by reading a teleprompter-

College  doesn't guarantee success but it can give you a level of confidence that may enable you to get your foot in the door somewhere-

Judges should carry themselves with a certain level of decorum- I witnessed this judge on law and crime network supposedly local supreme court in upstate NY act like a  complete juvenile w/ arrested development-  Seriously while giving a statement freaking this freaking that less then high school mentality-

How did this man make it through law school pass the bar and then the bench because inquiring people want to know- His wife acted like a complete classless drunk and they were both on a power trip- The judge shoved  a cop that was just doing his job- 

When you've had a few your true  vernacular comes out and this didn't do him- any favors- He eventually got censured but seriously is this the best they can do as far as judges on the bench-

Then I witnessed some cop give a free pass to this stripper that seemed intoxicated- That isn't good because the only thing this cop is going to be known for is not doing his job by not being professional- DWI s are important because this can prevent major disasters  as well as  help the individual get into various programs that can eventually help them get clean and sober.

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