Tuesday, May 14, 2024

America the Once Beautiful

 Harm reduction does more harm then good- These people need to be removed from the street- Other countries have legalized drugs but initiated involuntary commitment which also needs to happen here- Its actually cruel and unusual punishment to leave addicts on the street rotting away w/ their flesh eating wounds-

Its cruel and callous to have these inhumane bureaucrats standing behind these policies- What have they done to the people living in these areas who cant enjoy the cities they once knew- Self absorbed where they don't seem to care how many businesses that went under as a result of this- Employees don't feel safe to go to work and the residents cant walk the streets anymore- Car break ins- violent crimes etc-

America has hit bottom- The death blow was when this kid was thrown out of Walgreens for trying to prevent a theft- He didn't work there he was just a fed up individual trying to right a wrong-

Its law lawlessness chaos and dis- order something that isn't going over to well here w/ all of us- Its anti American and pure chaos destroying our capitalist system because of these un ethical far left zealots who have harmed many thousands even millions of people- That would be these bail reform and letting people out of jail just to commit more crimes pathetic politicians hiding behind their non profit pals who are doing a lot  more harm then good-

We need prison reform not bail reform- Who came up w these asinine policies that has turned many places in America into a fourth world wasteland

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