Thursday, June 27, 2024

Crimes Galore

 It takes 5 years for clinical trials- Operation Warp Speed where they couldn't wait to roll out this jab-  No matter how many times I try to give these fraudsters the benefit of the doubt they always find a way to deceive lie and connive-

 We have been hit w/ a massive Mk Ultra bomb- That is major trauma- It started out years ago but recently it's been a huge pysop of epic proportions- That would be psychotropic warfare and medical chemo poison / pet mafia Lies- That our dogs need to get jabbed for rabies and others- These jabs cause side effects giving the dogs the very symptoms they are supposed to be protecting them from- Rabies- something that is non existent- Just more fear mongering in an attempt to gouge the owners make more money thus to  gain more control-

Did your dog get his shots brain wash- No and I didn't get the jab either- I am an anti masker and an anti vaxxer- I cant stand weasels in the media like jJim Cramer w/ his talk about various vaccines like these things are a gold mine-

Jason Hanson talks about his cia background and what it is supposed to represent-Protection defense and all of that good stuff- Honestly I cant listen to him anymore- Lets take a look at our cia- They assassinated JFK and lied about it w/ a bogus white wash that has lasted to this day- They gave us Operation Mockingbird in the media and Mk Ultra lying and weaseling every step of the way-

FBI and CIA were both involved in the false flag on 9-11 as well as the cover up and investigation- They are scum traitors of the highest order and corrupt to their very core- Now we have millions dead from wars they started as well as the drugs they not only brought in but also  have prescribed w/ impunity- Oxy Contion the list goes on- They couldn't fight 2 wars the right way totally inept- Incompetence- While our American soldiers and others continually got killed or gravely injured- We have child trafficking and pedophilia and many missing children-

Our judiciary is corrupt Manhattan DA was trying to make believe they were separate from the doj/ feds and strictly a state issue promising that  their would be no deep state shenanigans- Lies betrayal weasels- Let  the hood looms and migrants into our country and out onto the street and then  initiate bail reform at the same time as when  the scamdemic was deployed- Thus  causing major chaos and destabilization -And then try to gas light  everybody that everything is ok and that we are the ones w/ the problem-

If our judiciary is corrupt then its obvious that wall street and our financial sector is too- Mk Ultra esoteric garbage- Nobody can understand and relate to CNBC- And that was the number one thing I learned at fraud school- When things seem too complicated that is usually a red flag and in many cases is an indicator of fraud-  So my question to Jason Hanson is What does the CIA really do?

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