Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Harm Reduction Is A Joke

 We should not only have real crime statistics but also have certain individuals investigated and ultimately charged w/ democide- That would be these big pharma criminals like Sackler etc who created this disaster w/ no apparent end game in sight-

I still cant wrap my head around the deceptive marketing involved w/ pain killers and what they did w/ cigarettes- These people are flat out sociopaths and the only place for people like that is not on this earth anymore-

So the watered down crime statistics where people are killing always something to do w/ drugs- But what about the homicide stats for all of the people od- ing- Criminal intent must be proven but what do you think- A mass death program that we have never seen before in America all related to opiates but who started it intentionally- They used the same effective marketing program that has led to more deaths per year then both of the wars of Vietnam and Korea combined.

Now lets take a look at how much mental illness was created by negligently prescribing psychotropics and benzos  (medicating normal) to people  that only had mild symptoms of real life events- Big pharma- CDC- and the APA etcc. are  all culpable in a mass death homelessness and mental illness epidemic.

Harm reduction is a joke because they are enabling- aiding and abetting in a criminal conspiracy that has already led to deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and countless lives that have been ruined.

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