Monday, June 3, 2024

Sham Trial

 Lets see  how else is it apparent that Trumps trial was a sham- How could he be guilty on all 34 counts which in essence they were saying it was a slam dunk- There should have only been one count if any at all How much more obvious can they make it- Its like they aren't trying to hide anything.

I used to respect outlets like the Medias Touch network but not so much anymore- There are too many reasons to list but it started for me by how Ben Meisalas and his pal Michael Popak along w/ Michael Cohen etc didn't acknowledge any election irregularities- infact they had me convinced that Trump legitimately lost in 2020

Their entire premise is based on trying to convince us that Trump and his supporters are rogue and are basically not in touch w/ reality by feeling and thinking that Biden is an illegitimate joke- Its all corrupt- GA There were witnesses to voter fraud but some how some way these people never get their say-

That is deep level corruption- Jan 6 riots there was a legitimate reason for it and public officials on the receiving end of it should be just as upset as the so called aggressors- Our entire system is in horrific shape-  I would feel creepy if I was a Medias Touch  because the only thing they do is spy on Trump totally obsessed that's weird and then they just try to dig up dirt- Cohen supposedly didn't do that well under cross examination- Cohen thinks Fauci is a good man and vaccines are good news what more needs to be said-

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