Wednesday, May 1, 2024

American Wasteland

Who cares what this preacher says- Just the way he rants raves and raises his voice is a huge red flag- That is why what these faux bible thumpers say mean less then nothing- Joe and his wife should be talking about real issues like how far left not genuine progressive policies have destroyed our cities- Like what many responsible investigative journalists have been doing- Illegal migrants- gangs- theft non- prosecuted crimes- homeless- drugs- mental illness- skyrocketing rents and food prices-hyperinflation- We have never seen anything like this- Trump wants to deal w/ these issues head on- It starts by addressing them and stop living in denial- If our MSM outlets started doing this every day and if they put half as much effort into what really matters to Americans as they did touting up some fear mongering corona hoax and Trump bashing campaign then they would earn our respect.

Is it a coincidence that Brag the same man going after Trump has let out so many criminals over and over again- I would be livid if I resided in the city- Its fourth world over there all created by our pathetic politicians and horrific das- These thieves are stealing and looting stores under 1000 worth of merchandise and then setting up shop outside of the store reselling the stolen loot- This is what corrupt regimes do you know the ones we avoid like the plague unless its a tourist area because we fear for our safety-

This is what these pathetic horrible faux progressive policies and their corrupt das have created- Are we supposed to respect the rule of law and what they have been saying or doing to Trump if this is the mess they created for we the people-

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