Sunday, June 2, 2024

License To Lie

 It appears that Trumps convictions may have been non legitimate- Withholding exculpatory evidence and gagging the client doesn't sound like the trial was conducted on the up and up- Withholding exculpatory evidence has been a constant theme for many swamp run cases-

If the jury is only presented  pre selected evidence while being excluded evidence that would exonerate that is highly corrupt- License to lie- It appears that our judiciary system is on a respirator and needs to be extirpated to the bottom of the swamp that it came from.

  Also there is a big difference between tax assessed value and actual market value- That would be like putting a low number on Micky Mantles actual glove-  So Robert Deniro goes on the microphone and says- how awful Trump is and that he is trying to destroy NYC as well as the country- This is the reason why many people don't like or respect actors-

Trump isn't a saint and never claimed to be however  he builds things and in many cases has made them much better-  The city is already destroyed and this has nothing to do w/ Trump- Its a cesspool of lawless garbage strewn streets third and fourth world conditions- crimes -migrants- ghost town- shut down stores and our legal and electorate system is in complete shambles-

Trump rebuilt the skyline in Manhattan enhanced market values and created a lot of jobs- Giuliani was a good mayor- under his watch the streets were clean and crime was down. The bureaucrats trying to destroy Trump never built anything nor employed a lot of people- I am sure that there are happy people that made money w/ him and felt a feeling of solid accomplishment along the way.

Actors like Robert  Deniro only play people they haven't been the real deal themselves- Trump is trying to do right for America by exposing the horrible corruption that they are putting him through and much more and he is honored to do it.

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